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Posts posted by The_Bartender

  1. So I do not normally share what I make because it is very personal to me, but my friends gave me the courage to post this. So have this and leave some feedback so I can improve. All assets used in the piece are used under the use of educational intention.


  2. 6 minutes ago, ShadowFox14 said:

    Too much time between updates. That happened.

    I mean it is not the first time, this has happened so I do not really understand all the anger. It almost seems to me that people are getting mad just to be heard which is not what a forum like this is for. We should be really hoping that they take their time so nothing game crashing happens.

  3. I can see what you mean, but whether it's one step, or perhaps 3, it's still something that registers against the AFK punishment system, and keeps it from triggering.

    It might be tedious, and perhaps minute, but effective in keeping RNG from saying "No prize for you". :P

    I just think it needs a little more controllable like adding a vote off system in the afk system after one person gets marked.


    Something as long as it is not the system now and I will agree that the system is effective it just might be too effective.

  4. While I can slightly agree that it needs to be more time x damage based, a lot of moves like the puddle allow for players to move inside of it. Maybe not much, but just enough for the AFK punisher to not trigger on them.

    You can only move three steps and then you are forced out. I honestly don't like having people lose rewards in games because of 2 mins of standing still. Also consider being labeled Afk at the exit...

  5. Move then. Standing in one place pressing 4 is not playing the game. It is your own fault if you did not move and were considered afk.

    No it isn't the person's fault because what if that power deals little damage like hydroid's puddle and if you leave it everyone on your team dies. Then say you get marked afk because you are saving your team would you save them or let the misssion fail. I would leave the mission personally because F**k it I am not getting anything. I honestly think the AFK system should be more based on the time and damage you do not just time and then a vote on if you want to kick the guy that is AFK

  6. First off you have a full dorm of guys here fanboying over this. Second what if instead of energy you would use his armor as energy and have it so you would have to use his ablities to get more energy/Armor. I think that would be something original and awesome. It was just a thought. As think I can safely say EVERYONE WANTS THIS WARFRAME!!!!!

  7. This I just to put it out there I personally wanted to transfer my PC account to the PS4 but I was too late because of my work schedule and now I am stuck on only PC. Not like that isn't a bad thing but I would like to know if their would be a way to have another migration for those who missed it. Please Respond.

  8. Hello I would like to join your clan. I tend to play everyday or at least log on because of college classes. I want to join because this looks like an awesome clan and I do like anime and mangas. I also have lately started reading Highschool DxD.


    Favorite Animes:

    -A Certain Magical Index

    -Sword Art Online

    -Akame ga Kill!


    Favorite Mangas:

    -Fairy Tail

    -Breaker (original and New Waves)



    How long I have been playing is 1 year and 7 months (was a closed beta man.... but sadly sold the special gun.....-_-)

    Finally I am 20.

    Ign: GlaciesSanguineis

    Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (US)

  9. I am just going to say that I play as an Ash and I am RANK 28 and have 240 shields and 860 health with 100 armor. So you guys can quit wining on how his armor is low and he seems feeble. I play many missions and only go down when I don't do anything to fight and even then it takes a while. So what I am getting at is that he is fast and deadly if you know what your doing.

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