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Posts posted by ThunderingBear

  1. So yea, In the infested Corpus ship. I just got caugt in a CONTINUOUS loop of dropping and being teleported back in an attempt to put me on "stable ground" but it doesnt work. it just keeps putting me back on the EDGE of the stair case hence I keep dropping and falling. It will eventually put you on a ledge near the stair case (you know with one. The one where you go right, then up, then into that SUPER CRAMPED room which looks like a flight room of some sort. Its REALLY tight and a good place to hole up in) and if you dont air dash out of it, or get knocked back? ur boned. 

  2. I've got an Archwing Problem.

    I can't fly in a general direction while also changing altitude (downwards mainly, up works), so I will boost/sprint in a direction while at the same time pressing "go up" button (for me is X/A, but WAS switched to O/B, and the triggers/bumpers - im on a PS3 controller but its config as a X360) and it works, but I cant do that with "down". I have to do it in a specific order.


    Directional Movement*(For the sake of it its forward) + Boost + Go up = Boosting forward and upwards
    Directional Movement + Boost + Go Down = halt / weird strafting


    so i have to 


    Go down + Boost + Directional Movement = Boosting forward and downward


    The problem is I CANT STOP AND REDO MY WHOLE INPUT PATTERN/ORDER EVERYTIME I WANNA BOOST N FLY DOWN (w/o changing camera of course). This messes with my aerial maneuVORs (hehe).

    Also, why cant I look str8 down. Sorta stupid that in a game with 3 planes of movement, my camera cant look directly down... but it can look directly up =_=.

  3. Everytime I login to Warframe, the game never saves my preset controls. It always resets.


    After a certain Hotfix, it more or less saves MOST of them, except I have to change what my "Use current power" button and the "set marker" button. Its gotten me killed atleast twice haha.


    Any incite from people would help ^_^.

  4. Control/key mapping reset bug. Every time I log in, my controls (both on keyboard and on controller) are reset to default (and yes I click confirm, EVERYTIME).

    Also controller Sensitivity horizontally is 2.5 times faster than vertical movement on a controller (2.5:1 - horizontal:vertical). This MAY or may not be new, but its a PROBLEM.


    Other than that, its looking good! Keep up the good works. 

  5. I know someone's probably have created a similar thread, but this needs more of a push.

    Yes I understand that I am in the gross minority of players that use a Controller to play Warframe, however there is a persistant problem of the insanely unproportionate sensitivity on the controllers. Its around 2.5:1 speed of horizontal to vertical movement.

    The horizontal movement (even on the LOWEST setting) just FLIES around in circles, where as the vertical movement is more normal compared to other games. Is this something I have to change in the game files? or is it just a general problem?

    The problem is, (ofcourse) it messes with my aim, and there is no work around. The sensitivity bar only increases the ratio equally. Please fix this, I'm sure you wouldn't take someone at DE but 5-10 minutes, and at most an hour or 2 to fix it.

    If anyone has any means to fix this, I'd love to get a response.

    P.S. NO I cant fix it in my controller set up, as that does not help at all. And I dont even have that option in my controller set up  =T. 

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