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Posts posted by Hashul

  1. How does this work with Endless Defense? You have to claim and exit to keep those rewards.


    It's a good thing I haven't bought my Master pack (and I would say 'yet', but that's now forty dollars towards a new dragon dildo, an investment I'd value at ten times this game). I've never seen a company with more disrespect for its players than this; we've got patch updates with notes intentionally removed because you think we care so much about your big plans we'd rather be kept in the dark about them to the absolutely outrageous cash shop prices to the open acknowledgement that farming will be the endgame for the forseeable future and a thousand other kicks to the bollocks in between.


    If you don't want us to farm effectively and you want to turn the game into even more of a gambling timesink than it was before, I'd expect at the very least some shift in the paradigm oriented towards something other than the very thing you're trying to curtail. There is not a single indication that you're attempting in the slightest to turn this into anything more than a blatantly predatory 'I've spent fifty hours on getting Saryn's blueprint to drop might as well just buy it for twenty dollars' cash machine.



    Correct, this mission type is about risk/reward tradeoffs. There was no risk before. We also feel this will help with the situation that certain players are *only* playing this gametype since there was no risk and it was the easist way to farm.


    And when you mention 'risk', do you include in the process your absolute failure to make a game that doesn't crash every few minutes, apparently programmed by a person who can't spell 'easiest'? When you mention 'risk', do you include the risk that some people may have real lives to get to?


    It looks like a great deal of other people are a bunch of masochists; I hope those people continue to pay into this game long enough to keep it afloat, because I'm much more of an anal masochist than a neural one.

  2. >get on top of a crate

    >jump and melee

    >whatever clownish solution people are dreaming up these days


    nerf rollers




    nerf them


    that is all and thank you for listening

  3. Hashul, if you are having a problem with our interactions with our players please let me know.

    We discovered the DarkSword Blueprint Alert was bugged on Monday morning,  and fixed it shortly afterwards.

    We are hoping to make up for the bugged blueprint alert as fairly as possible.


    I'm glad to know that something's being done; I personally had to resort to hitchiking off a guy who idled in the evacuation zone for six hours when the middle-of-the-night alert was going on. I just assumed at the time that the Twitter bug was an intentional joke (by Steve, I guess, who I've heard has a record of blaming patch errors on his mother's supposed alcoholism). From what I've heard since then it was a bug, so it's not like I've got any real reason to be mad. I apologise if I came off as especially bitter.


    (By the way, the mod rarity fix was great.)

  4. trolling aside  will the alert happen or   did the update  give the dark sword for those who did the alert last nite?


    Do you really expect DE to treat their customers even halfway well?


    Of course not. They released another alert some time in the middle of the night and didn't say anything about it on Twitter, so nobody actually got it.

  5. If a player just quits the mission, he should not get any loot or experience.

    Only if the mission is successfull or a complete fail (everyones dead and no revive possible), you should get the loot but no experience and no credits.


    That might stop this stupid leaving after the boss is dead....



  6. Why are you hiding behind walls? Ninjas dont shoot while hiding behind walls.

    You only use walls to reload if anything.


    Nobody cares about your horrible, horrible roleplaying. Go learn Japanese or something and let people who are actually trying to play the game play it well.

  7. Exactly! In the ind, one can get used to it, but it's still an unnecessary annoyance :/

    I think we can agree here, that not only dynamic, but overall better a bit customizable crosshair is indeed needed. The white color blends with the surrounding all the times.


    Perhaps we should be able to upload our own .png and .tga files for crosshairs?

  8. Grow up you, can't have everything in life and you especially can't rely on the RNG to love you enough to give you that mod.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC03hmS1Brk&t=2m33s'>I sure feel grown up buying a Founder's Pack with the tax deductions I get off dinners in a business-friendly South-East Asian country of which I have citizenship, but gloating aside the RNG should be reasonable: the way everyone's 'RNG' theories are going seem to be based on the assumption that every single item has equal drop weight, which is a farcical premise even on its most superficial level.


    The RNG needs to be weighed or rarities have to be abolished. There's no reason I should have to farm for decades to get a single mod.


    You want to leave a mission after a boss, fine, just go solo it then. So sickening when you kill a boss and don't have time to loot it because the host did and left already.



    Ahaha. I only abort after I've made sure everyone's got their own loot, so that puts paid to that little theory. They're stopping abortions entirely, from what I gather, which really is just awful for anyone who's trying to farm blueprints.




    If you complain about not finding this, I wonder what you would say about trying to find Flow.


    Found it already. 12G0p.png

  9. At this point, I think the diagnosis is clear - bad luck.  


    The diagnosis is bad programming. Were weighted drops too difficult or did it just never occur to people who are apparently old enough to have seen the Antikythera mechanism in the workshop that they would be a solution? Hours of farming don't hold up to the 'bad luck' explanation, because being that unlucky would realistically render me the luckiest person on Earth.


    But yes, I'll just wait for the next update. Hopefully I won't have to kidnap the pink underwear man's family to effect substantiative change.

  10. The next update is supposed to hit today, so that may very well change several things.


    In the meantime, if you're playing in Solo mode, try setting the game status to Private instead while running alone.  Or, run with a few friends if you can; it will at least increase the chances of drops in general.


    Everything else aside, it quite honestly seems like you've just been having some bad luck with drops for a while.  Try farming some bosses for variety as well - I've gotten more than a few good mods over the past few days doing that while working on getting the schematics and materials for the Ash frame.


    I've been playing entirely public matches, often full-house; I've farmed the Volt, Ash, Rhino and Trinity warframes along with the Boltor, Fragor and Akbolto in the last four days (the last two warframes today) and I still haven't gotten any drops worth noting that aren't common or uncommon. The majority are just warframe powers I'll never use.


    In any case, I'll wait for the update and see what's up after.

  11. 80 hours since april 4th means you've been playing a S#&$ ton more than I have since the new system went up.  In fact, about twice as much.


    Huh. It looks like I've misjudged my own playtime and included the AFK time measured by Steam: http://i.imgur.com/z5RH1MY.png


    So you're saying if I play twice as much as I am currently, I too can get this plethora of drops you appear to have been getting in the forty hours you've spent? You mentioned earlier that you get a handful of rares per run - how long is a run? Five hours or six?


    Teach me.

  12. And, in the trifecta of deliberately missing the point, you're still posting about how terribly upset you are instead of running a certain defense mission on Pluto.  Perhaps you should fix that.


    Is it really difficult for you to understand the fact that that's exactly what I've been doing or are you going to go on and brag more about how you got two rare mods after clearing an entire system?

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