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Posts posted by srlhama

  1. On 2019-01-21 at 2:05 PM, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

    I get where you're coming from. I really do. You say nobody plays conclave but I have over eighty thousand conclave kills. Your premise is incorrect.

    From reading your post, you seem to want to make it so PvP standing can come from PvE content. Is my interpretation correct?

    Maybe conclave is more active on consoles???

    I think I never got a full match and some times a dragged 2 or 3 friends...

    Maybe even game play is less chaotic than PC. On pc there is usually the try hard guy that actuality  never dies...

  2. When I am not running Chroma  I usually go Oberon and I focus on healing team, Vazarin player, and keeping enemies occupied with me giving the design enough room to breath.


    Maybe they didn't  saw you doing your job, sometimes the spawn area make the fight really chaotic, and decided to blame you for their lack of communication/awareness.

    But is actually oddly enough to see ppl using Zephyr, much more on higher levels... I got used to run Zephyr on raids to speed up slow guys but we used a closed team and nothing is fast than a Zephyr to travel the map to hack panels.

    It happens, I  remember ppl getting mad at me for using Octavia  instead  of Chroma  on Eidolon fights, but I just need 1 extra bullet to break the big guys...

    Inot the end it is just misinformation or lack on information.

    • Like 1
  3. Surprised people still defend the conclave "experience". But maybe just selling it on the market will make some players offended but on the other hand is platinum for DE.

    I would rather rework the whole thing and give some real game play tool something like Vitus essence from Arbitration to be traded for some goods, even ship decorations.


    But I can't  just agree to leave all that amazing skins and conclave only stances locked there. It is to much good work and time investment that a lot of people never saw in game...

    • Like 1
  4. On 2019-01-12 at 6:08 AM, (PS4)STR8L8CED said:

    Since when did the air burst become self damaging? Ack!!! 

    I discovered  it when I bought  a riven with -flight speed.

    Shot + slide forward =death

    Shot + bullet  jump = death 

    • Like 1
  5. People don't get that he don't want to know the favorite Warframes from others, but the best in general. Without preferences:

    Frost: same goold old chilly boi;

    Nezha: new tank and can really help team with orbs and increase on damage CC;

    Nidus: best kit on the game right now, really strong Warframe either dealing damage or taken damage;

    Mag: yep, Mag is fantastic now, good sinergy betwen skills and good augments;

    Rhino: same as frost, there is no mission Rhino can't do (ps I personaly don't like him, but he yes so straight forward)


    Honorable mentions: Harrow(crit senpai), Octavia ( eidolon killer, afk warframe), Banshee ( when you want someone to die really hard), Mesa (easy mode) Oberon (to avoid your bad clanmates dying all the time)


  6. Dojos are begging for some love for quite some time, op put everything on a single solid topic, some time ago when I was post on an active Discord with around 30 ppl every day, we all agreed that dojos are kinda useless, they are just trade spots with some weapons you can get only there, there isn't any feeling of a guild/community on dojos. 


    Another idea would be music on rooms, let's say I put my trading on a Leto Garden, now I can get immersive with the surround with a nice calm music or some heavy metal on the parkour room, I am not talking about actual musics, but some kind of ambient music...

    We need a docking area, the best example I can think is the one on the Citadel on Mass Effect 3 on the mission where you re-take it from Cerberus, it is not too big and an Landing craft is a bit bigger than a shuttle.


    Just imagine you get on the dojo, dock your ship and are greeted from a cephalon or NPC using your clan sigil, you walk to a panoramic elevator where you can see the whole dock area with ships coming and going, after that the elevator stop on a big operations room where you can see in real time the actual invasions, alerts and the future clan missions, next to it there is the Virtual Training room, where you can simulate small tileset rooms (only available once the clan get said tileset researched) with special conditions (like sorties) for training and then you can export it to your mates to try best your score. Some halways with glass (Space magic) where you can see the space and the rest of the station...

    Edited to fix my terrible phone "autoincorrect"

  7. On 24/08/2016 at 0:01 PM, -WBA-Glebson said:

    Perfeito em!!!

    muito top e bem explicado.

    Uma dica: para controlar o mapa e nao deixar que os inimigos andem o Rhino Stomp é mais eficiente que o Vauban :)

    Não exatamente, porque vauban consegue colocar Bastille em qualquer ponto do mapa com um pouco de pratica, enquanto Rhino precisa estar se locomovendo para afetar todo o spawn inimigo.

  8. From time to time I play with my Hydro, usually farming resources for new players of the clan and the more I play with him more I see he could be a much better warframe with just a couple of tweaks instead of a full rework, things like the one OP suggested and stuff like reduced cast time on 4, a decent aim on the tentacles or even an horizontal range on their attacks, an increase on his armor since he looks heavy and isn't fast for sure. 


    The more interesting part is the instantaneous interest on him every single person have when they saw captain Hydroid for the first time, some Warframes have this "thing", others no. I will stay here patiently waiting for some changes on him.

  9. I am a Banshee player and wherever I saw a post about her I upv...(get triggered because is people bashing non sense about her).


    I play with her dozens of missions every day, no clue about OP, but I feel I got trolled...

  10. É facil entender porque Blessing foi nerfado até o chão, virou uma cura instantanea, mas também é muito facil entender porque precisamos do Blessing antigo, vc vai de full life a insta kil em um instante e até QT te atrapalha com aquela animação horrivel.


    Trinity Bless era um das minhas builds favoritas de jogar.

    Mas não vou negar que o range infinito era OP;

    Os 99% de cura por 25+ segundos era OP;

    DE deveria aproveitar isso para remover Well of Life que é uma habilidade totalmente inutil e transformar ela em uma de redução de dano em area ou regeneração.


    Ps: Nerevar seu lindo, sds do seus bans na ally.

  11. I like this bad boy, but being Sybaris my most used weapon and 5 formas on it I know it is stronger than Grinlok, but because Sybaris is vetter it don't make Grinlok a bad choice.


    I think the only thing Grinlok needs is a 8 magazine and 1.8 reload time to be perfect.


    The boost on crit chance by the Deadly Sequence mod is cool, but if the weapon had a base damage boost around 30% (just an ideia off number) and the syndicatemod that gives the changes I said above, Grinlok would turn in a solid weapon off choice for high level content.


    I am used to bring Grinlok + Ressonance Banshee to missions, so I don't feel the lack of damage off course( made a sortie without Serration with it).


    But I am gonna test both (Grin and Syba)  with the new Argon Scope and Bladed Rounds mods and post the results here ASAP.

    Maybe put Snipetron and Tiberon too on the tests.

  12. I hate the way DE made this weapon, and even more it be MASTERY FIVE, while Penta is 6...

    It is so overpower, everyone knows it but they inssisti (?) against facts and numbers...

    This weapon make me play solo much more than before it...

  13. On Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 3:40 PM, IceColdHawk said:

    Why not? Considering it's low dmg of 25 and the decent crit damage mod of 90%, it's quite unique and balanced.

    I would say 2.5X Crit Multi

    And some kind of attack speed combo mult, the higher the combo faster it attacks.

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