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Posts posted by allegrafade

  1. Option 2, but 25k is excessive.


    I'd first off recommend removing interception keys from New Loka and replacing them with sabotage ones. Intercecption keys could drop from interception missions instead.


    Steel Meridian gets defense keys

    Arbiters of Hexis gets survival keys

    and so on - up to New Loka now with sabotage keys


    From there,

    You can buy 3 tier one keys (available at rank 2 of the corresponding syndicate) for 5k. 3 tier two keys (at rank 3) for 10k, 3 tier three keys (at rank 4) for 15k, and finally 3 tier four keys (at rank 5) for 20k.


    In addition, a random key pack could be available for 10k standing. This is syndicate specific (say for Steel Meridian, you can only get defense keys, and so on), which costs 15k and gives you a selection of any three keys from tiers 1-4 and available when you reach rank 2 in the syndicate.


    Prices can vary, its the general idea.

  2. The auto-extraction is still far too unpredictable. I've literally just completed an exterminate, only to get whisked away whilst flying over to complete the mission - all mods, xp and progress lost. And technically I *had* completed it, and was just going where the indecater said to go. I've been extracted whilst killing enemies, it's silly. Isn't being able to put up invisible walls like in the corpus Archwing missions enough?


    I'd rather just get lost to be honest, and that's saying a lot as my sense of direction sucks.

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