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Posts posted by lolpro.com


    You actually can't hit that webpage?


    Here are the problems they describe, and I'm not sure where you get 1% from, they are very tight-lipped about NAT ratios.



    Common Problems that can be resolved by port forwarding:
    • Inability to connect due to firewall errors.
    • Disconnections after the Victory/Defeat screens.
    • Difficulty joining chat.
    • Difficulty joining custom matches. 
    • Problems with a never-ending Matchmaking Queue or issues when trying to enter Champion Selection.
    • [RARE] Difficulty patching. 




    Yea pretty sure 1% is wrong ^_^ I just wanted to say that u can´t compare league to warframe when its about nat issues and contactlist stuff, that´s just a excuse nothing more.

    In the last livestream i heard about "contact the support, they will really try to help u they are nice guys etc." and all we got ( me and my friends) are the same S#&$y responses that we get from riot when its about accounttransfer etc. and the funny fact is, your supportside looks almost the same as the league once LOL.

    I did all the routersettingsstuff that i found on the steamgroup/webside/supportticket response, STILL doesn´t work.


    Don´t understand me wrong english is not my nativ language, That´s no offence at all, i´m just saying that we are getting sick of these "we are working on it" posts.

    And i´m sorry if i´m a bit angry to you right now, but you are the first one that really gave me a response about this problem beside of these standart support tickets stuff that we got


    I Love this Game, and i´m really thankfull for all the work that u guys put in it.. but first of all you should focus on the basics ( connecting friends together in an co-op/multiplayer game ) 

  2. Hey guys, I can assure this is still on our radar and we're frustrated by it like you are. We've invested heavily in fixing this and are still having people unable to play.


    The truth is, we don't have a publisher, so we have p2p as the only financially feasible way for us to launch this game and launch it globally. So far our stats say its ~7% on strict NAT and I agree with those posting here... that number is too damn high!


    I am not making excuses, but certainly we are not alone in having complexity to resolve these issues: https://support.leagueoflegends.com/entries/20133372-Port-Forwarding


    Some of the posts in this thread seem very angry, which I understand, but right now the same network engineers (and myself) have had to fight server fires so that *anyone* can play and that has consumed our lives for the past week.


    When the server upgrades are done, I will get the guys together and see what options we haven't explored yet.

    The league link doesn´t work, and League is another thing. They have over 70 million registered accounts and the problem with nat only effects <1% and it´s only because of updating league/getting the latest patches and not playing/connecting/chatting with friends and stuff.

    In 3 Years League of legends i NEVER had any issues about my router/netsettings on 4 Accounts. And i NEVER met anyone who had any issues about nat or routersettings in league. In warframe my contactlist and all that stuff doesn´t work. i guess ggwp ff20...

  3. Yes it is.. but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few 70,000 people over 930,000 hopefully this gets fixed soon though I want to play with my friends so badly already :(

    A Co-op/multiplayer game where u can´t connect/chat with your friends, that´s just game over..

  4. How u can program a co-op/multiplayer game when X% of the community needs to change settings in their routers/networks.

    I can do EVERYTHING around the www without changing anything, and now u guys come here and tell us to change stuff in our router settings.


    What about programming this game in the right way so we dont need to do this stuff?

    Not everyone has the knowledge about this and your support doesnt help me at all..

    ( and i´m pretty good in IT stuff, ports are open/forwarded etc blabla still doesnt work)


    This is juts crap and im really really angry about this hole situation with this friendlist and port staff. 


    This game is sooo awesome but i don´t understand why there is no fix from the dev´s for this problem serversided.

    The Community is growing extremly fast and u can´t expect that X% that wants to play this game with friends is able to change stuff in their router for 1 single game when the rest of the internet is working 100% fine.


    I bet not even half of them know about that portforwarding and stuff, even if there is a info at the start of the game, they just klick ok and wonder why their friendlist doesnt work. And u cant expect that everyone is searching for a solution to fix this problem. Just check the global chat for like 10 minutes, and i bet 100 bucks there are minimum 5 guys asking why the friendlist isn´t working or why they can´t connect to their friends. thats just sad!


    Sorry for my bad english i´m from germany, but i hope u guys understand what i wanted to say.


    If League of Legends had this Problem at the beginning, there would not be 70million players now.. think about it..

  5. How u can program a co-op/multiplayer game when 60% of the community needs to change settings in their routers/networks.

    I can do EVERYTHING around the www without changing anything, and now u guys come here and tell us to change stuff in our router settings.


    What about programming this game in the right way so we dont need to do this stuff?

    Not everyone has the knowledge about this and your support doesnt help me at all..

    ( and i´m pretty good in IT stuff, ports are open/forwarded etc blabla still doesnt work)


    This is juts crap and im really really angry about this hole situation with this friendlist and port staff. 


    This game is sooo awesome but i don´t understand why there is no fix from the dev´s for this problem serversided.

    The Community is growing extremly fast and u can´t expect that 60% that wants to play this game with friends is able to change stuff in their router for 1 single game when the rest of the internet is working 100% fine.


    I bet not even half of them know about that portforwarding and stuff, even if there is a info at the start of the game, they just klick ok and wonder why their friendlist doesnt work. And u cant expect that everyone is searching for a solution to fix this problem. Just check the global chat for like 10 minutes, and i bet 100 bucks there are minimum 5 guys asking why the friendlist isn´t working or why they can´t connect to their friends. thats just sad!


    Sorry for my bad english i´m from germany, but i hope u guys understand what i wanted to say.


    If League of Legends had this Problem at the beginning, there would not be 70million players now.. think about it..

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