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Everything posted by Eliasdrid

  1. Need some help on completing the list? Mostly because I didn't find the idle quotes on the wiki and maybe is useful for someone but me! LOGGIN IN: "Welcome, Operator!" "Welcome back, Operator!" "Thank you for returning to me, Operator." "Ordis is pleased to see you." "Ordis has been ea- getting tired of waiting -waiting patiently for your return, Operator!" INBOX MESSAGES: "Inbox messages await the Operator. I wonder what they say...?" "Ordis has received messages for the Operator. ...No, I have not read them." "The inbox has messages for the Operator. Anything about Ordis in there...?" "Check your inbox Operator. Maybe Ordis will get a message some day..." IDLE: "Operator, I've been thinking... I thought you'd want to know" "Operator, I've been thinking... my misplaced memories and damaged communication systems ...what if Ordis did those things?" "Operator? Ordis wonders... what are you thinking about?" "Operator, are you enjoying the view?' "Ordis is hap-anGRY. Hmm, it seems I may require maintenance after all." "Operator, the system needs you, when will you begin another mission?" "Ordis has been counting stars, operator. All accounted for." "You are Tenno. You are the Operator. Ordis is the Cephalon. Ordis is the ship." "Operator, were you visualizing a bloody battle? Me too." "Do not lift the veil. Do not show the door, Do not split the dream." "I've run diagnostic regressions, no need to thank me" "Operator, I will never betray you. I will keep the Orbiter hidden in the void. You can count on me!" "Why did Operator abandon me?" "Operator, I hope you're comfortable... no we do not seem to have any seats" "Maintain the habitat. Maintain the Operator. Mobilize the Tenno" "Strange, Ordis did not see the value of those photonic wavelenghts until now" "Everything in... Ordis, Operator? ...is that a PUN?! I will try to bypass this fault." "Stand by while I analyze the intelligence profile of the Grineer. Error, not a number! Did the Operator enjoy this witticism?" "Ordis has been thinking about the Old War Operator. I remember there were lies, but I'm not sure what." "Operator did you hear that? *static* Cosmic background radiation is a riot!" FOUNDRY: "Operator, you have foundry items ready- claim them now! -at your earliest convenience." "Operator, my foundry has completed a new item! Does this please the Operator?" "Foundry items ready to claim, Operator." "Gun-gun-gun-- Hmmm... foundry has items for you, Operator..." ARSENAL: "Operator, your choice of Warframe suits you...ha-ha" "Ordis did not think the Operator could be more attractive. Wrong again, Ordis!" "Excellent armament, Operator! Now go out there, and CUT DOWN THE- and make the Lotus proud." "A fiersome appearance Operator! You will strike fear in your enemies!" "A curious color combination Operator. My sensors are BLEEDI- pleased." "Operator you have remembered well how the Tenno arm themselves." "Excellent armaments Operator! Please return coVERED IN BLOOD- safe and sound." ARCHWING: "Operator, you are leaving the battle. If you continue any further, I will be forced to extract you and this mission will be a failure!" "Very well. Initiating emergency extraction." MODS: "Did you fuse your mods, Operator? Did they anger you in some way?" /need revision/ "I understand if you have to sell mods, maybe Ordis will meet a similar fate someday..." "Your collection of mods is impressive, Operator... but I wonder if there are more to be had" QUESTS: These quotes are in the wiki and I'm not putting them here because it could spoil people, and would occupy a lot of space! If you have specific quotes from quests and alike, please leave them under spoiler. I will try to update this weekly and add all of the quotes I find and you give me. Also, feel free to correct the quotes I've left and in the future, the ones I add.
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