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Posts posted by Erukyo

  1. Today while doing some void speedruns I had Dread and Sancti Castana equipped, and noticed something out when I seemed to run out of ammo really quickly for my bow, and when I switched to Castana, it would have no spare ammo.


    Then I realized going into the next mission that my starting ammo for the dread was 30 and I couldn't pick up more than 30 bow ammo at a time. I also found out that any time I fired an arrow, if I switched to Castana I would have one less ammo in my spare ammo capacity and vice versa.


    Basically, since explosive secondary weapons use sniper ammo (which apparently also counts as Bow ammo?) If you have a sniper or bow equipped with a Castana or Angstrum your max ammo will be capped at whatever weapon has the lowest spare ammo pool, and both your primary and secondary weapon will draw from the same ammo pool.


    Dunno if this is the same if you have an explosive primary and secondary equipped, but I imagine so...



    So come on DE, can we get some fixes for these? Bad enough you tinkered with all the explosive weapons and made them really hard to scavenge ammo for, but they also mess with primaries that use bow/sniper ammo? That's just low.

  2. Congratulations on your win, Erukyo. Really impressive entries from the other honorable mentions too.

    This next one is going to be difficult to do. Looking forward to see what you all come up with.


    Thanks ^.^ I had actually expected yours to win that round.


    Can't wait to see how this week turns out, though I imagine there will be fewer entries than last week

  3. All that is pretty much fancy cover up for saying "Selling 4.3k plat for 80 US dollars"


    Which it is against the rules to sell plat to other people for actual money, so saying that sort of thing will get you banned from chats, if not the game.


    You can try to appeal to mods saying you didn't know what you were copy-pasting, but.... *shrugs* who knows

  4. Who says we should only be using this beautiful Corpus tech to kill? I say, it's time to party.








    Submission 1:






    Submission 2:






    Sorry if it's hard to see, but yes, those are Corpus corpses littering the stairs and hall.

    I guess they just couldn't take any more and dropped dead on the dance floor.

  5. I own a store, i have employees, i can take breaks whenever i want to do the event, there you have it, a full time job and can still play : D


    It might be nice to be able to take breaks whenever you want in order to play. Now if only that were the same for everyone, then there wouldn't be any issues with trying to do time-sensitive missions.


    Also, the Den of the Kubrow Tact Alert is only from the 14 - 18, not two weeks, so that's about 4 days to get it done (not that it will take all that long to do).

  6. you can finish both event in one day, or even less, less talking more gaming...


    oooooor the logical solution would be




    I would like to see how anyone with a full time job would be able to complete the Tubemen event in one day. You have to do the tubemen sabotage a minimum of 12 times in order to get the weapon, HOWEVER you also have to wait and do it in waves of 3 until the current battles finish. So for people that might only be able to get on for a couple hours at night after work, they may only be able to fall into one or two time slots for the event battle.

  7. I have to agree that it is a bit annoying that they put an event and operation out at the same time...


    I feel like they could have held off on the Kubrow Operation until after the current Tubemen event finished. Because now we have the Tubemen Event, Kubrow Operation, AND Void Trader all hitting the streets tomorrow which is way too much to do for the people that work full time jobs (especially the weekends like me). Meanwhile, come this time next week and all three of those will be over and we will have nothing to do but regular missions.



    I love getting events and operations, but I wish they wouldn't overlap so there is more to enjoy over time rather than having it all crammed in at once.

  8. Scindo P pretty much beats Dragon Nikana (sadly) hands down ever since they did that heavy blade damage buff.


    Scindo Prime has better damage, huge attack radius (versus Nikana's really small one), negligibly slower attack speed, better stances, higher crit chance (might I recommend a berserker build? So. Much. Fun.) Same stat chance, higher stamina cost (but that's okay because stamina isn't all that important).


    Try testing it out yourself. Do you have tempo royale?

  9. I will admit that there are a couple warframes I prefer to actually not wear syandanas on just because none of them feel quite right and the back just looks too good to clutter up (namely my Nova Prime and Valkyr), so I can understand where this is coming from. Maybe if instead of an invisible syandanas, we had a 'clear' or transparent one?

  10. Now let me just start off by saying that Tonkor is a bit misleading because it is not an 'explode on contact' weapon. Sure, it will explode if it contacts an enemy but not if it bounces off of say, the floor or a wall.


    I think that (if this is possible DE) it would be great if the Tonkor's grenades maybe gained a little 'ping' whenever they are in contact with the floor/wall/ceiling that will cause it to detonate if anything is in the (small) ping radius. It doesn't have to be much, but at least enough that it will set it off if fired at something's feet.


    It's just a bit disappointing to try and aim down and rocket launch yourself (or aim at the feet of your enemies) only for the grenade to just bounce harmlessly away.




    What does everyone else think?

  11. A Plasma damage type would be nice.


    Remove Magnetic damage, move Radiation over to Cold/Electric (it does make sense that Radiation would be cold if you consider that the only way a radiation weapon could be used would be if the ammunition was kept cold) and then have Plasma be fire/electric.


    Plasma could then do extra damage versus shields (like magnetic), as well as extra damage versus some armor and machines while having slightly reduced damage towards some types of flesh and a certain armor type.


    It could then have a Proc where it drains and prevents shields from recharging for the duration, while preventing ability use (but note, not energy DRAIN), which would make the proc actually useful against ability-using enemies.




    I think with this, we would see more people using damage besides JUST corrosive/blast or radiation/viral builds, and instead seeing people use all three damage types (which would become corro/blast, radiation/gas, and plasma/viral).

  12. I have to say, one of my least favorite parts of this event (there were a lot of least favorite parts), was when the Bursa I was trying to hack decided to jump off a cliff. I figured that meant that the dumb robot had killed itself and I would have to try for the next mission for another chance.


    I was wrong. VERY wrong.


    The little bugger had landed on a ledge and positioned itself in such a way that when I finally stunned it, I had to stand on it's back to hack it or else I would have fallen off the ledge. And even then it was a long five minutes of us sitting on opposite sides of the ledges as I huddled in a snowglobe trying to jump over it's occasional groundpounds that would send me off the edge if they hit.


    Thanks DE.



  13. While it will be fun to fight Bursas as normal enemies in regular missions (a hell of a lot more fun and interesting than maniacs. Seriously just make them turn invisible, not phase out of existence.


    Despite that, I have to say I am sooo <bleep>ing happy that this event is done for me. I'm sorry but it was a serious pain in the <bleep>. My idea of 'challenging' isn't running around in circles trying to dodge one-hit-kill missile barrages, or avoiding the 'circles of doom' created by level 100 sapping osprey, or getting stuck in a corner because of a super-speed-super-range-shockwave-barrage. That's not a challenge, that's a chore. The fact that the enemies it calls to battle ALSO have their levels ramped was just flat out annoying. As if I didn't have enough to try and learn and pay attention to. I got it done somewhat easily by going to pluto, but still, it was painful.




    After everything, here are my tips.


    1) Use the humble offerings. ONLY HUMBLE OFFERINGS. They make the transfer really fast (which honestly is the best thing to do). Taking the more expensive ones aren't really worth the time and the chance that you could lose 100k credits at higher levels.


    2) Use the amprex, spec for electric and viral damage with a high status chance. Electricity procs are able to stun the moa and give you a chance to hack it. Viral will be necessary at higher levels when you want to cut the hp of a level 100 tank in half.


    3) For your secondary weapon, get something with a high damage/status chance and spec for corrosive damage. (I recommend (vaykor) marelok.)) These guys have ungodly armor at high levels, so the corrosion effects will help make them more manageable for when they need to be destroyed.


    4) Don't be afraid to go into the verification stage for a bit. It's better to lose a couple points on being careful than to jump the gun and be forced to start a whole new mission.


    5) Bring a Frost and maybe a Valkyr if you can. DO NOT put the bursa in the snow globe. Get just out of range of the Bursa's attacks, and then drop the bubble on yourself and keep towards the back to avoid explosive attacks. Recast roughly every 5-10 seconds depending on difficulty level to be safe, and spec for keeping yourself alive and to have high power efficiency. Power strength, duration, and range aren't that big of a deal. This is great on higher levels because you don't want to risk the Bursa shooting you if you're in the same bubble, while providing cover from all the minions that spawn around you.

  14. To put it one way, these missions are supposed to get pretty difficult as you ramp through the points. But in this case I think the enemy is already pretty difficult on it's own without making it even higher level.


    As for their CC immunity, welcome to the new 'Scaling Immunities' that DE has been tinkering with! Where the enemies don't mind and you don't matter. It's just ANOTHER way that the game punches power-users in the gut and expects them to smile and say 'thank you'.

  15. From what I have seen of their new corpus cash-bot, they will just flat out ignore those kind of abilities after a while. I've used Mind Control and Bastille on those creeps, and they didn't even stay 'held' for a third of the duration before breaking out and beginning to run amock. I would say they lasted maybe five seconds? And then if I tried again they lasted even less time (a lot less). Mind control would just wear off and bastille would just let them go wander off.

  16. Welcome XB1 users to the hate the PC users have been feeling.


    Also, for those saying 'DPS is the damn derp-de-der', no it isn't really, not when your have to reload every three seconds of continuous fire and run out of ammo completely in about 20.

  17. Visual bug of the mod card. The mod itself still works as intended (maxed at 5 ranks) but the img is off.


    Basically, this means we can expect an actual Primed Ammo Stock to show up from Baro.....which is basically another useless primed mod coming up. Thanks DE.

  18. It's been months now since Drahk Masters have been put into the game and somehow spread their kubrow-blocking knowledge to almost every single unit in the game, and still NOTHING has been done about it.



    The two biggest problems is that 1) Every humanoid enemy and their mother/queen/spawn tube has a chance to block Kubrows and throw them around for about three seconds. 2) The entire animation makes the enemy completely immortal and untargettable for the length of the very long 3+ second animation.


    If just ONE of these could be fixed, I would be sincerely grateful. If just the Drahk Masters could blocked and were bugged with immortality until the block is over, I wouldn't even complain (at least for a month or two). Or if the invincibility frames could be taken away, that would be swell because then I can just shoot the bugger and get on with my mission instead of wasting time standing there watching my kubrow get thrown around while I have a gun trained on the enemy's head and I'm busy counting the seconds.



    I don't know about anyone else, but I have actively avoided bringing kubrows in missions most of the time just because this bug bugs me so much.

  19. Okay, I don't know if anyone has brought this particular tid-bit up, but I thought I would since a lot of people seem to be focusing on the fact that 'the grenade was thrown directly at 'whomever''.


    How about the times when someone is moving a lot (or even all the time) but the grenade is thrown at a teammate or defense point? Obviously You aren't keeping an eye out on enemies that your allies are dealing with (or any enemy out of your LoS) so you can't see the animation of someone throwing it. Plus most of the time they throw from behind cover so the animation is hard to see anyway. Second, if you are fighting more than five enemies, unless you are playing at cranked-up volume and specifically train yourself to hear it, you won't hear the sound of a grenade landing. There's just too much going on.


    Grenades aren't always aimed at you, so if you happen to move past your ally or the defense point at the wrong time when they had a grenade thrown at THEM, suddenly you can and probably will find yourself on the floor trying to get up while all the enemies laugh and point their guns at you.


    So it would be nice if there was some kind of visual warning/indicator (even if it isn't big or flashy) to let us know we are about to get blown down. Although, on the thought of grenades, why can't we have grenades? If the corpus/grineer have them, why can't we? I imagine they would be pretty useful in a lot of higher level missions....



    Also, I think grenades shouldn't just 'stick' wherever they land and should be effected by physics (as in they will roll on inclines, or get pushed by explosions/force pushes/pulls (sorry Mag, but it would be kinda funny)).

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