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Posts posted by DidYouTryRebooting

  1. Was running at Corpus Mobile Defense for the Arbiters of Hexis with a friend and after finding all eight Medallions, and after doing two of the three terminals, I got kicked back to my ship. Despite me being host and my friend NOT being with the Aribters (indeed, they hate her), she remained in the mission (and got stuck behind a suddenly-locked door) whilst I ended up back on my ship. I received no error message, pop-up, warning or dialogue at all (let alone any hinting/indicating that it may happen). 

    In the seconds leading up to the "kick", we successfully defended our second terminal and I picked up the Datamass (I hadn't carried it up until this point) and spinted along a catwalk to the other terminal in the room. Upon arriving at the other terminal, I was affected by a Comba/Scrambus and had to drop the datamass (I hit "switch weapon" - default "F") to shoot them (I was holding a Kulstar as my secondary, not a close range weapon). After downing the Comba/Scrambus, I tried to cast Snow Globe and found myself transported to my ship with no way to resume the mission.

    Further notes... At that point of "kick",  I had two (three if that last cast worked) active Snow Globes, our syndicate assistant NPC ally (of which only one spawned, a female wielding AkBolto) was taking cover ("hold position" command was used) in the second Snow Globe to be cast (in the same room I was in at the time). My friend was out of the room (not sure if on another map tile).

    I'm aware that there are Topics for similar bugs, but I don't recall seeing one before where a client has stayed in a mission that they couldn't access on their own, so I made a new Topic for it.

  2. 21 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Just to make sure, do you have the Synthesis Scanner equipped?

    Also, what target are you hunting, on what Planets / missions?

    Some missions (e.g. Defense / Interception) can't spawn targets AFAIK
    and some enemies have spawn limits, e.g. Corrupted Nullifier / Bombard targets can't spawn in T1 / T2 missions.

    Plus, hey, RNG gonna RNG,
    even if you're in the right place, sometimes the game just goes naaah bro :P

    All good questions/advice.

    I'd like to add though, that Corrupted Nullifier & Bombard enemies (although probably NOT the synthesis version) can spawn in T1/T2 "endless" missions (Defense, Survival).

    Lastly this looks like it might be better off in the Players Helping Players section.

  3. Very enjoyable read.


    This part in particular made me laugh though, love it! I know someone like that...

    The familiar sound of heavy breathing echoes through the Zephyr's headset as the Stalker begins his approach.  'I wish he'd pull his mic away from his mouth,' thought Zephyr

  4. Well. Development. Good to see. These past three updates, remind me a little of a scene from one of the books of the Wind on Fire series (pretty sure that's what it was called). Spoons and wooden tables and eggs.

  5. Options > Controls > Context Action includes Reload.

    Flick that off to fix one of your listed issues. Not sure when they introduced the option but they certainly didn't announce it and my friends and I thought it was a bug also.

  6. You need to take a nice and long rest Kal. I'm actually more surprised you lasted this long before anything like this happened.

    Don't burn out. If you need a break, take it. I've both nearly burned out (nearly left it a week too long before a break) and I've seen it happen to others.

  7. Hotfix
    • Fixed Sigils appearing 90 degrees over-rotated.


    • Fixed an issue with Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters being swapped in chat.


    Just figured I'd point out these typos. The listed version numbers have the "5" and the "4" swapped. Made for awkward reading when I went to catch up on the second one a few days back.

  8. Great story as always, Kal.  Now if only I could figure out what this mysterious plan is all about....

    The one that Quais has to deal with?

    That seems simple enough, from the outside perspective. He's basically been told to get data so that he can scout Horatius (and vice versa - although it's probably useful data). After that he's to cover Horatius' escape (and wipe out the remaining infested). The attack by the big shiny gun was used to cut short Horatius' conversation with his superiors... although the Marines had no idea WHAT was said and were basically "flying blind" and hoping that they got their timing right. Horatius doesn't want to have the information about the Marines (if he has any - he isn't aware of any) yanked from his skull the painful way, but has (had) no way out. The Marines & Quais are providing credibility AND a way out. Lots of multi-purpose tasks in this and it IS kind of convoluted I suppose "lots of moving parts" but it makes sense looking at it from back here.

    (NOTE: The above is purely speculation on behalf of this reader and should be taken with a (if not several) dose(s) of common sense and logic.)


    ... That got a bit longer than I'd intended. Hadn't expected to write more than "distractions, kill infested, run away" or something.

  9. (although i kinda rubbed the whole cameo idea into your face and i'm sorry for that.)

    I could be wrong, I could be... what is that they call it? "Projecting"? Anyway, Kal doesn't seem the kind to look at something so shallowly, at just the surface. I expect Kal saw the conversation in a slightly different light, especially once all was said and done.

    I won't speak for Kal, but what I saw was a question, followed by a lot of answers and clarification. Further if I'm remembering right, Kal said straight away (and quite clearly IMO) that (to put this in my own words) an 'involved or important role' in the story would take more work and planning but even then he didn't say it couldn't happen.


    The fact that you (and the others) clarified that you only wanted a passing reference?


    I'd say he doesn't mind doing the odd reference for a frequent commenter of his stories. I don't however expect Kal wants to write in more than maybe 3 characters per story (guessing at numbers based on my own writing experiences and what I've noticed about how Kal does things) and definitely not a never-ending stream of requests month after month. (Artists have lives and limits too!)


    Again though, I'm not speaking for Kal and this is just my own opinion based on personal experience and observations.

  10. of course you know that if sara dies then THIS tenno will not rest until every single stinking grinner is dead and i suspect i shall have a lot of help.......

    If she dies... I expect DE can't implement that new faction soon enough. They'll need a replacement...

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