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Posts posted by --Q--PyralisTT

  1. I was playing a raid earlier today and everything went fine until stage 3 where one of my shadows picked up the bomb. When he picked it up we could progress. It just said charging but nothing happened even when my shadow died. I quit the game to see if it would spawn another bomb for the remaining players but nothing happened so everyone just quit.

  2. If a person leaves and the pads reset you could actually complete it without them even though it shows the same number of lights. There have been one time where it had reset but we were not able to complete it.

  3. Firstly, sarcastic bashing among each other and DE is out of place. It is harmful to all levels of discussion that I can see. 


    Secondly, I went Solo vs 2 Person testing relatively casually (T3 Void + ODS), and there is certainly credence in the 'Solo being way harder' claims (at least in my limited experience this evening). 2 Person T3 Void Survival did not leave us starving for O2 in the slightest. Our lack of Corrosive Projections and 'end game loadouts' on my end was our real weakspot and reason for departure.


    ODS Solo on the other hand is a different story - thirsty Nyx Prime was thirsty. 


    Lastly, this isn't the end of these changes. Please observe directly in the OP that 'We'd love to hear your feedback and will continue to test and tweak if needed.' Rest assured Survival is a passionate topic inside and outside DE walls. 


    Did the other player stay with you or were they running wildly in other rooms? Because most groups dont ever stay in 1 room.

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