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Posts posted by Vainon_ajat

  1. Preventing strong enemies from damaging defence targets was one of the few nice situations where Primary Obstruct could come in handy. I thought that jamming the Eximus Units with this arcane was working as intended, as it does not add any damage, making it very niche. Now I guess I'll just have to switch back all my weapons equipped with Primary Obstruct to the few meta arcanes such as Primary Merciless.

    It took a lot of time for me to farm Primary Obstruct and these kind of senseless nerfs take the fun from the game. I don't think that anybody even requested to nerf an obscure niche arcane that hardly anybody was even using in the first place.

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  2. Playing as Dante upon release was an absolute blast, and I invested considerable time and resources optimizing him. I had faith that DE would handle his balance with care, but now, he feels utterly unsatisfying to play, all thanks to the LOS implementation on his fourth ability.

    I can't help but feel disheartened and disillusioned by the current state of Dante. The LOS mechanic seems glitchy, counterintuitive, and frankly, out of place. It's disheartening to see a frame I once enjoyed so much become a chore to use.

    I sincerely urge DE to reconsider this "fix" that appears to have been implemented without much consideration for player feedback or enjoyment. It's disheartening to witness such changes erode the trust I once had in the development team.

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  3. I tried activating Conjunction Voltage, Cascadia Flare and Primary Frostbite by using a Djinn equipped with Verglas. I noticed that whenever I am riding Merulina, the procs from Verglas do not count towards these arcanes. I also tried using Cryotra, but the issue still persisted. Normally sentinel weapons can activate these procs, even when a weapon with the arcane is unholstered.

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