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Everything posted by Vainon_ajat

  1. Preventing strong enemies from damaging defence targets was one of the few nice situations where Primary Obstruct could come in handy. I thought that jamming the Eximus Units with this arcane was working as intended, as it does not add any damage, making it very niche. Now I guess I'll just have to switch back all my weapons equipped with Primary Obstruct to the few meta arcanes such as Primary Merciless. It took a lot of time for me to farm Primary Obstruct and these kind of senseless nerfs take the fun from the game. I don't think that anybody even requested to nerf an obscure niche arcane that hardly anybody was even using in the first place.
  2. I feel really bad that even after overwhelming majority of players wants to revert the changes, DE is still unwilling to do that.
  3. Sadly I have to agree with this post. Dante is is currently in terrible place, but Caliban's kit is even more miserable.
  4. Playing as Dante upon release was an absolute blast, and I invested considerable time and resources optimizing him. I had faith that DE would handle his balance with care, but now, he feels utterly unsatisfying to play, all thanks to the LOS implementation on his fourth ability. I can't help but feel disheartened and disillusioned by the current state of Dante. The LOS mechanic seems glitchy, counterintuitive, and frankly, out of place. It's disheartening to see a frame I once enjoyed so much become a chore to use. I sincerely urge DE to reconsider this "fix" that appears to have been implemented without much consideration for player feedback or enjoyment. It's disheartening to witness such changes erode the trust I once had in the development team.
  5. I can confirm that this bug is still in the game, as it happened to me today while doing Arbitration. Oddly the Drifter's damage was increased by a lot when the bug was active.
  6. I tried activating Conjunction Voltage, Cascadia Flare and Primary Frostbite by using a Djinn equipped with Verglas. I noticed that whenever I am riding Merulina, the procs from Verglas do not count towards these arcanes. I also tried using Cryotra, but the issue still persisted. Normally sentinel weapons can activate these procs, even when a weapon with the arcane is unholstered.
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