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Posts posted by Suuns

  1. Greetings Everyone,

    Need help with sands of inaros last stage quest where you have to defeat inaros himself (tomb guardian)

    However not everyone can join, you have to have SACRED VESSEL equipped in your Gear in order to join, in other words you have to be on the same stage of a quest :(  

    IGN : Suuns

  2. 1 hour ago, SurrealEdge said:

    It doesn't matter which you downloaded and installed from, both are still the same with the exception the Steam version can be launched with Steam and having access to Steam Overlay and TennoGen.

    As expected. I got the same message, so now I am waiting for an answer from support as suggested above. Thanks

  3. Greetings Tenno,


    I have two suggestions for future and want to know what do you think about it. (Lets just discuss)


    1) Music in Elevators: Ever seen a movie where characters enter an elevator and there is a boring, nonviolent melody which makes awkward situation for people inside? Thats what I'm talking about. Little humour has not killed anyone right? imagine Tenno killing hordes of enemies and the only place they do nothing during mission is inside an elevator listening to that melody… Doors open and again masacree continues. If DE is positive about Ordis's sense of humour than you know… they can be positive about elevator thing also. 


    2) Legendary Weapons: Now this can be more serious and more debatable weather or not it should be in game, but want to know your opinion about the legendary weapons. If other games have them, why can't tenno? One sword to rule them all and that kind of thing, on which you work hard for many weeks and it is sign of your dedication and power over others. The weapon which has a big background story behind it, which has seen many battles and victories, which has been lost and waiting to be found by the chosen one. A huge quest is on my mind which involves crafting of many components. And for it to be really epic, it should not be rushed in foundry and could not be bought by plat ($)


    Please Discuss.

  4. Ever played a game with a true player driven economy like EvE online? Prices there are not rock bottom either on the contrary PLEX went up and is currently sky high. (PLEX = time code purchasable via in game currency or RL cash and salable for in game currency only) game items stabilize at prices the community sees fit to pay for them. It´s like the other dude said, those against AH are those that rip off noobs. An AH would offer the new guy some measurement what certain items are considered worth.


    Just limit the number of offers and purchases that can be made and include a small fee so that offers do not get adjusted all the time. 


    WoW has/had player driven economy and as i recall, (vanilla, TBC) all players were happy with it. 


    Why not leave the Bazaar just as it is (trading tab) create auction house and limit current purchasing, just like rank trade limitation, add fee not small, high fee (credits) and make buyout/bid system. everyone looks for good deal, there is an unofficial web site like warframetrading which players use for guide when they are trading Prices go (Lowest,Mid,Highest) so why not implement that system in game?


    Also I welcome player market idea, anything just to get rid of that trading tab xD We live in future space world for god's sake we need more developed methods :P (not that we NEED, but it would be less time consuming + more it's more fun to do ninja stuff instead of merchant's)

  5. Greetings Tenno,


    Just want to know why don't we have Auction Houses?

    Tried to sell something on trading channel, many prime items tbh, but as soon as I pushed enter, my text got lost up chat bar by another sellers. Isn't that a problem for you guys? or isn't it even boring as hell to shout the names of goods you are trying to sell all day long like in a bazaar? To me It would be much more easier and comfortable to have Auction House on my ship and see all the stuff which is out for sale compare prices and put reasonable price on my goods too. 



    Maybe it's because it will hit Warframe's economy or something idk I'm not good at such kind of things, but as I see it, it would be more handy to buy and sell things quicker and without struggle.



    You may think that I was selling crappy stuff and that's why it didn't work for me but no. Same struggle is any time I want to Buy something.

  6. People. in general. this game has one of the worst, and most whining nitpicking communities ive ever had the displeasure of being in. warframe community is in my top 3 of worst communities ever.

    lol try GW2, after that I love Warframe Community and that's why I dumped GW2. WHINING!!! TBH they are whining because there is nothing new happening in GW2 for last 1.5 years but that's another story ^^

  7. Bronco P BP 2x (5p Each)

    Mag P chasis 5x (3p Each)

    Rhino P Systems 1x (5p Each)

    Frost P Systems 1x (10p)

    Frost P Chasis 1x (8p)

    Ak Bronco P BP 1x (15p)

    Sicarus P Barrel 1x (5p)

    Boltor P Receiver 1x (5p)

    Bo P BP 1x (25p)


    add/pm ingame (Suuns)

  8. Open world is too much for a small studio like this.

    I've seen huge studios like Arena net (Guild Wars 2) and what they do? nothing no new content no new race, class, (new warframes) no new weapons and weapon types, all they do is dumb skins and weekly updates of living world which is also a garbage, but they managed to have huge community and dedicated players who have dumped 2k+$ via item shop which also only offers you skins and haircuts, the game is full of bugs and if you visit forums you can only see complaints. So if they managed, so can Warframe DEVs who offer us many interesting and new things in short time, respectively polished and ready to use.

  9. Greetings Tenno,


    I've been thinking a lot about this topic lately and think that open world would greatly benefit this game. I'm not talking about typical open world about exploration and ppl jumping in main cities riding mounts etc etc like in other MMOs, imagine any observable planet that you can visit, you could walk around huge map and have the opportunity to select mission type while already being on planet, have area where you can land your ship then get out of it and free roam full with enemies and animals on it, then you stumble upon an area, a certain place which is either extermination mission or defence or any other type, I know it can't happen soon or even ever but lately I saw "No Man's Sky" gameplay and mechanics and I think that all games are going to next gen sooner or later and games like this will unfortunately be sinked so implementing new features like this rather then making Warframe 2 is better solution I think. How about you?



    I know that the game mentioned above is completely different but I saw its features like complete free roaming in endless galaxy and its the next word in gaming to my mind. So I think Huge changes has to be done soon to compete with next gen MMOs. BTW Warframe devs good job on winning over Destiny - a Warframe Wannabe. 


    Keep up the good work!

  10. Developers, I don't know how and what magic you are using to make "grinding" game fun, but you have succeeded. I want to thank you for such an awesome and fun experience! I'm coming from the game (don't want to say the name) which was supposed to be about guilds and wars, but it became an endless grind and monotonic boring world, but thats another story. What I want to say is that I've played almost all MMOs (except for FPS) and can say without any doubts that nowadays you are on my top 3 list of all time and  #1 of the last 2 years. I wish you all the best and thanks for being so fun and awesome. Keep up the good work!



    I'm not playing this game for too long, but I'm sure there is a massive work to be done to make Warframe shine in all of its glory, but I'm also sure that you are constantly working towards new content and also will give granted love to all "broken" things and bugs reported and found by you and your community. This is my Feedback.


                                                                                                             Sincerely, satisfied Tenno

  11. Greetings Tenno,


    Sadly I've just missed the Vanguard Rhino Helm BP alert mission and now I'm feeling devastated :P

    Can someone tell me when shall I be able to get this helm again? 

    When will the alert mission repeat?

    Does the alerts go in circles?

    Is there any list to track it?

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