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Posts posted by sral12

  1. I wanted to join a Neptune survival mission. but the loading was bugged, i couldn 't see a damm thing after loaded. well i could see the hud. but is was bugged. numbers didnt match. wrong weapon wrong warframe. etc. but the sound system worked. overall it was crashed. (yes i had waited long enough 3min IN BATTLE).  but that is not the worst thing  the stalker appeared in those 3 minutes. (according to the sounds). he finally shown himself after 10 mails and 100 of battles and all for freaking nothing!!!. 


    i would like to see an progressive spawn change for assassins. i mean how more death marks you have of that 1 assassin the more chance it has to spawn. of Corse with a max spawn chance otherwise it would be to easy. so something like this.  (1,0% base spawn chance + 0.5*number of death marks of that one assassin.( with a max chance of 15%)) that means you need 28 death marks for 15% chance. but this is only for 1 person. I write this down as:


    s.c.p1 = spawn chance player 1

    (s.c.p1)=1.0%+0.5*death marks (max 28)

    So it would be  like this:

    ((s.c.p1)+ (s.c.p2)+ (s.c.p3) +(s.c.p4))  /  total players



    But when in a squad you should also get a small bonus on spawn chance,  depending on the size of the squad.





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