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Posts posted by GetBrocked

  1. what the frack, thought I quoted the other guy.  On topic for what you were suggesting.  I don't remember what game it was from but everytime you would reload you would get this wheel thing if you hit the reload just right you would get a faster reload, if you missed the reload mark you would get a longer reload.  Might be fun on something like the gorgon and other 5s+ reloads type weapons.

  2. While it works in games like arma II it won't be all that great in a game like this.  In arma II each round is far more valuable you also have UI elements in place to view partial mags: you don't in Warframe.  While I would enjoy something that rewards magazine management I doubt the majority of the player base as well as the developers want this.  Games that implement this tend to be slower paced and that's not the vibe I'm getting from the developers on this game.  The route of just throwing the magazine on the floor everytime you reload is silly as well and is even less realistic then the current system and doesn't really reward. 


    On the note of ammo pools buffs/nerfs this has been brought up before and is a fair point.  Weapons like the lex and latron are powerful due to this, they have high damage per bullet but share the same ammo pool as weapons like the braton aklatos meaning you will never really run out of ammo on the Latron.  Nerfs or buffs are needed here to make ammo management more fair.

  3. Not sure if this has been suggested before (probably has).

    Lore wise the Tenno are getting their &#! kicked pretty hard by the Grinneer; while the Warframes tend to be used in a more offensive role it would be cool to see some missions on Tenno home turf.

    Perhaps a horde mode style where the enemy cross over a large open field to a trench type system or facility.  This would bring guns like the snipertron, paris and latron more into the light as accuracy and range will be desired over the ability to kill large clusters of organic mass (see Xini defense).  It would play out similarly to the current defense mission types except it ends when the players die not the objective. Since the player becomes the assist teamwork begins too look better and better and stay together behind cover starts to make sense.  Image how fun it would be to backed into a corner at the end of a long hallway and screaming at your friends as you send as much lead down range as possible as you slowly get overwhelmed.


    The new title set of Tenno home turf could also spring up for some interesting defensive type missions where you start out repelling enemies.  The object updates and all of a sudden you must get to a computer node as important data is being hacked or something of the sort.  This entire time more and more enemies are landing making everything harder.  Similarly to ME3 you could end with a extraction vs numerous amounts of enemies.  


    That's my idea.  Might suck or not, give some feedback.

  4. Just a simple question.  Is it worth running Crit Chance and Crit Damage mods on the Latron with (according to the Wiki) at base 7.5% crit chance (that gives it slightly less then 20% crit chance?).  Or should I go with elemental damage such as frost and fire?



  5. Critical Hits are not the same as headshots.  Your weapon can crit regardless of where you hit (yellow numbers).  If you headshot(not always in the head) you get double damage I believe which is independent of the headshot bonus.

  6. I haven't really heard all that much about the Latron, all I hear about is: Hek, Gorgon, Boltor and to a lesser degree Paris are the kings.

    While Mods get applied equally to all of the guns it really seems like Latron benefits massively from firerate and obviously multishot (which gun doesn't?).  The Latron has the standard 500ish rifle magazine.  The only difference is that it has a 15 round magazine and you're shooting semi auto.  While Gorgon is the king of dps it seems like over time due to the fact that you can always be shooting without the fear of wasting ammo you'll start coming out ahead on damage dealt.


    Disclaimer, I'm around 20 or so missions away from beating every mission in the game.  I haven't really farmed out defense mission at 15+ waves, so I'm missing that experience.  I do however have both the gorgon and latron at 30 with the catalsyt and I feel much more effective with the Latron.

    I'm just wondering what people thought of this rifle since I haven't really heard all to much about it.

  7. So I used the Paris recently and it's been acting kinda strange.  Ignoring the strangeness that is the multishot quirks and damage numbers; it seems like when you're moving, on uneven surface, scratching your &#! or really anything the shot arrow has a chance to complete go somewhere other then where you are aiming. It seems to be most common when on a uneven surface or side strafing.

    While certain parts are obviously bugs it kinda does sort make sense to reduce this guns effectiveness while moving.


    Anyone else notice this?


  8. While bolt action rifles are currently more accurate than semi auto, advances in machining are closing the gap right now. I doubt bolt action will exist outside of hunting within 50 years, let alone the far off spacefuture .

    It's pretty much already at that point.  The only reason bolt actions are preferred is noise (of the action) reliability (no moving parts other then the bolt).  Anyways, I don't like the idea of a bolt action in warframe, we already have the Paris which is basically a bolt action.

  9. sonar is probably her best skill as it is very good versus ancients

    Or you could just shoot them in the feet and get the bonus damage.


    And on the note that Sayrn also has useless abilities: sure, but sayrn has 100 armor.  I feel like that more then makes up for a slightly shorter ulti range.  Granted many of the warframes including Sayrn need rework.  The concept that 50% of our abilities are close to useless is dumb; this isn't World of Warcraft, we get four abilities make it so that they have a use even if we do have to change our play style.  With the current energy system in place it seems like no play style will suit some of these abilities. 

  10. So here's another one of those feedback posts regarding a warframe.  

    In this case it's for the Banshee.



    Probably not so important for some people, a gamebreaker for others (I can't play sayrn because of this.)

    Banshee is probably one of the coolest looking frames, and while a lot of people don't like the helmet I really "dig" it.


    Starting Stats

    Health/Shields: Pretty standard not much to say here.

    Armor: It feels around 50ish, stronger then the casters (ember,nyx etc.) but not quite 100.  It's really glad that it's not 10 but with her currently ability setup 100+ would make more sense.



    Sonic Boom (1)

    Knocks down enemies in a cone in front of you.  Amazing ability: knocks down charging ancients, packs of dogs/wolves/zergling thingies and anything else.  Can be used to great effect for getting out of a hairy spot or to setup up multiple execute moves.  This is her bread and butter move.  It's also cheap at 25 energy.


    Sonar (2)

    Cool idea in concept useless  (or close) in execution.  It pulses out a sound wave which lights up a orange spot on the enemies caught by the effect which act as new critical points.  Too bad the Tenno are the main source of the Grineer/Corpus mortality rate as everything just dies to damn fast for this to be useful at all.  Everyone already knows the critical points on enemies as well making it even less useful.  Even on boss fights it seems lackluster due to the energy cost and the general weakspot knowlege.  In it's current state I do not use this ability.

    Fix?:Perhaps make her sonar a passive pulse, or have no energy cost and a 30 sec cd?  


    Silence (3)

    Really fun in solo play if you feel like being a silent ninja.  In group play it seems like everything takes to damn long if you try to stealth your way through and encounter.  More of a niche ability.  The Paris does this abilities job way better anyway.

    Fix?This needs a rework perhaps make it a screech like ability which stuns/confuses all enemies as well as losing targets effectively allowing you to return to stealth for a short time.


    Sound Quake (4)

    MOTHER OF BLOOM! If you're friends are on the fence about turning off bloom or not this ability will single handily sway their opinion about it so far towards off they will never turn it on again in any game ever.

    Standard Aoe ability that kills everything.  It lets you charge your shields for the duration so it's a good clutch spell to have as well.  A side note: enemies can walk into the area of effect since it's a channel and still take damage it also blows out the lights (COOL!).


    Overall opinion.  

    Cool looking frame sadly, I feel that she's kinda crap compared to many of the frames out there.  While her knockdown is amazing all of her other abilities are lackluster, her base values are also on the lower end meaning she's designed to rely on her abilities which she really doesn't have much off.  At the end of the day I feel like she's a S#&$ty version of sayrn with worse stats to boot.  



  11. i believe the snipetron is built around the idea of critting, the wiki state it has a base of 20% crit and crit rifle mods are the highest (150%) so you could basically get 50% crit chance on it. With some crit dmg mod it could probably be real nice


    Still though, you're limited to 4 shots and the snipertron doesn't tend to have trouble killing the targets, it has trouble killing a lot of targets.  The paris has similar crit chance I believe and on boss fights as soon as you reach for a new mag the Paris will pull out 3 -4 shots basically doubling the damage.

  12. as said above you need to look at the visual queue not the sound as the sound is the same.  If you get really good at it the paris is a really good CQC weapon against the grineer if you get the upgraded attack speed.  Practice on a boss and watch the bow, eventually you'll get good enough where you know by heart when to release.  Would be nice if they changed the sound though.

  13. I barely use melee ever, I tend to enjoy using my primary and secondary far more.

    However I will use my melee weapon ever once in awhile when someone gets up in my face/I'm being boxed in by zerglings infested.


    So what kind of weapon would fit this "backup" type weapon criteria.  If possible supply reasons and mods you'd think would work well.  I tend to use more squishy 10 armor type frames.

    thanks in advance.

  14. I'm really digging the combo of being a 8 shot weapon with massive headshot/crit area dmg.  Makes it so it's a fairly skilled weapon to use and it doesn't turn into a latron with 8 rounds.  maybe make the fire rate .2 seconds slower then what it currently is.

  15. I think that adding high dmg, 100% headshot-only crit would do the job. And changing sound to something like Sniper Rifle from Serious Sam BFE, not this hiss. I can deal with UP weapon if it has nice effects.

     The problem with this is that is a 4 kill per mag.  Which it already is.  

  16. I am of the opinion that the snipertron is currently underpowered.

    While it is possible to pull your own weight with it if you mod the crap out of it and have near perfect accuracy it is underwhelming a lot of the time. 

    Why is it bad?

    Compared to the two other sniper type weapons it is sub par.  



    Has a larger magazine capacity

    Much much more ammo and uses pistol ammo (most common).

    Higher fire rate which allows for double tapping most enemies.

    Much better reload.

    Kills around 3 Targets per magazine assuming some misses or two shot kills 

    Oh it's also a secondary 



    About the same damage or OP as S#&$ if you're versus the Grineer.

    No magazine= zero down time.  Most often you fire as fast as you can notch the arrow.

    Can be used in CQC and firerate mods make sense since you're not limited by a magazine. 

    Multi kill potential 

    Only downside is projectile speeds and drop, both can be learned fairly easily and hitting range moving targets becomes second nature after a while.


    How to "fix" the snipertron.

    Nerf the Paris and the Lex (EW!)

    Increase magazine size >6 so it can compete with the Lex 

    Decrease reload time A LOT.

    Give it a large passive metal augur mod so it can shoot through enemies and thin cover.

    Make it ignore armor.


    I really like the sniper in the game and is one of the few good looking rifles I just can't bring myself to use it since even in the best of cases it's limited to 4 kills every 7 seconds or so.

  17. I have a separate 1T HDD 7200 RPM (or something in that range I forgot).  My friend has a slightly worse GPU but a better CPU and doesn't have frame issues when frapsing. When I fraps my cpu doesn't even go near 100% so I'm starting to think it's some optimization issue.

  18. Anyone else getting terrible frames when trying to fraps warframe?  Dropping the graphics in this game don't seem to affect frames all that much and I get about the same frames while frapsing at max graphics and the lowest; both are too low to allow for fun gameplay. 


    I'm running with a Radeon 7970 and a Intel 2500k


    Is it just bad optimization on the games part or is there something else I'm missing here.


    Not sure if I should post this under different forum since I'm not sure if this a performance issue or just something on my end.

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