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Posts posted by SHOCKED

  1. After leveling my kubrow I put it in stasis until things change with the 3-day wait and maintenance. The wait between activating different kubrows killed my idea of having different ones for different missions like I do with my sentinels. In my entertainment I don't want hassles.

  2. Finaly being able to test it myself, i have to say it is indeed a very solid weapon and a good sidegrade to the Latron.


    Seems like the three barrels actualy imply that each barrel fires one bullet during the burst, which would explain why it has little to no spread and barely any recoil. The burst rate also seems so high that the shots are practically fired at the same time.

    This makes it capable of filling the same marksmen role as the Latron, while delivering it's full burst damage at once.


    My usual first impression test for a weapon is "how good does it perform at Mercury" and it passed it with flying colors.


    Overall, this is a really nice weapon, worth the Latron to build it.


    However i fear it's burst fire nature might not be everyones type of beer.

    Also agree with this. The Tiberon has become my new choice when playing understated rather than overpowered. It delivers a solid assault rifle experience.

  3. I've enjoyed my Tiberon more than I thought I would. At first, I was like, "Ugh! Another burst-fire, mediocre rifle..." and then after using it for a few missions and slapping some effective mods on it, I began to realize that it was becoming incredibly effective. I find it enjoyable to use.


    I was initially excited by the prospect of a light machinegun and was disappointed that the Tiberon was only burst fire. A full auto version would be highly desirable and I agree with the statements above which deal with a heavier machinegun -- perhaps even using linked ammo or something. 

  4. ...snip...


    I have wanted campaigns or stories or something more meaningful than just running the same missions over and again with no further anything than an end of mission reward.


    I login daily and play missions until there aren't any more. I wish for more campaigns or quests to keep me entertained during non-alert periods.

  5. I've previously typed pretty much the same post a few months ago. I came to find that I couldn't beat them, so I joined them. The "got to go fast" bug finally bit me and it's pretty entertaining when done right.


    When I want to go slow, I go with friends or solo. If I connect to a PUG, I'm expecting that at least one person is going to attempt to race out in front and after being irked by it so many times, now I'm prepared to be that guy (emphasis on prepared). Note that one can still be a team player while going fast.


    Dealing with reality is a better strategy than wishing things were different being upset. People are going to go fast in Warframe. You can too.

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