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Posts posted by doommoose22

  1. really don't understand why DE doesn't do a raffle every month for a small portion of the community to do a time limited tour of a private test server to bug test all the new S#&$ and give feedback.it would cut back on the manpower needed for internal testing and give a better chance of finding game breaking bugs.

  2. on most of your points, I disagree, I personally have always loved frames based around deployment abilities that involve thought for maximum effect. I understand the ire towards abilities like hers since the game revolves around gotta go fast, and think her ult should be a focal turret that once deployed stays in position and fires a beam towards the players reticle and acts as a channel ability, since shes gonna be squishy I don't see the point in giving her an ability that drastically lowers her movement capability. and vaubans main issue is not the fact that his skills are stationary, they are bad because they don't do enough damage or require you to precisely place mines in choke points for absolutely no payoff.

  3. 28 minutes ago, sir_deadlock said:

    How about Z & C?

    Z becomes Tab

    C becomes V

    Q becomes C

    F becomes Z

    E becomes F

    Then Q & E are open to control the roll function. And I guess in regular missions they could be used to look around corners?

    why would they be? this would be strictly for the archwing portion of the game, there is no real reason for it to affect the rest of the game

  4. On 8/2/2016 at 2:12 AM, TARINunit9 said:

    This is by far the worst possible decision you could have made about this

    Previously, if you wanted your Archwing camera to reorient, you quickly sat still and let it adjust. Just let go of EVERYTHING, mouse and keyboard, and let the camera fix itself. This was a sub-optimal solution, but it made some intuitive sense: too much motion screws up the camera, total lack of motion fixes it. You don't want to be moving while the camera fixes itself, so you don't run into something bad while the fixing is taking place

    Now, you fix the camera by pressing a movement button on the keyboard but taking your hand off the mouse. This makes ZERO intuitive sense. Now you have to move around with your keyboard, unable to adjust your flight path with your mouse, if you want the camera to fix itself. If you sit still for any reason -- the most probable reason being TO NOT RUN INTO SOMETHING -- the auto-adjustment stops. Bad bad bad bad bad, very bad design


    DE, it's getting very clear at this point that you want to avoid adding in more buttons, but you don't really have a choice here. We need a "roll" button for archwing. It can be anything from a "roll clockwise" button and a "roll counterclockwise" button, to a single "instantly auto-level the camera" button, as long as it's a button we the players can press instead of having to wait for the camera's auto-level to do it for us

    adding more buttons wouldn't even hurt console players in this case, could make the L1 and R1 triggers or the right stick  the roll buttons

  5. She sounds kind of OP, you may have gone a little to powerful on her abilities. 


    Though she sounds pretty good, I can't help but not like the idea of a plant based frame in warframe.  DE already moved into the fantasy realm with hydroid, and I really really don't want to see them continue with that.  If we only were fighting on earth like areas, then sure it could be rationalized.  But for the most part we are fighting in rather sterile environments, so a plant based frame in a sci fi game really starts to push into fantasy. 


    I am not saying I don't like your frame idea, its actually pretty cool, I just don't think it fits this game. 

    #@*&$@ we already have space magic


  6. honestly with how often the AI Pathing bugs i never see this in our future unless they develope an AI Capable of Going From Point A-B-C on its own accord

    Zanuka already has some limited smart terrain movement system in place, although not completely dedicated wallrunning.


    I think a spider-like enemy would be interesting to fight: latching on walls and ceilings? Surprise attacks from above?

    poos electrified web on tenno skoom

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