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Posts posted by Bluedragon66

  1. OK, I have been waiting for a year to get the Plague Zaws. I just started playing in August 2022 and I understand they arrived last year. But as I was still new at that time, I had no idea that these Zaws exist. Now as this event has begun, Plague Zaws are not being offered.

    Does that mean I have to wait for 1 more year?

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Cookie_Monsta_ said:

    Saw this and felt the price point for the increase in plat was now worth it.

    It's been 20 hours since the dev post announcing the higher plat so I bought the Zenith pack but still got 600 plat?

    So when will the hot fix address this?
    As I'm writing this... a hotfix dropped, yay :)

    Logged in and there was no top up of the platinum?
    I got the 600 plat for my purchase not the 2100, update didn't fix it?


    Same here. I never get the extra plats

  3. 2 hours ago, Els236 said:

    Conclave is a dead mode and has been dead for many years.

    However, every time DE even hint at making changes to it (like moving the cosmetics to the store), the Conclave die-hards (all 10 of them), dust off their accounts to login and complain about said potential changes. So DE then just leave it alone to rot for another few years.

    You will likely not ever find a match in Conclave, even if you sat there queuing for 4 hours. 


    Actually this is not entirely true. There is a link posted by GamerGhost which shows the current active players currently playing in Conclave.

    Since I stated using this link, finding matches were not a serious issue. Case in point, I even managed to increase my Conclave rank within a few hours to my surprise! All you have to do is change your region from time to time.

    If you follow the link, finding a match within 30 minutes would not be a problem.

    So Conclave is not entirely dead by the way. You just need some patience and tweeking your region.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

    I'm a lowly newbie at MR 9 (cheesed that test with Ioris), and just got through War Within.

    Don't see myself rushing to get much past 16 tbh.

    I'm in the "can't be bothered, I'll just buy it" crowd, so MR 9 took about a week and a half.

    I'm a self-employed one man band, so I can pick and choose when I work.  

     cheesed that test with Ioris...? What is loris btw?

  5. 11 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Yea, but then you could avoid Duviri gameplay almost entirely. It's pretty obvious why they've made no comment on several suggestions like these. I agree 100%. Even if you just make them a drop of 1 or 2 from Vor and Jackal instead of Rune Marrow, that would massively help over the long-term without being gamebreaking. 

    Well, if you need the MR points, avoiding Duviri is not an option. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Of course if one plans to hit MR 30, that could be an option but if one plans to hit LR3,  that is not an option.

  6. Just a minor update guys. After playing for slightly less than 1 year, (I started in August 18 2022), I finally hit LR3 or MR33. 

    I have yet to complete the whole map of the Steel Path (completed about 114 missions) and I am missing about 13 Kuva weapons.

    Got most of my MR points from Duviri but I have yet to max them.

  7. OK, I finally built my first Feverspine K-Drive board. All the other parts are also from the Cambion Drift. However, when I use this board in a race at Orb Vallis, completing a few races, I dont seem to be getting any affinity for this board. It shows when I return to my orbiter, the value shows expired. Why this this so? However, when I checked my equipment in my orbiter, it shows that the level of the board as risen.

    Is anyone else facing this same bug? This is not a gamebreaker because I am still getting MR for this. Thanks.

  8. 6 minutes ago, MqToasty said:

    The fastest record we've seen on this forum was 30 login days, over approximately 35 real-time days.  But I believe that was a carefully planned clan effort, yet back when you had to clear most of Steel Path in order to reach MR30.  The absolutely fastest would be 30 real-time days, given the Mastery Tests' timegate.

    Your feat is still impressive, especially for a beginner without prior Warframe experience!  Enjoy the game, and your time here in the forums!


    Thank you for the information and encouragement! Yes, I am aware that the absolute fastest time would be 30 real-time days, given the 24 hour timegate but no human can do it solo because one still needs to sleep and cater to other needs. Unless 3 or for people share the same account and take turns.


    But has anyone attempted reaching MR30 solo with no clan help whatsoever in 60 or even 45 days? That is quite doable if one is rich and unemployed though! 😁



  9. OK, today is a great day for me. After playing for 8 months, every day, on the 248th day of login I finally hit MR30. Considering that I hold a 12 hour a day job, working 60 hours a week, this achievement cannot be understated.

    However, due to time constrains, I am unable to say that I am an expert in Warframe and in some ways consider myself a beginner. Reason being, I rushed through the content, bought most weapons and warframes through platinum and had the only the time to skimp through the wiki. I have also yet to clear the steel chart as well, completing only about 40 missions so far. Of course, in the ideal world, I would like to take the time into getting into the nitty gritty details of warframe but unfortunately, time is not on my side to do this. Therefore, I used whatever time I have to rush through the MR ranks.

    But I understand that if I am not mistaken, someone in reddit took just 180 days or 6 months to reach MR 30. So that itself is possible. I calculated that if one has the financial resource and time, it is quite doable to reach it even with 60 or less days.

    Anyway, now I have the time to relax and I would spend more time into getting into the details of warframe in order to appreciate this wonderful game. MR31 or LR1 can wait for the time being. I just hope that this game will last another 20 years!

    Have a good day everyone!

    • Like 4
  10. On 2/18/2023 at 10:31 PM, Skoomaseller said:

    Title. Getting constant "Network Not Responding" issues while playing lately, been happening for a while I believe. Forgot when it started.

    Usually happens around night time, 8pm+ (GMT +8). Works fine during daytime.

    Playing from Singapore, but many others on the server are experiencing the same thing. 

    My network works fine on other games + web browsing, so it is most likely an issue on your side, DE.

    Hoping for a quick fix. Thanks.

    Your post actually made me glad because for the past few days, I thought I was the only one facing this problem. Thank you for voicing this out! 

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