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Posts posted by hotbeast

  1. The prices are too steep, 25k standing is most of the players daily limit for only 3 keys. Only 1 T4 key for 15k is also way too much. Personally I would rather farm some random interception than buy them at that price.


    EDIT: Also I specifically remember steve said that syndicate rewards would not be based on RNG, if you decide on making void keys be rewarded at random I would have difficulty trusting you in the future.

  2. Got so many keys while farming for elytron (still don't have it), it's already so hard to do caelus to round 4 and what do I get? T4S which I already have like 20. We've already established that archwing is different from normal missions. Please remove the keys, RNG hates me already...


    Edit: Especially now that there are 2 more weapon parts added to the pool

  3. This is true, I think that's why DE is adding in assassin attractors soon. I'm rank 17 with 600 hours into the game and only a few weeks ago did I receive the despair and hate blueprints. I didn't really farm for them though, just randomly killed stalker and got it. I think brakk and detron are harder to get though, g3 and harvestor only appear in certain missions and drop rates are bad as well.

  4. I still think legendary core should still be added in the game in a way. DE seems determined to keep pushing out more and more rank 10 mods. It would take months of farming to just max 1 primed mod. In my opinion, most of the people that have maxed primed mods are the ones who saved their legendary cores. So why should the people that weren't able to get it be punished?


    Why do I want maxed mods? Because anything lower than max just isn't worth it in my opinion. For example, even at max, the primed continuity is only a 25% increase to normal continuity. This is only a few seconds difference, but it takes all of my fusion cores to get it.


    With the addition of legendary rank 10 mods, I think putting in legendary core is only fair.

  5. So I have played this game for quite awhile now (600 hours~). But only yesterday and today did I see tiles I haven't seen before. I forgot to take screenshots, but I'll try my best to describe them.


    First one was a large room in the orokin derelicts, not the one with the thick roots but a big empty one. There was stairs on the side that goes up to a tunnel that has laser traps that activate in a pattern.


    Second one was in a grineer galleon tileset, the room was a ship dock with a big closed door on one side and pathways on the other that lead to a docked grineer ship.


    Is there a bug with these specific tiles? I have probably done hundreds of missions on these tilesets and I am certain I have never seen these tiles before.

  6. Caster frames such as ember, banshee, zephyr, mirage, hydroid, nekros, nova, ash are rarely used in high-level play because they get killed really easily (unless they are in a team with a prepared plan). These warframe's abilities have no direct defensive capabilities and therefore a huge risk of failing missions or dragging the team down. Do you have any current plans that address these issues?



    Another important thing, archwing. I had high hopes for it, but was let down when it was released. The main problem was the amount of bugs in it, helion missiles being invisible after a certain range and still hitting you, invisible walls in the corpus tilset, etc. Another problem was the difficulty as enemies can shoot you from every direction. I was relying on the repel ability all the time, especially in interceptions. Guns were useless to me as i had to stay still to aim decently, moving while shooting was very inaccurate because of the screen shake and bullet travel time. Because of this i have to rely on my abilities and melee, which makes archwing limited and stressful to play. I hope you give archwing a closer look. Are you aware of this? What are your plans to fix these issues?

    Edit: I saw the forum post about the changes, it's a good start but I still think there should be a change in the design of archwing guns, it's very hard to hit enemies that are far away 300m+


    Mastery level!!!! I'm sure many people here have the same issue, we want all dem mastery points, as much as we can get. When are you releasing the event only weapons and/or the weapons that can't be acquired any more? (Braton vandal, lato vandal, ether daggers) I hate not being able to see 62/62 weapons in my profile.

  7. I think after hotfix 15.3.2 extractors have been acting weird, sometimes i cant click the "Claim now" button. The extractor i put on Uranus just disappeared and i can't deploy another extractor on Uranus, it shows "Deploy Extractor" button as clicked and just freezes there. On Venus it won't even let me click the "Deploy Extractor" button. Only Mars is working properly?

  8. Well considering that all warframe mods are obtainable from multiple syndicates, you don't necessarily have to reach top rank for all syndicates. If you are in a clan or have friends this makes collecting much easier as you can trade those.


    However, the problem that arises if you work with opposing syndicates after you have maxed rank. All the hard work that you've put into one syndicate will be wasted. I hope DE adds a reduced rep decrease when a syndicate is at max rank, this may solve your complaints.

  9. I don't really have a good way to show this, but the corpus ship map is pretty buggy. In the pictures below I am try to move forward but I am being blocked by an invisible wall. This makes it difficult to do tight turns without stopping which I really enjoy. I hope DE pays attention to this and fixes it. v(ಥ ̯ ಥ)v (Two pictures are glitched idk why)uYHxQ4R.pnglc4bLsB.pngNIwN35f.png



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