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Posts posted by Milktea9

  1. There's a lot of ways to do it and there's a lot of easier ways to do it.

    I successfully Did the run with a team of 3 Forma'd Oberons to the tune of 40 waves. The 4th guy was irrelevant in the scenario, think he was a Volt or whatever, didn't care just told him to bring whatever he wanted.

    The Oberons require QuickThinking, Rage, and Vitality. Along side a Very efficient negative Range renewal build. Phoenix Renewal the augment card is not required but it could help?

    1 Oberon at both C and B. They release the team, run to them, cast renewal / hallowed ground on them than send them on their way. After that basically sit in a corner and get punched a lot. They essentially give you unlimited Energy as Rage is constantly converting your health into energy creating a surplus. As that Oberon, Once in a while you have to kill a Parasitic Eximus to stop them from draining some of your energy. Rinse Repeat. Oberon at A just has to stay alive and force the group to move. He doesn't have to follow them or anything. Just stay alive at A.

  2. On 6/30/2017 at 4:00 PM, k05h said:

    It translates to "just bring Trinity". 

    Honestly, if you want to evact 8 or 16 groups you need to heal them constantly. Oberon or Equinonx may look like are alternatives but as soon those power draining ancient healers show up you just need Trinity.

    No, Not even Remotely True. As the Oberon my job's a joke. I stay at C, renewal the group and put them on their way Rage/Quickthinking are perfect at just keeping you topped up for basically the whole mission. Just use a low cost renewal build and they're totally fine. all i have to do is kill the occasional Purple dude and power drain Eximus and get punched a couple times. Double Oberon Breaks the system if you have a couple good Oberons that actually know what they're doing. I wrote this post as i was afk getting punched in a corner on my defection mission for free energy.

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