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Posts posted by Deathstriker

  1. Great stuff with the pvp nerfs... both volt and rhino were infuriating.


    And i do hope you resolve the Excalibur fiasco...it's getting way out of hand.


    May i suggest making super jump more useful, by either giving it more CC(maybe like a (mini) radial blind?) either on the launch locations or at the landing one OR making it so you can combo it with Javelin...if you javelin while in the air after a super jump you do X times more dmg, something like that. Just my 2 cents.

  2.  I for one would like thank DE for finally trying to balance the gameplay and hope to see a lot more in the future. A future where all weapons and warframes will hopefully be "viable" and we will remove the "mastery trash" description for a lot of weapons. While a lot of people have "concerns" about this harsh move I'm sure DE will look into them, tweek stuff and try to make everyone happy, like they always have.

     The crying and shouting like little children is just disgusting and i hope DE prepared for it, but most importantly i hope they don't back down(like they sometimes did) and revert the changes because of all the QQing. Just because a flood of people jumped on the forums to shout "OMG give me my OC and forma back" doesn't mean that they represent the majority of players, who i believe are pleased with the changes, but like me rarely use/read the forums.


    Keep up the good work DE.

    • Tweaked the visuals and improved the performance on the Liset loading screens - your Liset is now pilot-able on loading screens! .



    THIS is the single best update since WF came out...Steve you are my hero! xD

  3. I must admit i was highly skeptical about how you will balance warframes considering you somewhat rolled back changes in the past. But i am very happy on how you nerfed/buffed the warframes in this pach and it brings us a step closer to a more balanced game. I was going to take a break from Warframe until some much needed changes arrived, but it seems i have reasons to keep playing. Thanks DE for all the new stuff/buggfixing, and i hope we will see more changes/balancing with warframe abilities in the (very) near future.



  4. Will there ever be a better/new way to play high level missions in warframe other then "just get the most OP gun (that probably does AOE damage), forma it till it explodes and then spamming your way to victory"?

    In other words will we ever have a balance between enemy difficulty, weapon damage and warframe abilities? Is this even a goal anymore?

  5. Glaive blueprint not being in the market is a big mistake IMO. If it wasn't available for platinum either it would be fine...but giving weapons only for money is just a bad decision all around.

    The rest of the fixes are all welcome.

  6. I'm in that same boat my friend, I LOVE this game and will keep playing most likely, just not spending anymore money. 


    I wuld never work for that kind of money, I am not some immature child. 


    If all everyone wants to do is post hate at me, please kindly PM that hate instead. there's no reason to bring hostility simply because I put forth an opinion about the mechanics behind the market system.


    I feel sorry for you sir. The amount of fanboys and/or hate on this post seems to be ridiculous. There is nothing I hate more then people who spew hate at others just for stating an opinion. BTW Am I the only one who can see that he actually does have a founder badge? Anyway...

    As for your initial statement, I for one (and probably the only one) think that everything you said is true , just because you  used the "pay to make shortcuts" analogy. It just seems that other people ignored that or something blurred their eyes and went for the "pay2win" debate, so for the sake of argument I'll throw in my 2 cents on that:

    The thing that everyone ,including yourself, seems to forget is that this is a PVE only game (atm), and talks about pay to win , in my opinion at least, are just absurd. You cannot WIN anything in a PVE game. Buying everything in the store with money is completely up to you; if you want to play all the frames with all the weapons it seems fine to me because you cannot use them in a way that will make me/anyone else LOSE something, so what are you actually paying to win at? If you like the game you will play it and only buy platinum for 2 reasons: 1 to support the awesome devs, 2 to skip some of the grind and get at least your preferred warframe and weapons because you don't have the time to get them through grinding so you can maybe play with your friends that do have all that time available. The second reason is kinda weak IMO, because this is one of those few games that make grinding fun, I mean you get everything in the game by grinding right? but grinding in this game means being a space ninja and killing everything in sight with your super powers, so if you look at it like that there isn't any grind in the first place because being a space ninja is all you ever do anyway.

    Also the game is only in BETA and as someone else stated there are already a few weapons that are only available as rewards and I'm sure there will be more of this in the future->stuff that only people PLAYING the game have access to and can't be bought in the store, because that's how all online- rpg type games work, players grinding for days and playing all the missions and alerts and such need something for their effort or they will just find some other game where they get rewarded better for their trouble.

    Even tho League is the best F2P game of our generation, it can't be compared to a totally different game like warframe so I'm not gonna go there. But the fact that just about everything that you can play/grind for can also be bought with money is a plus for the game because what happens most of the time with games like this is that the players who pay get WAAAAY more stuff, that the "normal" players will NEVER have access to, because they are treated as second class citizens. So its going well so far IMO.


  7. Update 7.8.0



    - Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded


    Can someone pls explain this with a little more detail. If you run out of revives and die you lose everything(mods, creds etc)? What about if your internet/PC crashes?

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