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Posts posted by Brosephelon

  1. I must be a Nekros GOD because I never seem to have the issues you are talking about.


    I max range and basically ignore power strength/duration.  I run Corrosive Projection, Despoil, and Equilibrium...  Generally my only durability mod is a single vitality, if I feel I need more durability I'll replace a range mod with a vigor.  I tried a tank build with quick thinking before and it worked well enough.  


    Nekros's #2, Terrify, is great.  Its annoying that it causes enemies to run away but its spammable and can fear effectively "everything" on screen.  Since this is the main thing I use energy on I can cast it 2-3 times back to back without issue.  Assuming I have some orbs around I'll get most of that energy back relatively quickly and if not I can kill the feared things, desecrate them, and then have orbs to get the energy back.  Worst case scenario I can drop an energy restore.  


    Nekros's #3, Desecrate, is great.  While some will argue "oh your just a loot bot" or "its just a crutch for a bad drop system" I look at it more for making loads of orbs which I used with Equlibrium to keep heavily stocked on energy and health.  Despoil making it so I don't use energy for desecrate is great.


    This makes the "core" of my Nekros setup.  I kill things, if I'm overwhelmed I fear things, then kill them.  Once things are dead I desecrate to gets orbs to keep killing things and fearing things.  Its works decently well in general.


    I don't use #4 Shadows of the Dead much.  In general because I'm modding against duration/power its not as strong as it could be.  That said sometimes I will use it to pull out a couple shadows inbetween waves if relevant or there is a super crowded room.  In general though the issue with SotD is not related to the scaling but simply to the AI which is the same problem Nyx has with Mind Control, and similar.  The AI just flatly sucks, mostly they just sorta stand there as bullet sponges there damage and CC is just non-existent seemingly.  They also clutter up the screen more than I like.  

    You can build around this skill, and "make it work" but in doing so why not just play trinity instead?  Trinity can setup insane damage resistances too, can keep constant energy up sorta like equlibrium nekros, and can even support the team more.  Perhaps if the shadows did more damage it could be an interesting build for trying to solo stuff but it still just feels like a gimmick to me.  

    People talk about the casting time but you could literally have INFINITE casting time and it would be fine since you can fear everyone in the game since the fear changes.  Unless you are having energy issues cast times shouldn't be an issue unless you already put yourself into a serious problem outside of your cast times.... though I'm not really sure why you are having energy issues with Nekros. 


    For a first skill, #1 Soul Punch is pretty solid.  It does some damage and can rag doll.  Nothing that great but most first abilties are like that.  The augment makes this pretty solid as a group ability for ranged instant revives.  I personally don't really use the augment due to 8 mod slot limit but if you were prioritizing revives over other stuff it could be worth it.  This skill is mostly just overshadowed by Terrify in most cases beyond the early levels of the game.  



    I think a lot of you are just wanting Nekros to be something hes not.  The OP is wanting him tankier and beefier, presumably so he can go hard in the paint with a scythe while he has SHINIGAMI!!!! power fantasies.  Other people are wanting some sort of "zoo necromancer" like in D2.   The reality is Nekros is a support frame, he has some CC, and helps keep teams going smooth with lots of orbs.  

    Presumably you could even run special 3man team comps with 3x CP + "maximized terrify" that effectively mimmicks 4x CP.  Which could free up a team slot for energy siphon, steel charge/rifle amp/whatever, or even just running content as a 3man while still getting full armor shred.  


    Nekros is a solid frame who is fine as is, unless you are talking about moral opinions on things like "desecrate shouldn't even exist, just up the drop rate!".  Play to his strengths, and not your power fantasies of a "warframe of death" and you shouldn't have many issues with him.  You could even go "god of death" melee only if you focused on a channeling life strike build using your energy almost purely for channeling.  

  2. That's the thing, unless they make some really hard enemy, the game is literally over at MR8, you have nothing meaningful left to achieve. Aesthetics are worth about as much as the number next to your name. There needs to be a reason to play, and isn't it only right that the highest level players should have access to the highest level weapons?

    Also one thing that i should have mentioned earlier, this is a grinding game, if you don't like grinding( which you obviously stated), then leave.


    How does a stronger gun help anyone?  The issue isn't the guns, we can already do 40+min T4 survivals and frankly you can probably manage that without hitting MR8.  There will always be new guns, but just having arbitrarily strong guns at high MR is just silly.  The big important thing here to is that weapons keep a degree of parity.  An MR6 gun shouldn't directly and always outclass an MR0 or 2 gun, they generally do but they don't have to.  Guns like the original Latron even if MR0 and antique is still a decent all around gun.  All of these various prime weapons, many with low MR's are still viable and the concept of all of those weapons just being invalidated because "oh yeah he got the MR10 SuperSoma" is just for lack of a better word stupid.  


    I don't mind grinding, I have hundreds of Paragon levels in D3.  I've played Warframe for hundreds of hours and will continue to do so.  But you know what?  I've never really played Witch Doctor in D3 it just never appealed to me, yet I've still played the game for countless hours and enjoy the game.  By having people able to specialize there characters, people will do so.  I really like a few warframes but frankly just flat out dislike others, I can't stand the play style of Frost and the concept of having to build and level it to 30 just so I can get that extra bit of MR to do something relevant is just repulsive.  I also don't care much for Dual Wielded melee, its just not to my tastes, I've tried a few like the Dual Ichor but it still just wasn't my cup of tea.  


    Just because I don't want to play literally EVERYTHING doesn't mean I don't play the grind, or am not beyond the grind.  There is a difference between grinding and collecting.  I'll grind all damn day if I have the free time, but i will not buy the machete wraith no matter how many ducates it is just to level that piece of trash as mastery fodder, because I am not a collector.  


    What Warframe needs in that regard for "bittervets" is better, harder, content thats ACTUALLY REWARDING.  Sure we can go to 40+ in surivals, but why?  Why not just leave at 15 or 20 based off the rotation rewards you need.  They need to put more incentives into staying on Sechura/similar for more than just 5 waves.

    A great example with D3 was they added greater rifts, these were INFINITELY scaling random dungeons that had decent rewards dropped on clearing it.  Once you cleared the dungeon you either upgraded it to a higher difficulty key or cashed in the completed key for another reward (which scaled based on how many difficulty levels you took the key up).  Another aspect of note is that these greater rifts were timed meaning you couldn't just "out sustain them" you had to be efficiently and effectively killing everything.  Adding into this timed aspect they used it as there ladder system so people could "compete" for faster and higher clear times giving them a leader board.  


    Something like an endless tower + leaderboard is what you should be looking at, not a bigger gun because you hit MR29.  Oh and telling people to leave, just because they disagree with you is pretty S#&$ty and bad for the game... just sayin.  

  3. I've heard this a lot and frankly I don't really want it.  Level gating in general sucks, and I don't like the idea that I'll have to run around trying to collect random weapons/frames that I have no interest in just to level them to 30 and get rid of them just so I can get/do X that I actually want.  


    If there is MR rewards beyond 8, then they need to be "status" rewards and not weapon access, mode access, etc.  Things like sigils, armor, color pallets things that people can live without even if it would be nice to have.  

  4. name 10 weapons aside meta weapons u can take to a t3 mission


    Well lets define what a "meta weapon" is.  Is the phage a meta weapon?  Its not popular, but its strong and capable as is with solid stats and interesting mechanics.  


    Personally I'd put the meta at "soma p, boltor p, dread, tonkor" and with that in mind.


    Phage, Penta, Ogris, Quanta, Quanta Vandal, Sybaris, Attica, Amprex, Synapse, Latron P, Burston P, Braton P, Tiberon.


    Thats not even breaking into secondaries or melee weapons.  Arguably melee weapons are harder due to coptering, but if you are willing to sacrifice coptering loads of viable weapons open up.  Now you might argue "but thunderbolt attrica is totally meta" though realistically thats just moving the goal posts to some degree.

    At the end of the day I'd even argue that most weapons potatoe'd and forma's out could be brought to a T3 and do ok, with a few exceptions.  A Daikyu is strictly worse than a Dread, but when it comes down to it the Daikyu's TTK is around the same as the Dread assuming perfect shot placement for both, there will be some straight enemy type/team comp differences where the Daikyu will take 1 extra shot, if you think T3 is so hard that shooting twice instead of once is going to make the difference on these things you are sorta delusional.  

  5.  He got semi-useless 1st ability, which is not really a problem for a 1st ability.


    Setting the rest aside as I do more or less agree with you about tentacle swarm, Hydroids barrage is great, its probably one of the best first abilities in game.  


    Damage wise its irrelevant, but it makes infested defense nice and easy with a constant knockdown spam on a pod.  Its a cheap spammable aoe knockdown with literally infinite range.  Its not super useful vs non-infested, but its still decent when enemies cluster though we can say that about most aoe powers that don't have a 30m+ aoe.  


    Tidal Surge is also fine, while I agree having it as a first ability would be nice for the cost reduction.  They've also made it decently better compared to Rhino Charge to make it worthwhile.  It has about triple the width of rhino charge, similar damage, goes further, and knocks down enemies hit.  It also drags loot you pass over with you which is nice.  Frankly I'd rather have barrage as the first ability as is because it helps it be so spam friendly where i don't need to surge 24/7.  


    Undertow is silly, but also good.  The big deal with undertow is NOT damage, the damage is pointless.  Instead it gives you a breather, oh you are getting hurt?  become a puddle regen up, and go back to doing stuff.  If it also demolished enemies while doing that it would be insane.  That said the ability to move the puddle around with a better camera view would be nice.  Realistically you use it for a few seconds to get back to full, not to turn into a puddle and afk for a day.


    Tentacle Swarm, visually the ability is nice, though I generally agree with you.  In terms of CC its just lack luster, its pretty solid CC against low enemy numbers but sorta meh against loads of dudes.  


    Overall Hydroid works well for missions with static points like defense, intercept, excavation, etc.  Hes surprisingly durable for a CC focused frame (nyx, vauban, etc are all pretty paper-ish).  His CC is on the weaker side of things, but he makes up for this in variety of CC options to often have a viable tool for whatever situation you might face.  I think one of Hydroids big strengths is that he doesn't have a "psy bolts" skill that is just pointless/useless.  All his abilities have some crowd control to it, he has multiple "get out of jail free" options, he has solid augments, and in general is just a decent frame.  I dislike how pilfering swarm has shoehorned him into descrate2.0 to some degree but before that and discounting that hes a fun flexible CC frame.  

  6. Tipedo is currently the default "best" melee.  It has high crit, decent speed, but most importantly is amazingly good for coptering.  This means besides being good for copter utility its still solid outside of it and can run a zerker build.


    Scindo Prime and Jat Kittag are both solid options if you want the big bad melee damage machines.  Scindo Prime does more damage Jat Kittag has more knockdown/cc.  Neither of these are "good" copter weapons though so by taking them you get less insane mobility.


    Honorable Mentions, Dual Ichor, Dragon Nikana, Dakra Prime, and Bo Prime.  These used to be top tier weapons until buffs to the Scindo/Jat Kittag happened and/or the Tipedo came out and effectively replaced them.  


    My honest suggestion would be to focus on getting a Tipedo.  Even without coptering its still a great weapon, and with its coptering abilities it basically outclasses nearly everything else.  

  7. Bad logic.


    If the amount is infinite, then everyone would have the same build: aka ALL THE MODS.



    Except its not infinite, only the slot amount it.  You are still limited by at MAX 60 mod energy for a lv30 item.  You are still going to have to make decisions about what to equip, how to equip it, etc.  Hypothetically with a 100% forma'd item you could have 120 mod energy worth of mods, hypothetically you could have 120 mod energy with of mods equipped right now with full forma.  Obviously I'm discounting the benefits of auras/stances.  


    What this means though is that while you are limited to the same amount of mod energy you could instead of equipping the select few high value mods that are commonly used.  Situational mods like typed damage resistance, rush, etc could see the light of day in place of a single mod.  Not only this it would add value to actually forma'ing warframes.  Right now very few frames "need" forma.  Nyx is a great example.  My Nyx Prime build is literally maxed out (besides a maxed prime flow, which I could fit but don't have) even with maxed prime flow I'd still have extra mod energy with all slots filled, all mods maxed, ZERO FORMA USED.  I could realistically forma the frame and have 30+ extra mod energy sitting around for things like Vigor, Rush, a random Intensify, you name it.  Except all my slots are already used.  


    Would this lead to more powerful frames?  Sure people would be forma'ing and running Vigor on basically 99.9% of maxed out frames.  Frankly that should be seen as a good thing.  Instead very few people run vigor because more often that not you'd rather just have vitality and you need your other slots for duration, range, power, efficiency, etc.  So many warframe builds are very same-ish you have basically 3 builds + some randoms like Nekros.  Maxed range, maxed power, and maxed duration.  Duration is the most mod energy dependent option as its the only one with a primed base mod to have to fit.  Beyond that you fit your streamline, maybe fleeting expertise or flow, and a vigor.  For your aura you put on energy siphon or corrosive projection... in limited situations steel charge.

    Loads of weapons are like this too.  For basically every secondary its hornet strike, lethal torrent, barrel diffusion, and whatever elemental mods you can fit... sometimes a mutation mod if you want to use the secondary as a primary.  Primary weapons arn't much different either.  We have silencer mods, punch through mods, reload mods, ammo mods, etc but realistically we can never use them because more often than not its better to just cram another random elemental mod on there.  


    I don't think adding this to weapons would work well.  Because it would cause much higher damage weapons.  Though I do think that for warframes themselves it would be fine as you arn't going to get much higher damage out of them, instead it would mostly be durability and utility. 

  8. Yes, but that only really makes sense for either Valkyr or Chroma, the other frames simply do not have enough armor to make it worth a mod slot. On my Valkyre AA gives an extra 300 armor and together with Steel Fiber it adds up to over 1500 armor making it well worth the slot.


    Yet on most other frames you don't even get +50 armor out of it which in my opinion makes it pretty much a waste of a slot. I mean on anything below 200 (190 will do as well) armor I wouldn't even use Steel Fiber.



    Frosts armor is used for snow globes armor, so armor stacking on Frost is legit.  Things might change with the rework but as it stands Frost likes armor stacking.  

  9. They would be 'Micro Uzi's so they are machine pistols by definition.  A full size uzi is not a one hander....certainly not going to do it with 2 of them.



    We are talking about a game were I can summon tentacles out of the floor while front flipping through the air with a giant jet powered hammer.  I think I could one hand an Uzi.  

  10. Roughly half of the changes you suggest are entirely arbitrary, with seemingly no basis in "experience" and/or minimal impact on actual balance.


    Half of the remaining half, is changes that achieve their goal in extremely boring ways, despite mechanics existing that could be better utilized to fulfill a weapons "power fantasy".


    Nothing you suggest is in any way revolutionary or interesting, all of it is band-aids(the whole system needs an overhaul, shotgun/sniper changes are band-aids too).



    While I get what you are saying, sometimes that +X stat, -Y stat is all thats really a needed.  If a simple numbers tweak can take a weapon from punishing to useful, or useful to great whats so bad about it?  Is it an artistic and stylish fix?  Not at all but having some gloriously grand solution that is marveled for years to come as the best most intelligent solution isn't needed.  


    The biggest issue is that for a lot of these weapons it seems like there are no changes on the horizon.  The Ignis while really cool as a flame thrower seems to have no future to it.  While a simple tweak to improve ammo conservation while upping the overall damage would really help make it work well.  Could you instead look at a fix about entirely removing ammo, giving it a heat system so that you fire it in bursts instead of constant streams, reload, constant stream and in the process make it the ideal infested slayer it should be?  Sure but thats a lot of work and requires the production of the entire heat mechanic and all the issues associated with it.  


    TL;DR reinventing the wheel is cool, but if you can just make a square wheel round... you don't really need to.

  11. i think the general idea of "slow heavy weapon makes you slower" makes sense.


    Except thats not how its playing out in reality.  Things like the dual ichor, tipedo, etc are all hard hitting pwn machines with top tier dps that can run zerker builds effectively.  You are not sacrificing anything to copter, you are just limiting your weapon selection heavily.


    Another issue is that coptering is a glitch, it is not an intended game mechanic and never has been.  The community has taken it and ran with it but the most notable issue with coptering as a system issue is that it limits melee weapon design options.  If you give single daggers good attack speeds (like the ceramic dagger) you have an insane copter weapon, so instead you wind up with daggers like the Kayerst with its Hammer like attack speed.  


    The Dragon Nikana is a great weapon, it has great damage solid secondary stats, and it looks great with multiple nice stances.  It has a high mastery rating requirement combined with a decently steep build path requiring clan tech, a weapon upgrade, argon crystals, etc.  Yet even though I like the weapon a lot I would never use it in a serious game mode like a raid or high tier void mission because the mobility of coptering is just so eclipsing it makes using the weapon pointless.  


    Certainly I CAN run around with a Jat Kittag for fun, and it is fun.  Though its not effective and I'd be handicapping myself and I'd usually only use it as part of a melee only run.  


    By removing coptering they are opening up design space to create good faster melee weapons without issues associated with becoming defacto coptering gods or coptering too hard that they bug out and clip people through walls consistently.  They are opening up in general better more consistent movement options that isn't tied down to a melee weapon and making the melee weapon you use a choice instead of use a Tipedo or use a Tipedo if you are "power gaming".  


    I'll miss coptering, but at the same time I'm excited at the prospect of bringing and slower melee weapon (slower doesn't mean lighter/heavier a Tipedo would be heavier than a Nikana by a lot) while still being able to keep up with my team.  I'm excited at the prospect of double jumps, air hang time, wall grabs, opening up the maps in some interesting ways and possibly leading to some new interesting vertically focused tile sets.   

  12. It works well on Frost, Chroma, Valk, and sorta Rhino.  


    Frost pre-rework has mod space issues as he needs some duration mods to make it worth while, though after rework I suspect AA will be a pretty standard mod for him.


    Chroma likes everything this mod is giving, yeah the speed boost is minimal but hey something is better than nothing.  It also helps with the Chroma stack armor till 99%+ damage resist gameplan.   


    Valk can reach insane armor values with it combined with steel fiber like just passively having 1300+ armor.  Which is going to put her significantly over 80% passive damage reduction, probably around 85-90% damage reduction which is insane.  


    Rhino already often runs speed stuff like Rush, Arcane Vanguard, etc so the extra speed is nice.  Rhino's can often make decent usage of steel fiber/armor with decent armor stats.  Imo this straight up replaces Rush on Rhino in most cases unless you really need every scrap of speed you can get.  


    The main issue with the mod is simply that more often than not there are "needed" mods, and this isn't really a "needed" mod for most frames.  I think its a very valuable mod for Valk and Chroma, and it will be an insane value for Frost post rework though as it stands now aside from those frames nobody is even really going to consider it.  

    If you really have an issue with it, I'd look at changing it to give a flat armor amount this way even non-armor focused frames like Nyx, Banshee, Vauban, etc can get good use out of it, while frames like Chroma, Valk, etc can still get good returns by running Steel Fiber/AA combo.  Being able to take squishy frames from around 10% damage reduction to around 30%+ damage reduction would be nice, giving a minor speed boost ontop makes its a great generic utility mod.  Letting it effect base armor so its multiplied by Steel Fiber allows armor stackers to actually exist and be a thing.

    Perhaps you could also make the speed boost a flat boost aswell, so it stacks better with Rush and has a greater impact on slower frames.  Though that might be a bit on the more extreme end of things.  

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