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Posts posted by Omegafinity

  1. The Tether Grenades mod for the Penta Series is overwriting the critical hit chance, status chance from the recent buff in Shrine of the Eidolon Update 22.12 of 26% each back to 10% (pre-buff values)
    Also for some reason it also increases the blast damage of the weapon

    I'm assuming this is unintentional and should be looked and and fixed soon.

    Pictures attached for reference


    Update: This has been fixed atleast visually as of now (update 22.13.4).  Playtesting required to check whether the bug persists in regular gameplay

  2. Hello tenno! Much love all the way from India:heart:
    If you somehow managed to stumble upon this, kudos to you :P 

    A very merry Christmas to everyone and hope you all are having an excellent holiday season! Happy  farming, fishing, looting, plundering, dismembering... erm wait (which game are we playing again?) 

    Jokes aside. Happy tennobaum to you all and hope you receive heaps and heaps of gifts. 

    If you're feeling generous, I'd love a hug :P

    But since you can't give me that, how about adding me as a friend with a kind worded message to accompany ? 

    If you're feeling more generous, gift somebody slots, potatoes, forma, exilus etc. Go make somebody's day. 

    If you're feeling ESPECIALLY generous and that too towards me, I would love the aforementioned things or cosmetics/skins/deco of any kind .

    I was hoping for deluxe bundles last year (I didn't ask though) but they tend to be expensive (DE discounts on deluxe bundles,  pliss. XD) so I'm not expecting any..  But a kind tenno was so nice as to gift me an ash koga skin (which means I can't buy the bundle now ;_; but it's still great! ) and another gifted me 2 weapon slots, so THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your names are buried beneath one million Starbursts by Teshin, I'll dig you out one day. Btw  I managed to buy saryn and trinity bundles but nothing else. 

    I'll try to repay your kindness if you happen to gift me. Happy gifting :D

  3. You have my best wishes for your future endeavours. May all your projects be successful. There actually does come a time when real life takes so much of a toll on you that devoting your energies to a game becomes impossible (because that's what warframe is, a game. though a good one at that). I too think of a time when I'll have to quit warframe for good to pursue my future and I too feel really thankful to the developers and the community for making this such a memorable experience (atleast for the past 2 years or so and more to come :D )

    Oh and yeah, thanks from the community for the raffle.

    March forth tenno, let obstacles not deter you from your goal, your telos. So

    flow around them or right through;

    For they are not your ultimate challenge, the final opposition. Though

    it might not seem so, yet it is none else

    but You.

      (^Random musings, ignore if you find it wierd. Although I think these lines would look good on Tenshin :P )

    --- Cheers,

    --- Omegafinity, a lone tenno.

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