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Posts posted by HunterFenrir

  1. 2 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

    Yeah, just because I main Valkyr I must be a lame meta hugger and a noob. Wow. Did you see me complain about the mission being impossible? No. I would have been better off solo I just went with pubs and I still pretty much carried the team with managing the life support because they camped their asses.

    I simply don't enjoy other frames as much.

    Also, the hypocrisy coming from you with suggesting Naramon is ridiculous.

    Lol calm down mang why so sensitive. None of them were meant to tick you off jeeze.

  2. Is it supposed to be hard? I heard casting bladestorm when you are radiated will be the ticket to a free mission success but your teammates will need revival.

    Jokes aside the radiation hazard is only a threat during defence, if the operative becomes radiated they'll not only shoot you with whatever secondary you gave them but you can't revive them. Nyx Chaos especially will royally screw the defence mission over.

  3. 1. Not sure why you're so surprised, this is the typical result of Infested x Eximus Stronghold. Of course there'd be parasitics everywhere

    2. Valkyr is not the answer to everything you disgusting Meta Hugger

    3. Work with a proper squad, think up of a set of Warframes that can work together to counteract the problems.

    4. If you're like me and dead set on Solo-ing cus ppl tend to be more of a hassle than the enemies themselves, use Naramon's(:naramon:) Shadow step.

    On a side note, is it just me or are all the complaints about sorties always from console pleb- I mean umm... Players. *Cough* PC masterrace *Cough*

    Just kidding about the last part don't take it too seriously.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Krysyth said:

    I think the best way to improve Lunaro would be to remove it and whoever spearheaded its addition.

    But if it must exist, it would be very nice to regulate checkspam, remove the obnoxious post-score replays (or at least add a skip option) and remove its involvement in Conclave. Give it rewards and a Standing all its own.

    This isn't much of a helpful suggestion and keep in mind that this thread I made is meant to compile all the ideas from our fellow Tenno in hopes that DE would hear us out in improving their newly added gamemode. You can take your salt somewhere else. Please and thank you. :)

  5. So recently I've been playing quite a lot of Lunaro and I really am having a blast and lots of fun. Of course it's still a new mode so it's not perfect and there are rooms for improvements so I'd like to pitch in too.

    1. Checking

    The way things work are great but there have been times where things really get out of hand. Lunaro started from a 4v4 to a 3v3 to reduce the chaos and this really helped but there's still a ton of chaos since players really seem to love checking players, at times over checking players to keep them on the ground. I personally feel that knocking down players shouldn't be an option(It really feels like something that shud be given a Red Card) and checking shouldn't stagger or stagger as hard.

    2. Picking Up The Lunaro

    As of now the Lunaro can be picked up by either running at it and touching it or using the Arcata to magnetise it towards you. This isn't really a problem unless times when going into the offensive. Countless times I've experienced having a clear shot at the goal but the Lunaro somehow ends up getting picked up by the teammate near me upon throwing. If players can only pick up the Lunaro by using their Arcata it would allow for better controls and running into the ball pushes it will probably discourage the entire team relentlessly running straight at it.

    3. Passing

    Honestly I didn't pay attention to passing in the practice room but from what I have heard people have been asking for this function to have a designated button. Perhaps allowing players to lock onto teammates by aiming at them and using the alt fire button will do a auto aimed pass where the throw will adjust itself to the target teammate's movement and direction. There will be a display on HUD similar to how there are markers on teammates during Archwing, only that these markers only appear on teammates that the system is currently locked onto for the pass.

    4. HUD

    Currently the HUD shows where the ball is through walls and has an arrow to show you where the Lunaro is when not in your field of view. This is pretty good as it is but trying to know whether you have the Lunaro during the chaos of having the entire team cooped up in one small area in an attempt to get the Lunaro is the problem. Numerous times I did not realise that the Lunaro ended up in my Arcata when all 6 of us were piled up in the corner until I heard the bleeping of the Lunaro's timer before it drops off me.

    SoulEchelon:I suggest having the marker that shows who has the lunaro appear above your own head when you have it as well. That would definitely fix the problem with being unsure if you have it or not. And it'd be a quick fix as well.


    • Forcing people that never played Lunaro to go through all the practice.Enough newbies ruining games because they don't know how to shoot a ball.
    • Being able to choose the team you want to play with, and having the game not start until the teams are evened out. (this should've been in all other team-based conclave modes as well.)
    • Some cooldown/penality after checking, or completely remove it, because as it is now, people just seem to spam checking while other teammates do the work. It can't be anything but frustrating.
    • Along with the teammate marker, make the vortex stronger for the receiving teammates (for example if you're in team sun and the lunaro is orange, your vortex will be 25% stronger than a moon player's.)
    • Some bonuses that encourage teamplay, for example: a growing immunity to stagger the more you pass (capped of course), a "super throw" after 5 passes that staggers enemies only and can be received by teammates, passes shown in the end screen, and maybe more. 
    • A UI icon when you have the lunaro in your hands, with a timer to show how long until it becomes unstable. The sound effect it has is either very misleading, or bugged with a bad host.

    If there are any further suggestions pls leave then in the reply section and I will try to add some of them here if they're reasonable enough.See you all on the arena, Tenno.

  6. 1 minute ago, reptillicus said:

    No... because that's not how this story works...

    Regardless off how the gameplay portrays Tenno combat, they are not back stabbing mercenaries who work for whoever pays the most. In the lore the Tenno are honorable keepers of balance where the pay is just a bonus. 

    Besides if Stalky hated us, Hunhow definitely hates us just as much. No matter how you paint this, your suggestion just doesn't make sense.

    Actually Hunhow hates us the most, Stalker hesitated during the very very scared not to be spoken and should be spoiled "quest" whereas hunhow kept on saying how his hatred was weak unlike Hunhow's hatred.

  7. 1 minute ago, LittleRiot.Teemo said:

    There are lots of haters hate me because my name is Teemo 

    Also , Hackers are usually see on PvP , i saw many proof on other forum 

    Fine so if there are hackers then leave the match and look for another, it's not like there's penalties for leaving a match in Warframe.

  8. 1 minute ago, LittleRiot.Teemo said:

    Anyway , if you guys keep racist to the Teemo , keep going , this is a discussion , not a drama place 

    Wow so just because we don't agree with your constant whining of how ppl are hacking and all when you just plainly can't handle Warframe's PvP means we're "Racist" towards you. How are you alone even a Race?

    Back on track. Warframe has barely any hackers when it comes to PvP. There are 3 types of PvP players, those that completely suck, those that can get around easily with normal matches and those that spend so much time in PvP that they would be in the 'Pro Scenes' if there were. Not to mention that ppl can also tell where u spawn with the use of good headphones and volume. If you can't handle action PvP, go back to League Of Legends since from everything you've said, Warframe PvP is not your cup of tea.


  9. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)PHEONIX5784 said:

    I keep hearing these words, edge lore,lorewise,what do they mean?

    Basically it's going against "Logic" in the storyline aka Lore. Stalker hates us to the point he'd mercilessly and relentlessly kill us no matter how many Warframes we build. Why in the hell would he suddenly say, "hey you know what sure you can join me, let's be good buddies eh?"

  10. Warframe PvP is like one of those old games with fast paced PvP. You stop moving and you're dead, this isn't CSGO kids, this is Warframe, it's like Quake. You don't stop to shoot, you shoot while running and jumping or whatever there is you can do while shooting. 

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