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Posts posted by Elibae

  1. 35 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

    maybe we should add n exorcist by that amount of salt....

    but yeah, the topic derailed quite fast. Afterall it was just the question about " will it get nerfed like my friend said" and that question was answered quite early with a no.

    Yeap. That's how people behave :P

  2. 3 minutes ago, Bizzaro21 said:

    i know, but how does not caring about nerf criers get every frame nerfed? for clarification, I meant taking their talk seriously, not their discussions here or anywhere else, predictions are nothing to worry about

    Anyway. This thread is going nowhere. Seems just that when people see Excalibur they start throwing salt and hate everywhere.

  3. 17 minutes ago, gluih said:

    Excal actually needs quite a lot of mods to be good, so what you are saying doesn't really make sense. And again excal is actually really strong in basically every mission. You might not specifically look for an excal in a squad, because usually people look for massive CC, trinity or DPS that kills stuff in the whole room instead of only the direction you are facing to speed defenses up.

    Using excal with naramon is actually one of the easier ways to complete that sortie mission.

    Yeah. I got 5 forma in my excal and many R10 Mods.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Bizzaro21 said:

    because he is easy to use, from their perspective, I mean you can`t expect people who said saryn got nerfed because she needs to tap an extra button to do the same or more, to make sense,people like to complain, when valkyr got her rework they also wanted her nerfed to the ground, when saryn got her rework, forums were flooded with cry posts, my point is, nevermind this type of people, as long as DE didnt say anything, there is no point bothering with them

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    waiting for mag`s rework



    Well. By that logic means that every frame will get banned because everyone will cry over anything.

  5. 2 minutes ago, K0bra said:

    Sorry but how can you compare him to Ash?Ash standing still BS combo counter goes higher and higher.You are out of BS next one.So excalibur you use Exalted blade spam your ability.Run around.Enemies can kill you easily when they hit lvl 80+.You have to use Blind + Life strike to survive or when you are a real bored person you use Naramon.

    There are frames who are actually way more deadly and easier to play then Excalibur but nobody talks about them. I let it here : > Saryn <

    Saryn is easy to use? Excuse me? I have so much playtime on my saryn. How exactly is Saryn easier to play than excalibur.

  6. 14 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

    i think it is just the same reason why some players hate Ash and frames like him. Where you just can mindlessly spam a button. In excals place, the E button smashing the shockwave mindlessly throu the mission. even when no enemy is here.


    I personally like to use excalibur for higher missions (end of starchart and sometimes Sortie), the auto parry and dame reduction is nice. Not helpfull in all cases, but its saving lives. and never forget the radial blind wich works wonders on all levels.

    I rather not. I play him only solo.

  7. 1 minute ago, Bizzaro21 said:

    nothing is going to or should happen to him, he`s in a good place now, that guy was probably speculating or hoping, and as u said OP, he was "Bragging", it doesnt even have to be true

    ~Bizzaro21 was here

    Still. I cannont understand all the hate pointed towards excalibur. Useless frame in high tier missions yet everyone hates him.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    Ok, firstly. YOU'RE* and you're welcome.

    Secondly, YES- I'm playing Warframe for FUN. That's kind of the WHOLE POINT of games dude! GAMES are made for FUN. You're telling me you DON'T play a game for FUN? SERIOUSLY? How about you quit if it's not fun then? Why in the HELL would you play a game that's not fun for you?

    Thirdly, you CLEARLY didn't even read more than two sentences of my post before replying. There's no way you'd say something so absolutely ridiculous so quickly if you had. Not to mention you clearly didn't see the part near the end that said "if you didn't read all of this I'd rather you not respond" because I KNEW it'd be something dumb like this. Said it a second ago, I'll say it again. DE people like this are a toxin to your community, it is killing it, and this is the sort of stuff that is creating them. It needs to stop.

    I've read every single word of your comment. Every.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    This is it. I'm done. Really? I mean REALLY? You just said it. I mean I already knew what excalispammers though but I never thought I'd see someone BLATANTLY admit this.

    "I don't care about my team." See DE, this is why Draco has to go. This is why EB needs a nerf. This is why things need to start shaping up. Because it makes people like this. This kind of stuff is toxic, it's bad for you community, and it's slowly starting to kill your game. PLEASE DE you need to do something about this stuff already.

    1. I don't farm my focus / i don't usually play Draco. 2. I play excalibur only when i solo. 3. U took that out of context. Anyway. Im eager for you to go into a pub game to see a MR6 flaming you for no reason. 4. I never play excalibur with premades. 5. Read THE WHOLE TEXT.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    Because Nova has the durability of a wet paper towel. And not one like Bounty, one of those cheap bargain brand single layer ones. Totally soaked.

    Now let's compare these.

    Excalibur's waves go 40 meters. They instakill almost anything they touched. They infinitely punch through all enemies and environment in their path. They deal their damage instantly on contact. While active if he does a spin he gets a free blind that COMPLETELY stops enemies in their tracks, and also boosts his waves' damage against them significantly. He also takes little to no (I can't remember if they reduced it from 100% or not offhand) damage from ANYTHING in front of him, and reflects some of that damage back and I believe also causes staggers while doing so. Excalibur overall is rather durable, and has an ability that can COMPLETELY shut down everything in range that is aware of him, an ability that is a VERY controllable source of quick movement horizontally, and another ability that will totally stun and damage all enemies around him.

    Nova's 4 goes nowhere NEAR 40 meters (maybe modded). They do not deal direct damage. It slows enemies rather than bringing them to a complete halt. It does not stop them from shooting. It does not buff damage dealt to them nearly as much as a blind does with melee damage- and the explosions on enemy death don't even come close to making up for it either. The propagation of the waves takes a long time to reach it's max distance. Nova is a completely toothpick frame where single shots can kill her at even medium level enemies in certain missions. Her 2 deals large damage to crowds but needs to be manually controlled, manually shot at to fuel, and takes a LONG time moving very slowly to reach her target. Her 1 is damn near- if not entirely- useless. Her 3 is about the same in 90% of situations and about 99% of actual combat.

    Mirage's Blind is very overpowered since it never got the LoS features the other blinds got- and it needs to be nerfed. HoM is a great ability but not exactly overpowered in any way. Sleight of hand is so extremely situational it almost has no function. Eclipse is so extremely bad at it's light detection that it'll never work the way you want or need it to and is completely unreliable.

    FYI- I have no problem with how POWERFUL his waves are. I have an issue with how they are treated. They are repetitive, boring, they make everything else totally pointless, they take all fun away from anyone in that Excalibur's squad. They're all the same. They take no skill, they take almost no attention whatsoever to even clear anything in the game with. Yes there are other skills that need work- no this is not about them. I don't want Exalted Blade to go away. I want it to CHANGE. I want it to be FUN and UNIQUE...... AND FUN. Make the combos mean something. Balance it out so that his squad can have fun too. Make the exalted BLADE the actual main event instead of the waves it throws out. It's a melee- make it act like one instead of this gun masquerading as a sword. Make the waves the kicker to the ability, not the main show. THAT is what I personally want.

    Can you HONESTLY look at EVERYTHING I just typed and tell me face to face you still don't see why Excalibur's 4- and ONLY his 4- needs to change? If you did not read every single word of this and let it process through your brain for a bit, I'd rather you not respond at all rather than put some ignorant comment saying something like "he just doesn't need a nerf he's fine just cuz" or something, like a lot of people tend to in these discussions. if you did read properly, I eagerly await your response, and if you still don't believe he needs a nerf a logical explanation as to why.

    Your playing Warframe for fun? Grinding thousand of hours for cores and ducats is fun for you? Argument is closed because you clearly have no ideea what you are talking about. Read above. I play solo - i go whatever i want and do whatever i want. I play with friends - prepare a team talking with them. That's how the game is.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    That's a lie, and you know it. The only things that can do that are other things that need an almost-equally-bad-nerf. Also- most of those other things burn a ton of energy and need a trinity to fuel them (who also needs changes to how her EV works but that's another discussion for another thread) whereas excalibur doesn't hardly consume any energy. To top it off- exalted blade is boring. Horrible, frankly. It could be a great, unique ability that really shines as something fun, but the way it was implemented is completely anti-fun. You take it out, smash 1 button all round, everything dies. His other abilities are made redundant. His weapons are made redundant. Even his TEAM is made redundant- and I have news for you. Not only is it not fun to be an excalibur just smashing 1 button and clearing everything in 40m with overpowered waves that have infinite punchthrough on both enemies AND terrain- it's straight up FRUSTRATING being the OTHER guy in the squad stuck with an excalibur that won't lay off his button mashing for two seconds so other people can actually kill some enemies and try to have fun.


    THAT is why I think Excalibur deserves a nerf.

    Im not :P. I tested that 3 hours ago on T4 Survival minute 58. I've hit it a lot. And who cares if excalibur makes his weapons and his team redundant? I don't care about my team. When i join a pub i bring what i want and i play how i like. When i make a party i go what they need and im not gonna pick an excalibur. There is a difference making a t4 def team or going on draco. And what fun is killing enemies? They should be happy im wiping the map for them.

  12. 3 minutes ago, PastorSsemper said:

    If it were true then alot of the game is centre around a certain enemy level which is not really fair considering the enemies hit harder and scale much more than almost all the warframes. Anything is OP if you play for 20 minutes survival or just the star chart but the problem is, vets get very bored with these missions quick as they have to wait 45 mins in usually in a t4 survival for things to get more exciting and only then can one test how good their builds really are. If the developers can put a good scaling system in place which is balanced for WF and the enemies and even allow players to choose starting enemy level and spawns that would be a nice addition imo. Of course slightly better drop chances or different rewards should also given should a higher difficulty be chosen. 


    I can understand why people say things are OP in some sense but because there is no difference in doing 20/40 or even 500 wave/minutes in terms of rewards people just do it as quick as possible and rinse and repeat with the same enemy level. If people dont want to do longer than that then I recommend you just add a potato/catalyst and dont even forma stuff, take a banshee and a trin and hit the sonar spots with your lato and call it quits. Better nerf everything and we might as well all play COD or battlefield. 

    Thank you.

  13. 1 minute ago, Stormandreas said:

    for 1. Ignore rumours like that. Unless you hear from DE, don't believe it.
    and 2. Why are you paying 700 plat for a helmet? Thats WAAAAAAAAAAAY to much and not worth it at all!

    Yeah im gonna buy some arcanes and thats it.

  14. 1 minute ago, DeFragMe said:

    but my excal can one hit a heavy gunner with eb .... just blind her first and ram that stick into her. works great with the finisher augment.

    Ofc. Every finisher hits like a truck. Im just talking about plain Exalted Blade.

  15. 1 minute ago, Stratego89 said:

    Well I know a while back somewhere in the russian subforum here someone posted a troll thread that included EB getting nerfed as one of it's thread- they wrote it up to look like an official hotfix notes. DE hasn't really said anything about it as far as I'm aware, but...


    It wouldn't just not surprise me, I'd be saying it's about time- when it finally, inevitably happens.

    Why you think excalibur deserves a nerf? A lvl 114 Heavy Grineer Gunner ( Energy Leech ) took me like 30 hits to kill. Is true i can wipe the map. But every weapon / frame can do that properly modded.

  16. 1 minute ago, Madway7 said:

    I didn't say anything about you...

    Keep up with the Devstreams and you will get an idea of what's going on and plans for future changes (I usually use Youtube with the timestamp guy as a guide).

    Last thing I heard regarding Excal was that they referred to the upcoming Mag and Volt reworks as "giving them them the Excalibur treatment" when they first announced it. So I assume they are quite content with how Excalibur turned out.

    I also head that rumor. I just hoped my dear excal wont get nerfed.

  17. 1 minute ago, Nomen_Nescio said:


    It's only 15% not 150%... man. Shove into him energy conversion instead of buying pendragon. And yes, pendragon costs 200 or 150 if you aren't even willing to seacrh for lower prices a little bit,but definetely not 700.

    Well. Is still a bonus. More damage. When you got everything you want you can also buy some stuff to fully max out. No matter how stupid it is.

  18. 1 minute ago, hybrid_demon said:

    15 percent for 700 plat is insane. I have that helmet and I barely use it because I prefer to look good lol

    Well. When i got nothing else to buy gotta max out. Right?

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