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Posts posted by Kalenath

  1. No liches/sisters for the Infested. Yet anyway. They got Deimos and that wasn't as in depth as some might have wished.

    That said? Infested are creepy and harder to make properly creepy from scratch as opposed to humans/armored clones are much easier to envision.

    Personally? I would love more Infested lore and when we get Warframe 1999, we might get a glimpse behind the curtain of what happened leading up the the events of the original Dark Sector game. Probably not, but one can hope.


  2. I got into Warframe just after it went open beta, at a really bad period in my life. Lost m,y mom, had to live ion another country where I couldn't work or anything and was reliant on a douchebag of a relative for food and housing. My life really sucked and I thought about ending it several times between 2012 and 2013.

    Warframe was so different from everything else I had played up until then that I was hooked, even when I couldn't figure out a lot of stuff at first. Yes, I was one of the noobs who ran missions for a week before figuring out how to mod weapons and warframes!  There have been ups and downs a just like in real life, but in the end? We go on. I started writing Warframe fanfictions just to have something to do that didn't cost anything and now, I have LOTS of them posted both here and on fanfiction.net. I enjoy playing in the sandbox you built, Steve. I really do.

    For what it is worth, I hope your next game does well. It looks cool and maybe I will get the chance to write a few fanfictions about Soulframe. Maybe not. None can know what the future truly holds or I would have bought stock in your company back in 2012.

    Clear skies and fair winds, Steve. Or, my favorite- May your enemies run with fear!


    • TYPE: [In-Game]
    • DESCRIPTION: [Teleports seem to cause all kinds of glitches]
    • VISUAL: [No video available]
    • REPRODUCTION: [Run timer out on Corpus ship airlock sequence, should teleport to team to begin indoor part of mission.]
    • EXPECTED RESULT: [Join team in airlock, run mission]
    • OBSERVED RESULT: [Entire team teleported back to railjack, unable to continue mission until host migrates.]
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: [Every SINGLE time tried today. (4 )]

    Also, when teleporting back to railjack after mission end, unable to vote for next destination and unable to use anything. No response from [escape] key, had to force quit.


    Rubber band teleport when trying to get into turret after returning to railjack. Unable to access  any context based interactions. (Probably due to another player trying to use airlock or turret at the same time. (Also, ventral turret shows an airlock context prompt, so when you try to use ventral turret, get sent outside!)


    Teleport to team and get teleported back to railjack! Exit railjack via airlock, go to team to join manually, teleport back to railjack. Repeat ad nauseum.


    I have basically stopped trying to use teleport now. It causes far too many problems.

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Unable to interact with anything
    • VISUAL: Unable to screenshot due to inability to interact with anything
    • REPRODUCTION: It usually happens after a teleport. In such a case as an end of mission, unable to vote for next mission. In case of going INTO mission, unable to enter mission and often teleported back OUT of mission when unstuck or teleport tried again. Often, this leaves player unable to interact with anything and Tenno can only stand there and look stupid while enemies shoot at him/her.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: I expected to continue playing the mission.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Had to force quit- Alt F4 in order to get out. ONE time managed to get back to dojo and framerate dropped to nothing. Was unable to even make cursor move faster than a snail. Again, Forced quit.
    • TYPE: [In Game]
    • DESCRIPTION: [Every Railjack Exterminate mission tried so far. ! enemy to kill and other bugs. WP does not show for clients, loading screen hangs.]
    • VISUAL: Sz4FSMNSgH0WawikAdocPeBsmnpH9ZPtyQ-i8xvA
    • REPRODUCTION: [Try and Exterminate in Veil Proxima or Neptune Proxima]
    • EXPECTED RESULT: [We should have more than 1 enemy to kill to complete mission.]
    • OBSERVED RESULT: [1 Enemy killed, got mission complete notice, no waypoints to exit or next enemies]
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: [Every time I have played Exterminate so far. Will keep trying]
    • TYPE: [In Game]
    • DESCRIPTION: [Railjack Defense mission on Venus. Lotus says we can extract and when we do, we fail the mission no matter how long we have run it for.]
    • VISUAL: [Didn't work :( ]
    • REPRODUCTION: [Extract after wave 5, Venus Railjack defense mission]
    • EXPECTED RESULT: [We should have succeeded. Mission was successful until we got to railjack.]
    • OBSERVED RESULT: [Mission fail. 3 times in a row.]
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: [Every time]
  3. 1 hour ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    We know they aren't fully mechanic, and that they are at least partially organic.

    I love how you talk like you're trying to contradict me, when you're just agreeing with me.

    And your POINT is?

    We DO NOT know what the warframes are. They might be filled with bleu cheese for all we know. As long as it is not Limburger...

    I am sorry you took it as a personal attack when I AGREED with you but I cannot control what you think anymore than you can control what I think.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    Or maybe, just maybe, there's actually no contradiction at all!

    Myself, I don't recall anyone saying the Warframes are "just metal". We've known for quite a long time that Warframes do have organic components, it's just the exact nature of those components that has been discussed within the community. There is a theory flying around that fits very nicely with the Excalibur Prime lore.

    We don't KNOW what is inside the warframes.


    That said...

    Alad V said during the Second Dream that he was surprised by what was under the metal skin.

    I think if it was empty or had a body that he would recognize, he wouldn't have been too shocked. But if ALAD V is surprised by this, I bet we will be.

    My PERSONAL theory? Inside the frame are human forms warped by the Void and/or the Technocyte virus. They have little if any sense of self however. They were made by the Orokin to be living weapons/slaves. Oops.

  5. There will ALWAYS be a way to exploit the game for cheesy power leveling as long as there are humans playing it.

    There is already a new way, (It was found 5 minutes after the update went live) and no, I won't publicize the cheesiness any more than that.

    If your idea of fun is to be bored spitless for 45 minutes or so, then have at. No one is stopping you.

    DE have said over and over that they are working on ways to keep this kind of powerleveling from being the 'only' way to play. Because that is not what they want for the game. But of course, no one believes them because it hasn't been fixed yet. All DE has to do is wave their hands and recite the magic words and the problem is fixed so they must not WANT to fix it.

    Right. (Yes, this is sarcasm)

    You can have your fun. Don't ruin mine.


  6. 12 minutes ago, Naith said:

    Think part of the problem is when some of the bugs we find are exceptionally obvious.

    TO US.

    Are THEY seeing the same things we are?

    Are they PLAYING the same builds we are?

    Are they EXPERIENCING every little cranny and crack in the game that the thousands (at least) of players world wide are?

    The answer to all three of these is almost certainly 'No'.


    If they are anything like other game devs I have known, they are working on several different builds, sometimes at the same time. They are looking at different sections and they CANNOT always see how those sections will interact. Code is weird. GAME code DEFINES weird at times. They are relying on US to see the problems because they do not HAVE the time or personnel to see how EVERYTHING interacts with EVERYTHING ELSE even without a CONVENTION to run. I don't know if Blizzard or Ubisoft would have the time or personnel to do that for every update. I DO know that Ubisoft in particular wouldn't bother.


    People want it perfect. Well, so do I. Thing is, I know we live in an imperfect world. I went into this update KNOWING that there would be problems. There always are. I went into it knowing that people would get upset about the glitches and bugs. They want it perfect and now. That won't happen.


    These things take time. You can argue with time if you want. I don't think you will win.


    Things WILL change. Just not always the way that people assume they will.

  7. 18 minutes ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ this 

    all these white knights QQ'n ... SMH ; how hard of a concept is it to grasp? ppl wouldnt complain if they didnt care, the forums on fire with complaints is a LOT better than no responses at all ; at least with complaints you've got some feedback to work with


    Yes, we all know that it is so much easier to hate what you don't bother to understand.

    EVERY SINGLE UPDATE, the forums explode with 'OMG NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I HATE THIS! IT SUX!' Then people play it for a bit and DE tweaks stuff and... Ah who the hell cares? HATE ON!

    Funny how for me, it seems a bit LESS grindy, but hey. Whatever. *shrug*

    I know, I know. Updates have to be UTTERLY perfect. No bugs, glitches or oddities allowed! And NOTHING CAN CHANGE!

    Might be nice to live in a world where that actually happened. Doesn't happen in ours and won't.

  8. 1 minute ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

    Such as being stuck after a mission with no escape other than Alt + F4, and the game being reset to windowed mode at every launch. Yes, that's what the bugs subforum is for, is it not? Once again, nothing to do but wait.

    They are busy with Tennocon this weekend. But I BET they have a LOT of staff in the office right now.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

    I'm all for that, and I know, sad as it is, that bugs are unavoidable. Simply some bugs are understandable and others just make me cringe, like there's no way that'd go through.



    People forget quite quickly that DE is NOT the size of Blizzard or EA. They don't have 200+ people working in a Q&A department. They whole IDEA is for US to pinpoint the problems for DE to replicate, discover the root causes for and fix.

    We have to report said bugs though. And not just 'It sux! I hate it! give me back my cheesy exploit that made the whole game stupid SIMPLE!' Contrary to popular belief, that does NOT help.

    DE has a specific direction that they want to take the game. Not everyone will agree with that direction.

    But they NEED concise, accurate feedback, not JUST rants about how someone now actually has to play the game to get rewards for playing the game.

    This update is FAR from perfect. But in my own opinion, it is a step in the right direction.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

    Are you saying you love bugs? Weird. Also, I'm gonna be playing whenever I can, and I will be complaining about bugs that shouldn't be there if they had proper QA.

    We ARE their Q&A.

    They CANNOT find every single bug and exploit even if they had years to do it. We can and do. More eyes on the problem = more problems found to be fixed. Simple.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Khaos_Demon said:

    The after mission summary has bugged out. The summary stays on screen even during the loading screen, and often causes me to restart the game as I can't close the mission summary once I return to my Liset. I don't know if the former part was intended but this is a really annoying bug.

    I get this too, sometimes it locks my warframe in kneeling posture and I can only move by rolling.

    The mission summary over the ship flight screens is ANNOYING. Having it glitch is more so.

    Then I relog and I am in windowed mode. That sucks too.

  12. You are expecting rational thought on the internet. Not going to happen.

    The changes are immense, but in my own experience, with the exception of the new Archwign mission, 'Rush' which is essentially unplayable as it is for most players, everything else is more efficient, cleaner and easier.

    Problem is, it is DIFFERENT and people don't LIKE different.

    Especially when their favorite cheesy exploit goes away.

  13. 24 minutes ago, Pendragon1951 said:

    and as fast as Rebecca types how long does it take to simply type a update to the community, it's not about being ungrateful it's about keeping the community consistently informed

    Things can change fast. For instance, if they declare that it will be out in the next ten minutes and then discover some INSANELY difficult to replicate bug that crashes the whole game, do you WANT the update with the bug? If they say something like that, people will be all up in arms about being lied to even if it comes out in 20 minutes. They cannot win. Better to focus all of their efforts on what they CAN do.


    And before anyone says such a game crashing bug cannot happen, it DOES. Far more frequently than anyone outside of computer games might guess. Fix one thing, break 10 more is the usual mantra for coding changes.


    At least this isn't Ubisoft, where they would not only lie to us, they would CHARGE us for priviledge of being told the lie.

  14. 4 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

    As Specters of the Rail is today? or right around a corner, I would like to say: Lunaro will die. Not because the people that enjoy it don't, but because the real content is coming and will occupy people. Adding a PvP game mode before the launch of HUGE content was a mistake. RIP Lunaro

    At least it wasn't another regular Conclave mode.

    And Lunaro is PART of the content update.

    It won't vanish because people don't LIKE the laggy twitchfest gear check that Conclave is. They want something that requires at least a modicum of skill, not just the ability to exploit loopholes in the game mechanics. Now DE needs to tweak things, but it isn't going away any more than normal Conclave is.

  15. 2 hours ago, -S-O-Kranker said:

    Dont think people will like archwing. I personally just played it for the mastery and it was a torment. Why not improve things which the people already like but have room to get improved? I wont understand that...


    Not everyone hates Archwing. Some of us wanted it improved, not simply scrapped.


    I would say about 50% of the players are dissatisfied with it as it stands, including me even though I love flying games. I do not hate it though and Is till play it. (Nowhere NEAR as bad or grindy as most Ubisoft products.) About 20% of the players who dislike it comment on these forums.


    Archwing is not going away any more than Conclave is. People hate that just as much or more. At least Archwing isn't a laggy gear check twitchfest about who can exploit the rules better.

  16. I would go for a Glaive buff myself.

    There is something to be said for diving into a swarm of enemies with a saw blade in hand. I usually use Cerata with my Ash Prime and the damage numbers can get insane with a few Bladestorms. But UNTIL you do Bladestorm at least twice, It just doesn't cut it. (Pun totally intended. :) )

    Then again, Kestrel on Ivara Navigator is HILARIOUS.


  17. 20 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Yeah, Khopesh weapon would be sweet.




    Now, no lie, I love my Nikana Prime, ad it is my favourite melee weapon. But a khopesh would be awesome.

    A Falcata or Kopesh would ROCK.


    Myself? I would also like to see something like a Spatha or Xiphos but we have regular swords aplenty.

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