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Posts posted by (PSN)Wolfer93

  1. I gave up on Breeding Grounds after seven runs or so. For starters, it's impossible to play. The FPS drops the moment five infested jump in my field of view and it goes even worse once it goes really crazy. I just also had the bad luck to end up with a bunch of people who didn't know what they were doing and stood there hacking and slashing at the Hive instead of looking for the tumor nodes, as they're told. Thrice.

    With it comes the point system just feels broken. Seven runs and I'm still at 10 points, just like after the first run? Great, glad it runs for a while in that case.


    Also this could be just me but, has there been a drop in visual quality? Not the gamma correction, but like. A drop in framerate, and more pixelated? This could be just me but it's slightly bothering. Seriously, just open the menu and study the details on your frame. Not all that fantastic.


    I really hope the framerate gets fixed soon at least. It kinda gives me motion sickness. :(


    Why is it bad for consoles? I'm afraid I don't understand that. As for safer...how? More fruitful, how?


    Okay, um, here's the thing. You want to say something in the PC chat? Press 'T', type the words, press enter. Done. Console? Yeah, we take two minutes to type a sentence.  Cursor here, x, cursor all the way over there, x, and over there now, x, etc. That's just how our system works. Selling right now is already an absolute chore, and auction houses won't solve it. If there are time limits wherin bidding takes like, ten minutes, our prices would be lower than PC ones. We just can't do it that fast.

    Don't let me start on advertising. Trying to get attention for your auction would be a days worth of work and then you're not even playing yet.


    As for safer and more fruitful. Hm. Okay, let me try to put it like this.

    You have the absolute best item ever, the Soap. You love it, and lucky you, there's a Soap Prime! Clean the Grineer with an Orokin washing utility. They'll faint at their shine of their armor. 

    Price checks and the internet tells you Soap Prime goes for 50 plat, usually. Armed with this information, you open the trading chat and scream, "WTB SOAP PRIME!" and zoom, 20 offers. 75 plat, no, 60 plat, eh, but hey, there's someone selling for 55 plat. You decide you don't want to spend quite as much. 20 plat? way too low. 50 plat, they say. Nah, too high, 30 plat? Eventually you settle on 40 plat. Great! Transaction completed, you run off with your Soap Prime, making the Grineer and Corpus cleaner than ever, and the seller still off with a decent about of plat. Awesome!

    Looking at this from a sellers perspective, 40 plat for something you could sell for 50, is still pretty much. You can buy eight mods for 5plat with those, or two warframe slots, etc. You could even try to get back a Soap Prime and this time try to sell it for 55.

    Now, auction house. For a seller, there's the risk your item is sold severly under the price you wanted for it. For the buyer, you may actually pay 10 plat more than you would otherwise because "eh, you can afford it, and youre bidding now anyway."


    Direct haggling gets you both somewhere. And maybe it won't work straight away. But at some point you'll get where both buyer and seller profit in some way, rather than shedding tears over your rare mod going for 4 plat and huffing in anger because that chassis you just bought took 200 plat out of your wallet but your pal in your alliance got it for five plat in another auction.


    Does it clash with my point above? Yeah, sorta, but eh, the chat system on PS4 is a chore one way or another. External keyboards free for every PS4 player would solve the problem. But eh, can't have that either, can we?


    Oh jesus wall of text. I'm sorry, I rambled.

  3. I also have a pixel art thread which I'd like to keep seperate of this. \o/

    Aight so I'm not all that good with mech work, or exoskeletons like Warframes, but I'd be hyped to practice. So what better way to get motivated by the lovelies on the Warframe forum?
    Doodle from tonight, 18/8


    Volt will bring you home, buddy, don't ya worry.


    Bigger piece WIP!




  4. Okay, so up to a few weeks ago, I used to suck. I still ran around with my Braton, Dex Furis and Cronus, and my mods were severly lacking on the fusion department. How I managed to potato my Volt without me realizing is beyond me. Your aim can be good, and your powers can be strong, but if you have no idea what you're doing, Level 10 enemies can be a hurdle.


    But I started to get educated and got nicer things. First Boltor, then Orthos, then Boltor Prime and Orthos Prime, Akstilleto, and even a Frost Prime. I fused my mods and my Volt has a shield rating of 1110 now and an armor rating of 25. Frost Prime has an armor rating of something I can't even remember. 190? 260?


    But even with the loadout of 75% Prime gear, I never venture further than Tower I. Sometimes T2 Capture, but it's rare. I do do Orokin Derelict missions, I've even defeated Lephantis like what, five times now? But higher Towers scare me to death because I really don't want to be terrible. I fear my gear might not be up to par for T2 or T3, leave alone T4.


    So - would it be? Frost Prime, Boltor Prime, Akstilleto, Orthos Prime? Do I even stand a chance? I have no idea how to estimate this to be honest.

  5. Sorry for the delay as I was completely KO last weekend and I dodged the thread because no artsy stuff. :< Quick replies here and then a to do list at the bottom. Thanks for your interest guys!

    Looks cool! Try Ash with some pixel smoke in the background.

    Ooff that will be difficult! But heck I'll give it a shot :D



    That is one gorgeous Excalibur, DALOS. Once I got an Excalibur base you'll be the first to get a recolor!


    I so wanna eat that volt, that's the sweetest yummiest looking volt ever.

    It's my precious bby.

    Don't eat him though. You'll find his taste quite shocking.


    I'll do Excalibur first, then either Ash or Trinity depending on how tough it's going to be, and Valkyr last. Once I got the Excalibur base down DALOS will receive his recolor!

  6. The name goes a bit beyond being just a rehash.  It's derived from "Sandraudiga", an ancient Latinized Germanic term which is thought to mean roughly "she who dyes the sand red."  I felt it was a good fit for a skirmisher-type character.

    Thats actually really awesome. Thank you for pointing that out!

  7. Okay first of all: I really, really like the looks of her. She loses the 'fragility' trend look amongst the female frames. Additionally, from the hips up, she has a slight androgynous appearance. She feels quite original in build. Well done.


    Her abilities need some work however. The first could sort of work, although I'm slightly concerned about range. Some more experienced on frame creating should probably be able to provide more input.


    The last thing that bothers me slightly is her name, as it has not much to do with her theme other than a name recycle of your character. Could use some revision.

  8. Weird o.0 i wonder why to be honest.

    Its impossible. on PC it would be slightly more bearable, but on console it would be a disaster. I use an external keyboard, and I'm one of few who do. Auctioning would take so much time and effort and its not much more bearable than trying to haggle with someone and if they drop out find a new buyer/seller. Also, scams...

  9. I really, really support this. Missions like that are tricky to estimate; from wave 15 up, you're taking immense risks on Defense. Is the next reward going to be worth it? Can we take another five waves? We could, but we can't take the next five, so we just have to take this key we don't want, I wish we stopped last wave because at least we would have a prime blueprint, or a core.

    It's frustrating, and I don't entirely understand why stacking wasn't implented earlier on on those kinds of missions.

  10. people get this impression before playing through the whole tutorial. They give new players access to the market immediately after the intro, but only give them the foundry after 3 missions to build something quest related. imo, I think they should introduce the foundry well before the market, they can even do a brief tutorial by asking the player to build their beginner weapons with free components and blueprints. then explain that missions can reward blueprints, and enemies can drop blueprints, etc. then after they bring up the market they should be like "you can also buy blueprints here with in-game currency."

    their "tutorial" is still absolutely terrible. I think DE's programming and animation team is fabulous, the design/management team... is probably the issue. they over look a lot of stuff, and the programmers then probably have insufficient specification which leads to bugs despite hours of debugging...


    I didn't even know about 90% of the game until I was playing it for 4 months. Only now I'm learning everything and I only learned about the Orokin Derelict two weeks ago! They don't tell you neccessary stuff, you have to hear it from Region a lot of the times - along with some name calling that makes you feel stupid for asking. The Wiki is.. helpful to a degree, but you still need to be pretty knowledged to get it all. It's insane, Warframe can be disencouraging because A) you don't know what you're doing, and B) everything seems to come from platinum, if you don't know what you're doing.

  11. "Oh, you prefer THIS console? Well MY console has SLIGHTLY better controls than yours and now I must hate you by default!"

    I have bad experiences with other gamers just for being a PS4 player. Who cares? We all play the same game. Now please answer my question without calling me an 'idiotic, pathetic &#036;&amp;*#^%', Region.

  12. There's always an amount of delay. My stomach always sinks when i make a platinum purchase. However, when it takes longer than an hour, I would definitely place a support ticket. What causes this I have no idea, I'm assuming there's something at Sony - I don't think DE has much to do with this. It's not fun that this keeps happening of course :( Maybe someone else can provide some further insight in a possible fix.

    However, delays are not uncommon.

  13. Once again, the new UI is balanced between consoles and PC. The old UI was very heavily balanced in favor of PC.

    Yes, very much this! Browsing nodes is absolutely terrible with a controller, the mod menu was haphazardous and the general menu wasn't very appealing. I can't wait for U14, at last I can use menus and everthing decently. Some nodes are no longer impossible to reach without having to go through loops!


    I have to add how i love everyone's all "nooooo :(" at Warframe coming to Xbone.

  14. september  2nd? i may have misheard the date in stream tho.



    Hopefully it wont slow down pc even further.. with 2 vs 1   more updates might be more " console friendly" ( like the latest UI).

    We don't even have U14 yet, mind you. You're already on the way of a new Hotfix, yet we're still stuck on 13.7. And you have to admit, the new UI is sleek as heck; its friendly for any platform, IMO.

  15. PC and PS4 players should unite and bully true console peasants.



    And on topic, updates wont be affected by Xbox One. But forums will be affected by alot.

    this is exactly what i fear for. I honestly have no good experiences with Playstation and Xbox users having to share a website. Additionally... not great experiences with Xbox users themselves.

  16. EDIT: yeah okay I have to admit I have no idea what I'm saying. This is what I think is going on. Excuse me if I'm wrong.

    1) Update certification takes 3-7 days most of the time. It's been 2 days. EDIT: wasn't 13.7 three days for certification, then implented a few days later?

    2) They're trying to put PS4 and PC on the same update. This takes a bit of effort.

    3) We're jumping from 13.7 to 14.2. Big update.

    4) It's ridiculous to expect there to be 2-3 updates/hotfixes within two weeks on PC. They got most of the bugs out of the way, the next update will be minor bug fixing and new content. We won't be put so far back.

    5) Before the Xbox version comes out, the PS4 will be up to date, probably, and everything will likely be on one line.


    There will always be a difference between PS4 and PC. If its not the time it takes to alter the build to make it PS4-ready, it's also the certification time Sony requires. It would be silly to delay PC updates for PS4 updates. Microsoft, for the Xbox one, will probably also take more time.


    Other than that, yes it's ridiculous we're always so far behind. But some things DE has no control over.

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