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Posts posted by Narfanar

  1. Full Plague Star run. Host leaves and we migrate (supposedly) peacefully. Finish everything with 4/4 of both toxins.

    Standing gained: 325.

    And of course it's nothing I can take a screenshot of.

    This's the 4th time I've been bitten by session handling logic this month and lost the promised rewards as a result. Last time was with Hostile Mergers. And there had been no help in sight that time because "oh, just rerun the mission".

    But Plague Star is still ongoing, yes? Well, our team was particularly unlucky with the glitches and jumping enemies and Thumpers wrecking our stuff while we tried to focus on the Hemocyte. It took around 30 minutes. 30 minutes of firing at a wobbly hitbox that opens once every couple of seconds.

    I do not want another run. Just needed one last piece from the operational supply, but alas.

    Also, 5k as a price for arcanes is annoying considering the length of a run and how many one needs to get the stuff.

  2. 14 hours ago, CxLL said:

    Connectivity issues are not a bug. Nobody but Warframe Support will be able to resolve account-related issues such as inventory updates and item loss.
    In order to get more assistance, follow the guidelines on the official zendesk page linked in the header and footer of this very Forum or click on the underlined text in this reply to access it.

    The bug is in carry-over of scores/items/etc. following a connectivity issue no matter how small or big. When it happens due to host migrations, that's still a bug. And so on. And my case didn't even escalate to a full-on host migration.

    I've already contacted support. All I got was "We can't change scores. We can't give rewards. Redo the mission.". I presented what evidence I could and asked what else would help my case, but that was brushed aside.

  3. Hi all.

    During Hostile Mergers, a couple of hours before it ended, I got into a good squad and we finished the event in around an hour or an hour and a half, I think?

    Yeah, we never quite figured out what was supposed to give the extra score points.

    Anyway. Towards the very end, my screen flashes with "network not responding" for less than a second, but nothing else happens. I can move freely. We complete the last conduit, and jump from 3983 to 4100-something. Or so I was told in chat.

    We extract. Everyone got their rewards except me.

    I have screentshots from two squadmates that show me in the roster and the score beyond 4k, and a screenshot from my own extraction that show me with everyone but the score right before the last conduit.

    And support isn't convinced. They say they can't mess with event scores, which I'm fine with. I just wan the Glaxion. But that as well they refuse.

    Let me know if I should post the screenshots here.


  4. I think it should be like this (idea got from several musings on different warframe topics on reddit):


    Alad V navs drop from the new infested enemies (or even just the Eximus versions of them).


    Tethra mods drop from Alad V, like from Vor.


    Give the Breeding Grounds mods to Vay Hek or something. And make Beacons easier to get... (Or don't give them to him. If he stays as difficult to access as now, don't even consider the last part I said).

  5. With the new ability mutators being regular mods warframes should've really kept all their 10 slots. Or you could've given abilities 4 separate slots that only take mutator mods.


    As it is, when we start getting more interesting and useful mutators (and from their descriptions Hydroid's and Ash's sound pretty good. I'm not very happy with whoever thought of the Mag one; like, really, a chance to pull pickups?), 8 slots are going to prove quite limiting.


    Don't care about emotes. Would like Syndicate profile pics.

  6. I'll go against the tide here and say I much prefer fighting the Corpus to the Grineer or the Infested.

    I can move when fighting the corpus, and aim, and look around, notice and dodge a knockdown or something. With the Grineer I'm either slaughtering everyone as fast as I can and bailing out the moment a unit takes two hits to kill, or being tossed around, knocked down every second and made a sponge out of right from the start.


    Energy leeching units shouldn't even exist.


    Also, against the Corpus I can work on exhausting the shields first then working on health, or directly affecting health with a high enough Toxic weapon. With the Grineer it's more like "Unit X has Y health points which are actually 10Y because of resilient armor". The Grineer's survivability is pretty much a bullet sponge HP multiplier. Corrosive procking helps a bit but very few weapons in-game are good for status (and those that are take some building; I'm still early in the game so can't say about that).


    I want more diversity in the Corpus, yes, would love that. But please don't equate challenge with taking control from the player and showering the character with bullets while they're downed or stunned. Higher accuracy for units that are supposed to be accurate would also help (snipers or something, I don't know the names).

  7. EDIT: While it *is* true they mentioned "maybe u16", on average, right now, there's between 10 and 15 weeks (that's 3 to 5 months) per incrimental build. I'm not sure how many people would be happy to be told "just wait 5 months, and if you're lucky, you'll be able to use this again. maybe. If everything pans out right."


    Wait. By "incremental" you mean ##.x or x.00? Because .x updates don't take nearly that long and an x.00 update isn't "incremental".

    That said, yeah, waiting for U16 for this will be... business like normal, really. Not that it was good business to begin with, mind.


    Also, I support switching ability mod drops (or at least all the common ability mods) with equivalent-rank fusion cores when DE get around to working on the matter.

  8. 30 points and 8 slots (for example) just for frame mods without the stupid idea of skill mods (and practically no choice in the matter; they're four skills, you either take from them or you don't)? Yes, please.

    Put them in a skill tree like I'm understanding Focus will be and we're done.

  9. Can we get a dev stream with the... "game mechanists"? Like how Roger and Janice showed us the art, other team members can tell us what they think of and how they work on designing new frames and such? And AI and movement mechanics and the like. That would probably work best after a new faction is introduced or the movement system is overhauled.


    Some really nice renderings in today's stream. Loved the Tyl Regor concepts (and need to rewatch to catch the other concepts).


    Isn't "Land of Terra" kind of redundant?

  10. Necro'ing this to say I can't even right click names in the Recent Player List window at all, not to /invite or to add as a friend (I can still invite by double clicking the name).


    I'll start another thread if asked. So far I couldn't find any reports on similar 'bugs' so I'm trying in a relevant thread first.

  11. Now I need to grab my calculator, and start number crunching.

    It would help if you pointed me in the right direction by the way :P


    No prob. I really did enjoy it (with the suggested animations and all, it's easy to get caught up imagining them in play).


    Nothing concrete but how about this: concentrate on crowd control, high-chance procs and environment manipulation for skills, and give direct damage the broken seat in the farthest row in the back.


    Also, see if you could give the frames passive abilities that mesh well with your prime skills. Here's one I've read a while ago ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/227175-the-ballsiest-idea-ive-got-warframe-passive-abilities/ ). It's not directly relevant to 'alternate skill sets' but I enjoyed it too. If you can make those work as nice passive bonuses to using regular/prime skills, and "reduce" all skills to either pure support, reliable CC/proc or pure damage (or, in my opinion, "make them reasonable and incentivize their use in interesting ways"), then, well... I will be drooling.


    See, the Tenno are masters of the blade and the gun. The Warframes are their armor and their shells. They don't need the warframes to hand out death to their enemies for them (except indirectly, like by accidentally Pushing a group of Corpus off a cliff), the guns do that (and they're far more easily upgrade-able and design-able for the Orokin). The edge I imagine the Warframes to have given the Tenno is tactical. It's all about being the most unpredictable and mostly unstoppable one-manTenno army in the area, and being able to bring your enemies to you to die, or turn their machines against them, or point at a bird on a tree and shoot them while they're looking, because for some reason if Nyx gets to them while they're mesmerized by Mirage's light show they exhibit a remarkable tendency to commit suicide.


    No, wait, still not very relevant. That's more 'general Warframe ideas'. I need more play time under my belt before I can talk confidently about any numbers, but the idea of focusing skills on CC and proc seems viable to me and I'm pretty confident about it, in my head. You might get something out of it. Tell us what you come up with if you decide to play with it.

  12. How about this?

    Crit Damage result multiplier through ES number s is c + (1 - 0.1*s)c or c(2 - 0.1s) with a limit at 9 shields (the tenth lets bullets pass but adds nothing).


    Because this has been bothering me for a while. When players complain about over/under-powered damage makers, the answer can't be in adjusting absolute numbers. The problem is the numbers being absolute.Something dynamic like the above suggestion should provide both flexibility and challenge for the players. The ability doesn't become useless in higher levels because of absolute numbers, and isn't just barely good but inflexible because of absolute, wait for it, percentages - which side-step the over/under-power issues by making an ability a simple "press x to cut the ammo you have to spend on target by half".


    The screenshots looked awesome, though. Was that an overflow in the last screenshot? So Warframe actually supports up to 1 billion damage points per hit. What crazy post-end-game could we need this for? (Yes, I know it's probably just a programming standards thing but...)

  13. All of these sound a bit too fun, and a bit too smart. I feel I won't get to see anything close to your ideas here in Warframe's lifetime or mine.

    Really, the game right now is a brain-dead endless shooter with only a handful of frames capable to handling end-game content without ridiculous over-customization that for some might not even be possible without help from player of more capable frames.


    I still can't believe how elemental frames are completely open to their elements, without even a damage reduction! Actually, frames like Frost and Ember should be immune to both Cold and Heat effects (both of them to both effects), Volt shouldn't get zapped at all (by these Corpus sticks), Nekros should be more creepy and actually powerful, Mag should get a big knock-back/down reduction on tiles with metal floors (a lot of them) and lose less of her shields on ice levels (Frost and Ember should lose nothing), Vauber shouldn't need to 'hack' consoles (just 'interact' and it's done), Mirage shouldn't be affected by the low-power door lasers, etc, etc.


    While I think some of your suggestions are a bit too powerful (although that's needed; after level 30 or so, as I hear, it's just power creep all the way, and unless you're doing damage in the xx000 range to the enemies with xxx000 health and xxx000 damage, you're dead) they're also very... different, and more connected than most of the current ones, which already have several duplicates on different frames. I particularly liked your Frost, Nekros and Excalibur.


    I started playing Warframe when it was recommended to me but I feel I was a bit cheated. It's all numbers and stats that sometimes scale and oftentimes don't. The numbers get bigger and bigger on our side and the AI's and... that's it. The abilities (as my delusions pictured them) were what got me here. I'm still holding hope.


    Long rant, sorry. @Trenggiling, that's been a really fun read. Thanks and good luck.

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