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Posts posted by .Scythe.

  1. When you go to change the colors of your k-drive or archgun things may seem fine until you go out for a hunt or a ride. Then you see this glitch. (I did change loadouts so the base board colors in the freeroam image is different from the customization menu but it just goes to further show the issues with the thrusters resetting to the default colors whne you spawn it in)







    The only Archgun issue I have been able to find was with the Velocitus secondary color or explosion color being stuck on a blue that I do not have either energy or emissive set to.




    VVVIf those don't work individually then try this one that is supposed ot have all 6 images togetherVVV


  2. I've just recently started getting into the orb vallis hunting game and like... I'm already scared.

    This thing can walk on air like its ground! I don't wanna know what it can do to defend itself. 



    For some reason I cant get that link to just show the image here when I click the "Insert image from URL" button but whatever the link works. lol

  3. Like usual every big update DE gives usually ends up placing some bugs and glitches in with it. This time though... this time actual game play is glitched and bugged. 

    I personally prefer to use a controller for everything aside form typing in most games that allow it and warframe is one of those. I've gotten so good with mobility and overall gameplay on a controller that I don't ever really use keyboard/mouse unless I need to type in chat or search in a menu. However with this new update has seem to come with a permanent handicap-controller setting causing these issues:

    - unable to equip my melee weapon unless I only have a secondary (no primary), can only switch between secondary and primary (on controller you hold down the same button uses to change ranged weapon)

    -cannot aim with any ranged weapon can only create the channeling effect on yourself instead (at least for me because I have that set as the same trigger... though clearly this update ONCE BUGFREE is going to make me have to change that... maybe)

    -can no longer aim glide even if  melee is the only weapon you have equipped

    Yes yes this could probably be resolved IF I had a mouse with my keyboard but I currently do not so....

    and regardless this should work anyways I kno wim not the only controller prefer-er

  4. I'm not sure if I should post this on PC bugs or here but eitherway....

    I am trying to rename my guilded Moa to "_Traqped.exe" I first thought of "_Trap.exe" but when I tried that it said that it was profanity and I do not get how I get how some might take it the wrong way if they don't get what the moa does but why cant I use a misspelled version of Trapped? that has a bit of a more personal meaning to the name after I stared at it for 5 minutes trying to see if I liked how it represented itself I saw how the q and p were like a mirrored thing of like... like I said its personal you don't have to get it and I don't need to explain that much. The Moa I'm trying to name is a Para Moa the one with the trap based abilities like that anti gravity grenade and whiplash mine that pulls a bunch of them in like a trap mine vortex type of thing except with whips. I've spent the past hour trying to figure out how to get past it while still having it have meaning and and a self-descriptive readability and "_Traqped.exe" is the best there is for what kind of a name I'm going for. 


    So I gotta ask... why you messing up DE? why can't ya boy name him robit a personal .exe program?

  5. Lol holy s-word.... 

    Yeah I don't think I need to respond to you anymore. 

    you clearly aren't getting the message.

    Posting it here actually got it seen.

    When  did I ever say this is where it should be? I posted it where it should be it got NO attention or response meaning it has been ignored and buried(Not intentionally I'm sure but I know how forums work when thousands of people are on posting things as well.)so that the Devs or whomever is capable of acting on it wouldn't see it without doing some digging. 

    The fact you are trying to make such a big deal over this is honestly mind blowing and then trying to come at me like so over it? Lol you need to get on or off of something because you too worked up over a simple "misplaced" post. 

    I shouldn't even have to be making this post or my 2 previous responses. 

    but nah you wanna come up here and be rude and such so might as well call you out on it. 

    Also I love how you go form talking about literally the same thread that I copy and pasted from its correct placement to here so that it could at least be noticed and be on the Devs radar for a future hotfix to saying were are not talking about the same thread when it is literally a copy and paste of it with added informational text. 

    This was no more than an attempt to get the notion of a bug that has been around for months while being untouched and ignored so that it may finally be fixed or at least begin to be worked on. 

    Whats the reason for targeting someone for that? Cupcake. 

  6. 1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

    You're in Off Topic, Cupcake. Not the right section.

    Same with your other thread. 

    Are you serious?.... why don't you go to the BUG REPORTS drop tab and tell me if you don't see a "Art & Animation" thread.

    If it is not Art & Animation then please tell what it should be in. Don't be that idiotic keyboard warrior that thinks they are smart but end up making a fool of themselves. 

  7. Dude think about these shiitake mushrooms... 

    We got void mode which is basically a invisibility thing we can use to sneak up on enemy with. We only use our void blast/beam ability with one hand so why not make the other wield a blade for more stealthy type stuff? Give it some kind of crazy void power like a disintegration on kill or maybe link it to whatever class you have equipped. For example the Vazarin you'd get health back or Zenurik you get energy or the others give some kind of damage buff or something of the sort or even take some other route with it. 

    I'm a melee lover okahh... 

    But tis good Idea no? 

    Not to mention getting into animation type stuff where you leap or lunge toward a enemy or do some crazy void dash melee stab/slice combo. but lets not get too far ahead... lol 

  8. On 2018-07-08 at 7:43 PM, Mr.SpookSpook said:

    Maybe your feedback is ignored as you continue to fail to post it in the right section? That being the one titled BUG REPORTS with nice big all caps letters...

    lol someone didn't read the full thing because "Art & Animation" is in the bug reports section.


    *Which is the type of bug this is.

  9. So this is not the first time I posted this... originally I posted it where it should be in Art and Animation given the topic. However, since It got no notifications or replies of any kind and I take it the devs either don't know or don't care much for its fix. (because I posted it on the 27th of June last month and nothing has been done an no replies or anything regarding it came up) I thought I'd give this another try at getting noticed so it can get fixed because it is really getting on my nerves watching them week after week update the game with all these hotfixes for other things but just refuse (seemingly) to work on a simple coloring issue. THAT COULD BE INCLUDED in one of these simple hotfixes. 

    So I actually decided to wait before posting this because I figured it may just be a simple fix of being able to guild your first Mote before it would take effect. WRONG!

    As a lot of you may already know Void beam and Void blast are bugged on the note of their color not matching the suit energy or mote energy color that you have selected. It's stuck as the default blue. I waited to get my mote and quill standing to where I could guild (customize) it and make it match my suit energy only to find out that it only works with the beam. In the first image that is without the mote and as you can see the beam is blue but the energy thing that forms around your hand as you release the beam is the color I have my suit energy set to. The only way to fix that is by having a guided mote and setting the energy color to the same.(image 2) HOWEVER this does not work with the void blast as seen in image 3. (taking while wearing my guided mote but the results are the same with or without).

    I've noticed that this has been around for a while and would love to know why the devs haven't taken care of this especially with all the updates and hot fixes they've recently been sending. Can you seriously not fix that as a part of a hotfix? 

    It's weird shooting orange fireballs out of a blue energy blast field thingy... 

    https://imgur.com/PuuNsGp 1

    https://imgur.com/8c3aPVY 2

    https://imgur.com/ipKhKbF 3

  10. So I actually decided to wait before posting this because I figured it may just be a simple fix of being able to guild your first Mote before it would take effect. WRONG!

    As a lot of you may already know Void beam and Void blast are bugged on the note of their color not matching the suit energy or mote energy color that you have selected. It's stuck as the default blue. I waited to get my mote and quill standing to where I could guild (customize) it and make it match my suit energy only to find out that it only works with the beam. In the first image that is without the mote and as you can see the beam is blue but the energy thing that forms around your hand as you release the beam is the color I have my suit energy set to. The only way to fix that is by having a guided mote and setting the energy color to the same.(image 2) HOWEVER this does not work with the void blast as seen in image 3. (taking while wearing my guided mote but the results are the same with or without).

    I've noticed that this has been around for a while and would love to know why the devs haven't taken care of this especially with all the updates and hot fixes they've recently been sending. Can you seriously not fix that as a part of a hotfix? 

    It's weird shooting orange fireballs out of a blue energy blast field thingy... 

    https://imgur.com/PuuNsGp 1

    https://imgur.com/8c3aPVY 2

    https://imgur.com/ipKhKbF 3

  11. No this is no visual bug I Don't have any I can contribute. and my clan is very small and only consists of me and 2 others currently. Whom of which do not yet have the Tenno ability so they cannot kill the Vom's with me nor on their own.

    So this has to be a bug that they just do not want to drop. 

  12. In the most recent update where they have added new dojo colors I've set out to collect the pigments required to add black to my dojo color scheme. When I did this it started out like they always do I get the pigments from every other target killed or every few killed. After I've collected 80/250 I've killed about 50 Edilon Vomulyst (forget the correct spelling) and not a single one has dropped ANY amount of the pigment. I know they only show up at night and only on the plains I've done nothing differently than how I started farming them and when I go back to my dojo it's still up there at the panel saying 80/250 pigments. 

    It's stupid to even think this but I'm at a complete loss as to why I cannot get ANYMORE so I'm trying to figure this out...

    Is there a limit as to how many you can get per day? 

    Or is it just a bug? 

    This is ridiculous I'm trying to finally build my clan up and cant even get the final touches done to it's dojo... there's always something. 

  13. Also how would I check my capacity?

    Never mind found it and it says I have 1200 capacity

    Also I just tried to place it literally just anywhere in the room and it wont let me. it stayed gold the whole time but when I go to try and place it in that particular spot again if I move it in a certain area it will turn red otherwise just stays gold


  14. Okay so apparently it wont let me but I'm trying to lien these trees up going down the little path walkway to the transference chamber or whatever on the outer side of the pat liek where the floor lights are. if I move it just a little bit towards the inside of the path it turns red but on the edge and outside its gold meaning I can place it. 

  15. Ok and I'm trying to place it here if I move it just a little to the right it turns red which means I cant place it just a little to the right but clearly here it is gold meaning I can but when I click to place it it does nothing. Yes I select it while I'm in the room 

    (give me a moment to add the image to the post wont let me put the image in this post for some reason)

  16. I just spent 120p on some ship decorations I want to put in my tenno's room not the personal quarters but the room that your tenno spends his time in. When I went to place one of them down in the room it wouldn't let me. the item showed up yellow/gold whatever that color is that lets you know you can put it there but it wont let me place it. Can you not place decorations in that section of your ship? If so then how can I get my plat back so I can use it for something else I want?

  17. Dear DE, 

       Please make the Stoz Skin for the Scimitar form the Hunhow Bundle available on it's own. It is ridiculous and a complete waste of platinum to pay 516p when I only want and would only use one item out of that bundle. I already have the war that I got form stalker and I hardly ever even use that. There is nothing from that bundle of interest to me other than the skin for the Scimitar, my favorite ship. I know I cannot be the only one. I want the skin so bad that I felt it was necessary to make this post about it. To be completely honest I feel that the skin is worth 100p rather than 50p like all the other skins for the orbiters. I cannot tell you how much time I spend trying to help new players by getting one of my OP frames and go to the first mission on earth just for the purpose of finding complete noobies and helping them get through the first 10 or so planets, help them with quests, and tell them all I know about the game to help them get started and into it and sometimes if I have items to spare I even give them free rare mods and prime items of decent and good value on the market just to give them a good start. I love this game and its people and want it to grow and keep growing. It's not much that I ask. There is so much more that I would like to happen and have but I'm not going to ask that of you because it would make me feel low and like I'm asking for too much, not to mention the fact that I would rather work for or towards those higher things. So for Lotus sake please do just this one thing for me in return for all that I do for this community. 

    In honor of Tennobaum, happy celebrations everyone!

  18. So had Gustrag 3 come at me bro... 

    and now I'm stuck with this S#&$...

    first only had the yellow thing (image 1)

    after crafting the negator lotus sent me and seeing it not work (since I was told I only needed to craft and claim it) I re-logged.

    After coming back to see that it was still there I also noticed a g3 emblem on my right shoulder (image 2)

    Any ideas on how to fix? or do I wait for the devs to see this and send out a hotfix?



  19. 6 minutes ago, lMegaLoDoNl said:

    This is terrible download everything again with this horrible internet connection we have here in Brazil ...

    Lol sorry to hear but yeah it is the only solution I found I tried every thing but that, then two years later tried it and boom back in the game again. 

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