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Posts posted by EsterWithoutPants

  1. When solo or hosting in an ODA, the player (or host) deals vastly reduced damage to Lephantis for no reason I can explain. All of my weapons work as they always have against the regular mobs on the tileset, yet for all three 'heads' and the final fight, my weapons deal around 10-20% of their total damage, despite being modded with high corrosive and blast damage to take advantage of its fossilized armor.


    The first phase heads also appear to be stronger than the second phase parts. No explanation I can find here either, though the second phase parts seem to take roughly double damage, yet is still a fraction of what my actual damage should be at.


    For reference, I've thrown a 7 forma potato'ed Braton Prime with a max ranked Serration, among other high end, near-capped mods against Lephantis and can't even break two digits of damage per shot unless I crit one of the heads, which should easily be hitting for around 500 damage on regular enemies. A Vectus with similar niceties barely breaks over 1000 damage with a crit. An Opticor barely scratches it for 500 damage. So far my best bet has been the Twin Grakatas, as crits and the sheer volume of fire seem to help the most here, and this all is with a Nova casting M-prime.


    This has happened every single time I run Lephantis on solo more, or in public mode, and for a while now. I had been hushed about it since I was unsure if there had been a stealth nerf, or if perhaps he always has been this difficult, but after digging into it a bit more and running more ODA's, I can't explain this anomaly.

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