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Posts posted by R4zorClaw

  1. Perhaps folks using AAA games are referring to games developed by large gaming companies who invest hundreds of millions of dollars into their games. Think Call of Duty or Battlefield. Anyway, when folks say AAA game, that's what I usually think they mean.

  2. I've played a handful of archwing missions, and if feels very promising. I like having that mode as a backup, or another thing to do. Perhaps some of the folks who are complaining about the mode need to go out for some Vitamin D? Anyway, as with anything in this game it is a Beta, and things will get better with time I suppose.

  3. Some folks like to escape into the game after a long day at work, not unlike myself. As you can see from the responses, OP, not everyone shares your particular view of this issue. To many, it ISN'T an issue. You opened this thread with a question, so here is one of many possible answers:

    No one is preventing you from leaving the game, and no one is forcing you to play. If you feel this game no longer interests you, your time and effort are best spent elsewhere. Don't expect those whose opinions differ from your to simply give up their point of view.

    Sorry if any of these seems out of line. Merely my honest and humble opinion. Take it or leave it, just had to get my thoughts out. I also agree with other responders in that you may, in fact, be burnt out.

  4. Oh, where to begin...

    - Buying warframes outright instead of grinding their components.
    - Buying weapons outright instead of grinding their components.

    - Rushing ANYTHING that really CAN wait until tomorrow.

    - Buying potatoes and forma for weapons that I would later sell. (Still ticked at myself for this).

    - Farming the resources to make Rhino, getting the blueprints for Rhino, then using platinum for Credits, and platinum for Rushing RHINO >_<

    I'm sure there's more, but those are at the top of my list.

  5. I don't want this game to be unaccessible to newcomers, and if anything, having players have access to all 4 moves automatically incentives DE to eventually make each and every ability viable and unique, something I've been rooting for since I started this game.


    Agreed. Why even put something in the game if no one wants to use it, or the vocal few do nothing but bash it. I like your direction here, Tenno!

  6. 2k hours? Didn't a lot of stuff change in Warframe already? Did you have as much trouble with those changes? This seems to happen in every game I play at some point, so hard to please everyone (bad goal actually). There's a reason this stuff is referred to as "Intellectual Property".

    I don't mean to put you out, OP, just wondering if you realize this game is still in Beta?


    Oh, and only respond to this post if you can do so maturely and constructively. Otherwise, I have better things to do than feed your anger and ego.

  7. I'd have to say that the deadliest weapon to Tenno are actually some of the glitches that seem to insta-kill you after misson completions.

    When that screen goes... almost black... but not quite... and you see something like a black mesh over the image... with no ui...

    ...space is a very cold place...


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