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Posts posted by Zeunchainn

  1. How does rifle mod affect wyrm laser rifle?Mainly fast reload, clip size, max ammo, attack speed.

    Does Wyrm use ammo?

    Wyrm fire in burst of 3~5 laser then stop attacking for a moment.Does it mean he's reloading or he uses a burst weapon like Burston?To reduce that pause time do you need faster reload or faster fire rate?

    If you increase clip size will he fire more than 3~5 laser burst?

  2. I don't think Tenno are the bad guys.They suffer amnesia and could be manipulated by Lotus.

    Corpus is stealing Tenno cryopod for experiment.So that's a good reason be in conflict with them.

    Grineer have a hatred ideology toward Tenno (may be legit or not).So inevitable conflict even if Grineer are nice guy among themselves.

    Infestation are wrong abomination biological weapon so it's not bad to kill them.

  3. Never make threads like this again.You are not the company CEO you don't know how they work.Don't tell them how they should use their manpower.Especially if it's just your personal opinion on how Ash should be the only one using shuriken.

    Obviously tweaking current warframe won't require their whole design team so they can do both at the same time.

  4. Solo is already too easy aside from some boss that you just can't outdamage their shield regen like when I unload my full shotgun clip and his shield regen to max by the time I reload.

  5. No.I like that each warframe has some character.Gender switch will make them more impersonal.

    I think the process when designing a warframe is more like designing a character.Gender switch will be more like designing a class.

  6. I THINK you can't kill the corpus because of their Shield... While Grineer have armor, most Melees come equip for pierce(?) ... some1 correct me on this plz...

    The infested it would be for their high ammount of HP... (usually)...

    this is just my random explanation... (although Boar and Hek with Rank 5 Damadge shotgun and some pierce can 1 hit KO anything under lvl 30 that is not infested)

    I said I still one shot them but it doesn't play the animation as it used to.The instagib animation for furax was enemy corpse being send into the sky and split apart in the air now it only weakly knock back the enemy corpse.

  7. I noticed sometime Furax charge attack doesn't send enemy corpse flying into the moon although I still one shot them.Especialy low level ones and I'm talking about Grinner I understand for infested but one shoting Grinner should be sent into the sky.

    I believe it's because you cannot do more damage than their max HP or something and thus doesn't play the animation.

    Also you should make the affinity numbers text different color than damage text because it's confusing sometime when you do damage that is around the same amount of exp gain..

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