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Posts posted by Kino935

  1. Hey, guys? i don't know how late i am to the party, but we got issues. In our lisets, in the left hand corner in our second floor? we got an issue. I can't post a photo, because the site's not letting me, but... we are not safe! What is going on!?


    -Kino935, acting commander of New Grineer Terminators. Telos Arbiters. Follow the truth

  2. Kino and Revenge pt.2


           My head still reeling from the beating I just got from an old ally of mine, I stagger towards the doorway that leads to the next chamber on this Corpus galleon.




           Well, Kyran went easy on us. I don’t blame him, what would you do if you saw a person you thought was an ally lugging around the Zanuka, essentially signaling that you had betrayed the Tenno?


           I agree with you two. But if only they know who this particular Zanuka was.


           Aquilo looks up at me, and cocks its head. I ignore it and head forward towards the chamber where the Harpy is. The Corpus ship that she had commandeered was huge, and I had Ordis download the ships blueprints and send them to my HUD. I had seen a couple of places that my traps would work, but none of them I could get to fast enough if things turned hairy. I was aware of Sulvus and Kyran behind me a bit, staying away from Aquilo, who was the Zanuka accompanying me. The tracker on him was the only reason I didn’t put him out of his misery, and was the only reason he still stood. Poor warrior.


           He doesn’t deserve this.






           We enter what looks to be a room connecting to the void portal. Machinery all around us, the void portal barely being sustained by the well-forged construction of the Corpus. I sense two figures, one of which holds immense power. The other is on of less power, but enough to still make any Tenno shake. However, I am not shaking in fear. I am shaking in rage. I flex my wrist, summoning my Arctic Force, the name of my Ice Galatine. Grasping it, the force I have inside of me causes a slight fracture in the grip of the blade. I guess that’s what happens when you see the person who stabbed you in the back and leaves you for dead.

           "Ahhhh, Kino! You've finally arrived! Oh, and it seems you've brought some friends!” Enya hops down, no longer the Enya I knew and once trusted, but something more… proud and twisted thanks to that pride. Her form is swirling with what looks to be serpents created purely of flame. The Archmind’s power, just a fraction of it, powerful enough to turn her into one of the most hated Tenno in the Origin system. This is different than the Harpy. Enya did that because she wanted to. Enya did that on her own choice. “No matter, more of the Valkyrie’s enemies to cleanse!”


           Aquilo tenses, and I can understand why. Enya was his lover before he died to protect me. Seeing Enya like this has to shatter what’s left of his mind. I signal him to stay calm. Attacking now would ruin the plan. He will die a warrior’s death, and it will not be in vain.

           “"Not so hastily, Purifier,” the Valkyrie says. I flinch. Karn’s not going to like the state she’s in. She seems so much more unwavering now, and she’s dead locked on Kyran at the moment. “You can have the madman, the other two ar-”


           She’s looking at us.


           She seems angry. You think she noticed the collar yet?


           She’s shaking, so yeah. She noticed the collar. Time to run!


           "You wriggling maggots! So weak, so, spineless as to call upon the worm Alad V! You are no better than the coward!! You are worse than him!! To prolong our brethren’s' misery to fight alongside you! To control it, instead of ending its damned pain!"


           She starts whipping around the Tonfa she has, cutting a very clean slice into the bottom of the ship.


           Let’s not get hit by that, yeah?


           Good idea.


           “You are worse than I thought. Purifier! End their pathetic existence. Cleanse them in your light. The winged one, is mine."


           “Hey, Sulvus? I think it’s time to run!”


           Sulvus glances at me, as if to say, No really, Sherlock. We turn and flee from Enya, who’s all too eager for a rematch to the death with me.



           “Sulvus! I need you to slow her down outside this room!”


           “What? For what purpose!?”


           “I’ve got a trap for her, but I need a few second to set it up. Otherwise, we’ve got no hope of surviving this!”


           Sulvus sighs, then nods. “Go then! I’ll try to stop her!”


           “Die, Tenno!”


           I duck inside the room. I see a cracked glass pane on the side, leading out into the dark, cold space. I take out my Sancti Castanas, given to me by New Loka, and throw them against the glass pane. Once that’s set up, I check my Braton Prime to ensure that it’s loaded and ready to fire. My Arctic Force is at my side now, my energy sustaining it. The crack is still there, and I start to worry. Then I hear a thud, followed by a loud groan. Sulvus is throw into the room, against the pillar along the pathway.


           “Ah, Kino. I was wondering when I would get the chance to finally end you. Master Valkyrie has finally given me that chance!”


           “Enya, come on. You know that you don’t stand a chance against me. You have so much power, but deep down? You’re pathetic. Waiting ‘till my back was turned to try to kill me was so cliché.”


           “Grr… Archmind!”


           “Yes, Purifier?”


           “Enter his mind, I want him ripped to shreds before killing him.”


           “Of course Purifier.”


           I feel the pull of the Archmind, and suddenly there is a new voice in my head.


           Hello, Kino. What do you fear most? Failure? Weakness?

    The inevitable end wrought upon you by the Purifier, or the painful death that you will receive from the Valkyrie? I will find out what makes you tick, and then make the ticking stop. I will not stop till I-


           Yeah, hi. What are you doing here?


           What? That’s not…


           Hey Kino? Who’s the new chump?


           Barret? Fang? Meet the Archmind. It’s here to tear our mind to shreds.


           Like hell it is.


           Let’s get it!






           “Auuuughh!” A shrill scream emits from Enya, as she recoils in fear. I laugh. I knew that the training I went through would be useful someday.


           Enya is back on her feet in seconds. She seems more herself now, and a lot angrier as well. “Archmind! Leave me. This pest will not be a problem. Assist the Valkyrie, end the meddler!”


           “Of course, Purifier. Cleanse this fool of his existence!”


           She draws her Silva and Aegis, sword and shield made of pure fire. She’s ready for the head on fight, but I just need to wear her down. She’s not waiting for it though, as she leaps at me shield first. I dodge out of the way, only to be met in with a sword in the back. Grimacing, I swing my Arctic Force towards the blade. She’s forced to let go, cutting off the energy needed for the blade. Once she’s on her feet, she summons another Silva, and starts swinging at me like a psycho. Timing her swings, I swing with Force up and deflect her next swipe, sending her reeling back. I’m on her in seconds, Force to Aegis. It’s clear that I’m winning, and I begin to put more pressure on the blade.



     I lose all sense of contact on the shield as my miniscule hairline fracture has become much more, causing me to shatter my blade. I’m on my feet quickly, but barely have time to dodge as Enya takes the upper hand.


           “You started to worry me there, Kino. Have you lost your touch?”


           “You’re lucky Kyran beat the daylights out of me before we fought, Enya.” I shoot an ice-beam at Enya, which melts before even reaching her. Apparently, calling her Enya makes her mad, and the madder she gets, the hotter the flames get. Oops.


           “I am no longer Enya! I am only the Purifier!”


           “Oh good, that means that when I kill you, I shouldn’t feel any remorse.”


           “Raaauuugh!”  She fires a couple of fireballs at me. I dodge them all, but they were hot enough to make any water instantly evaporate, let alone any ice melt. I’m beginning to stagger, when I see Sulvus stirring. The heat was starting to wake him up.


           Enya notices this too, and backs up into the window. Right against my trapped glass-pane.


           “Hey, Enya!”


           She looks at me, furious. She’s beginning to realize that a two-on-one fight isn’t fair. I’m not going to let it go to a two-on-one though. I’m ending it now. I pick up my Arctic Force’s blade, and throw it at the window, causing more cracks to appear.


           “You know what fire needs to live, Enya? And what you’re about to be out of?!”


           Completely enraged now, she shouts, “What?!”




           “… Oh, son o-”




           I activate my Sancti Castanas, instantly shattering the window. Enya’s fire rapidly goes out. I hear what seems to be screams, but they’re quickly cut out, as the dark and airless space sucks the air out of her lungs almost immediately. She loses her grip on the ships exterior, and is sent flying into space, slowly choking and drained of her air. I see her no more. Enya is gone.


           “Ordis! You see the giant hole in the ship?! Send my Odonata Prime and my Itzal there! We need to get Sulvus and me out of here!”


           “Understood, Operator.”


           "Sulvus! Kino! We need to leave! Now!" Kyran dashes through the door, with the Harpy hot on his tail. They lock blades, all the while Kyran bleeds. Aquilo is nowhere to be found, and my sensor is beginning to show that the tracker is indeed on Sylvia. On the Harpy.


           Help him?


           …Right, that’d be a good thing.


           "You only delay your demise, old man. Submit now, and your end will be swift!"


                    "Do you even realize what you are doing!? You are bringing turmoil to the hearts of your closest friends! You are bringing turmoil to the balance you vow-"


                    "To hell with the balance!" She disarms Kyran with alarming speed, but backs away, and paces slowly in front of us. "The balance took my wings! It took my sanity! It took my will! My freedom!"


                    "You knew the sacrifices you were to make!"


                    "Sacrifice? That's what it's about, now? Sacrifice?" The Harpy's tone seems to calm a little, but not in a good way.


                    "My wings and my pride were not what I was prepared to sacrifice. But..... What are you prepared to sacrifice? Your wings? Your pride? Or maybe you'd rather sacrifice your dignity? Or your honor? Maybe..... Your sanity? Like I did? What I was forced to sacrifice to keep myself from breaking completely in that lab."


           All right, that’s enough of that. I pull off my Braton Prime from my back and fire a couple rounds over her head.       She turns to me and chuckles. "Ah, Kino, just who I was looking for. The one impeding my progress. The one weighing me down."


    “You can stop complaining about your sanity. It’s not that bad.”


           Why is it that every time she looks at us, she shakes with rage? Why?


           Kino, you do have a tendency to anger people with your attitude.


           You’re not helping!


           "You never watched your sanity fall apart piece by damned piece!! You never watched yourself fall deeper and deeper into the pit that is insanity!!" With that, she lunges towards me.


           Curtain call time!




           I dive out the hole I’ve made, the Itzal attaching itself immediately as I do so. Once I’m connected I start laughing like a lunatic. Kyran is close behind, and the Harpy recites some poetry, but that doesn’t matter to me right now.


           With Enya gone, I can finally focus on what we need. The Sentinels, the Tenno, the Origin system. They need protection from what they are about to face. The Harpy is now my target. The war is just getting started.


           *ahem* Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for reading Kino’s Journey. It was a fun time for me to create and a lot of fun thinking up ideas when I had some writers block. Special thanks to Crazyninjadude12 for helping me co-write this, as it does tie into AotH and beyond. I hope you guys enjoyed it.


    Until next time





  3. Kino and Revenge


           “Master Kino. My task is complete.”


           “I really wish you wouldn’t be so formal with me, Velius.”


           Inside my newly constructed dojo, the gray, black, and red Ash user kneeled before me. Velius specialized in stealth missions, so I sent him to do reconnaissance most of the time. It seemed like the thing he was used to. Oddly enough, when the Lotus put him under my care, he had no stealth weapon, save for his Ether Reaper, a scythe that, while basic, would still make you beg for mercy. His primary was a Vectis rifle he had forged personally, but since he hadn’t found the Hush mod yet, he was unable to silence it. I took the opportunity to give him the Red Veil’s Rakta Ballistica, and he’s been coming back faster since then.


           He nods. “Sorry. I guess I’m getting used to this system.”


           “You’re not the only one. Now, what did you find?”


           He shrugs. “Not much, the usual amount of Grineer, a couple of Corpus MOA strewn about on the ground. The usual.”


           “Yeah. Any word from Jari?”


           “He is defending the object as we speak. Kino, are you sure he’s fine?”


           “Look, it takes a good warrior to come close to beating me in a duel with my Galatine. If he dies, I’ll be more than shocked.”


           “Fair enough. Sir, one more thing?”


           “Yes, what is it?”

           “A message came through, directed at the leader of New Grineer Terminators. Some sort of… Alliance proposal?”


           “Thanks. How long has it been sitting there?”


           “A couple of days… maybe a week.”


           Whoops. “All right, I’ll take a look at it.”


           He leaves. I turn and look in my personal Arsenal. My black and teal Galatine, which I have yet to name, gleams in the dark. The Telos Akbolto hang side-by-side, each shined to perfection. Below them, my Braton Prime, with all of its Orokin glory, rests, waiting for action.

    I look towards my desk. There is a glowing light there, I hadn’t noticed before. I press it, and suddenly my screen is filled with fire. I hear a laugh, followed by Tenno screaming and Lisets flying off with their Tenno inside, running away from the danger. Scorch marks are everywhere, and I watch in horror. The pain doesn’t stop there, as the flames start moving, I notice a body goes along with them, enjoying the flames as if she were controlling them. But an Ember user doesn’t have that kind of power. That’s when I see it. A blue, purple, and white color scheme that is painfully familiar. Enya turns at looks directly at the plea-sender, smiles a twisted smile, and raises her arm. Then I see no more.


           “Velius!” I yell. He comes running in, looking at me like I was insane. “We need to go, now.”


           “Why? What’s so important…?”


           “Get Jari back here now. Abort his mission.”




           “You heard me.”


           In about 2 minutes, my gold and white Excalibur user runs in my office, his Sybaris rifle on his back, the Perrin Sequences Secura Dual Cestra on his thighs, and his Jat Kittag in hand. “What’s up Kino?! Where’s the fire!?”


           “You couldn’t be more spot on Jari.”


           He looks at me with the most confused expression on his face. “Huh?”

           “The fire. It’s on Larunda. A traitor burned it, and killed a lot of Tenno. Let’s head there. Now.”


           They both nod, and run to their Lisets.


    Location: Larunda Relay, Mercury

    Faction: Tenno


           “I see we’re not the first ones here,” Jari says. He’s right, as I see other, familiar Lisets docked. Up ahead, there’s a unique winged Warframe, as well as a Frost Prime. I laugh to myself.


           Just like old times.


           I can’t believe they are here too!


           Focus more on the surroundings. The fire still hasn’t gone out.


           Your point?


           That’s no ordinary fire. That’s Greek fire.




           Good point?



           We walk towards the Sentinels of Shadow, my old clan. I nod towards my two companions. “Stay close, I don’t like how quiet it is.”


           We reach the middle of the Relay. Sulvus is the first to speak.   "Hey."


    "Greetings, Kino. I see you made some friends, an Ash and a Pri- wait.... no. I appear to be mistaken. And offended. To pretend you have achieved such an-"


            "Let's focus on the place that's burning around us, pal."


    Sulvus clears his throat and focuses. "Of course."


     "How long has it been burning?"


    "Long before I got here. It seems that whoever did this didn't want anyone helping the Relay, but wanted our attention. And did exactly that."


    "Did you look in the other rooms yet?"


    "No. We were just about to."


    "Then let's go."


           Starting with the Syndicate chambers to check for survivors, we begin in the Chamber of New Loka. The tree roots are scarred, burned by fire. The pool the usually serene syndicate meditates in is now crimson, stained by blood of Enya’s betrayal. Next up is the Perrin Sequence. The docile MOA they were working on was now a puddle of molten steel. The members were all charred corpses, their technology reduced to rubble. Next the Red Veil’s chamber, which I avoided at all costs. Just because they gave me their weapon doesn’t mean I like them any more than the next Arbiter. The next chamber is the Steel Meridians. Blood dried from the heat of the flames, with a Cleaver stuck inside the computer. After that, we head to Cephalon Suda’s room. The damage here is miniscule, flames here and there. Cephalon Suda herself is nowhere to be found, presumably because she’s escaped.


           The final chamber we check is the Arbiters of Hexis. Enya took her time with this one. The flags bearing my Syndicates emblem have been scorched to nothingness. The rocks have evidence of Arbiter helmet debris on them, as well as a crimson glare. Burnt corpses lay around me, one of which has a heat dagger in their head. This particular corpse’s arm is pointing towards the wall, obviously posed after death. I turn and look, and see more scorch marks, but the message they read gets me worked up.


           “Hello Kino. I’ve been missing our time together. The pain and suffering I left you with must have been unbearable, especially since I know how fragile your feelings are. It couldn’t have been easy when I left you, but then again, who cares? The path I walk now only holds pain for those in front of me. The Valkyrie has given me more power than I could ever hope for, more than enough to destroy you and the rest of the Tenno, and wipe your pathetic existence off the Origin System. I’ve watched you become a thorn in the side of The Valkyrie for too long now. Why don’t you come and settle your old score? I’ll be waiting at Zagan, Europa. Come and find me, Kino. I await your demise.”


           I burst into maniacal laughter. The mere fact that she dared to contact me, let alone slaughter all the innocent tenno at this relay, was more than enough reason to go meet her and destroy her. "You better hope I'm in a good mood when we meet. You better."




           I look towards Sulvus, who now seems on edge. Looking around, my two companions, as well as Sulvus’ companions are on edge as well. I realize I’ve never been like this around Jari and Velius.



    "You alright?"


    "Couldn't be better!"


           I start heading towards the docks of the relay. Enya really wants to die, doesn’t she?


    How are we gonna do it?










           No, no… I’ve got something worse for her. Fire needs air to breathe right?










           As I pass Sulvus, a realization hits me. Sulvus has no idea that I’m the clan leader he’s been talking to. "Hey, you know that clan you're making an alliance with?"



                    "How do yo-"


                    "'Cause I'm the clan leader."


    He pauses, then speaks. "Why am I not surprised?"


                    I shrug and make my way to the Liset. Turning towards my two Terminators, I nod. “You guys, head back to the dojo. Start training. When I fly to Europa, the crap is gonna hit the fan. You two need to be ready.”


           “Yes sir.”


           Jari looks at me. “Uh, Kino? I’ve got a friend who wants to join the clan. She goes by Briar.”


           “Go ahead and initiate her into the clan then. We’re gonna need all the help we can get later.”

  4. Kino and Assistance


    Location: Telesto, Saturn

    Mission: Extermination

    Faction: Grineer


              “Ordis, how close are you to extraction?!”


              “Not close enough Operator, the Gustrag 3 seem to have their ships patrolling outside the asteroid. There is no possible way I can get in there and extract you. I am sorry.”


              “Sorry isn’t going to save me!”


              “Tenno, this is why I directed you to leave earlier, when the Gustrag had just arrived. These are killing machines, willing to kill even their own brethren to get to you. We are unable to send you any assistance either, as we are transporting a new, highly dangerous prisoner and…”


              The Lotus’ voice cuts off. I hear her assistants yelling and talking all over each other, trying to get her attention. However, I’m still busy running away from these failed Grineer clones. Once Vay Hek had heard that the Corpus had assisted the Tenno to destroy Tyl Regor’s cloning labs, one way or another, he had set his personal killers to seek and destroy anyone who was a part the sabotage. Eventually, most Tenno had agreed to give Alad V one final chance, but Alad was having none of it. Instead of immediately attacking the Tenno again with his Zanuka projects, he had gone straight to the Larunda Relay and resigned to his capture and arrest from the Lotus. He was the dangerous prisoner that the Lotus was talking about. Oddly enough, he’s been very quiet. It’s as if he’s accepted the punishment for what he’s done.


              “Tenno, die!”


              “Oh boy!”


              Dodging these strikes isn’t easy. One of them, I believe he shouted his name was Leekter, wielded a Brokk hammer, and swung it with such force that one impact sent me flying. That’s the last time I’m going to let myself get caught like that again.


              “Zanuka, retrieve the Tenno!”


              Wait… oh hell.


              I really hope that wasn’t what I just heard


              We heard it too. Don’t worry. We’re gonna die now anyways.


              In front of me lands the horrid creature that all Tenno knew was just a graveyard of their fallen comrades, reconstructed and misused. Turning towards me and shocking me, it disables my Frost, easily making me fall. I see a Brokk hammer swinging towards me, and all goes black…


              When I come to (surprisingly), I wake to see that same creature staring over me, almost protectively and concerned. It worries me. I roll away from it and reach for my Galatine, which is no longer on my back. My weapons, Warframe, and everything else is gone. My surroundings are white, gold, and bronze. The trees are frozen, and with good reason. Any visit to a derelict would show you why we keep the trees frozen in the Orokin towers in the Void.


              Still eyeing the creature, I step forward. It makes a sound, almost like…Purring?!

              “Ok… what is going on here?”


              “Tenno, oh thank god you’re all right,” an all too familiar and hated voice says behind me. Alad V, the scientist from the Corpus faction, the one the Tenno gave another chance too, has been completely healed of the Infection. He looks towards me and… smiles? “You’re lucky to be alive you know. I’m glad I convinced the Lotus to allow me to redeem myself before I die.”


              “Alad, where is my gear? Where is my Frost?!”


              He looks down, and I can tell what happened to it. “You turned it into a Zanuka, didn’t you?!”


              He looks up in utter horror. “No, no!  Not at all, those days are behind me. Unfortunately, the Gustrag’s damage on your Frost were too great. The Brokk hammer’s points punctured right through it. However, your skin underneath was surprisingly unbroken. Only your suit was damaged. The Lotus fixed that right up. Amazing power she has. But you will need a new Warframe… and Lotus will give you one as well once we are done here.”


              The door behind Alad opens, and in walks the last person I expected to see grace my presence. The Lotus, carrying an air of relief around her, approaches me. “Kino, I am glad you are all right. I see your rescuer has made himself known as well?” The Zanuka makes a noise, and bows to the Lotus. Machine or not, the Tenno’s mind inside still lives, and respects the Lotus with everything he has left to give. “I will see you in a moment Kino, Alad has a few things he wants to give to you before his visit is over. We will be taking him back to the prison cell once we are done here.”


              I glance over at Alad, who is nodding his head. Strangely calm, but considering his circumstances, he’s taking all of this quite well, as if accepting of his fate. “Very well, Lotus. I will see you in a bit.”


              She walks out of the room, and the door shuts. Alad smiles. “The Lotus depends on the Tenno greatly. I’ve done my research. The Tenno saved the Orokin once, didn’t they? During the Old War?” I nod, but wonder why he brings this up. “No matter. Kino, was it?” I nod again. “Kino, when I surrendered to the Lotus, I brought all of my research and subjects with me, including all the Tenno I had acquired over the years you’ve been around. After looking over the Tenno, Lotus chose two that would be best for you to mentor. They both have mental instabilities, like you, so Lotus figured that you would be best to train them on how to rely on their personalities. You will be meeting them just after you meet with the Lotus. The other thing is that all your weapons are on your Liset, including the Syndicate weapons and the precious Galatine.”


              I nod. “Thank you Alad. But, how do I know you’re not tricking Lotus and me?”


              “Let’s be honest here Kino. If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve sent Zanuka to do just that. Which brings me to my final request. Zanuka. It’s going to be without a master-figure soon, and I understand that you have a major fight incoming. A Tenno by the name of Sylvia, one that I used to slay her own kind, is now the Harpy? All caused by me… Kino, I am truly sorry to have caused this. I am giving you Zanuka, and the disk that controls it. Zanuka will be slain in the fight coming up, of that I am sure. The deep hatred of the creature will be enough for it to be the Harpy’s first target. However, once slain, Zanuka’s final programming will be to attach a tracker to the Harpy. A small, unnoticeable one. You will know where the Harpy is and when she is ready to move. It’s the only thing I can do, Kino. Once again, I am truly sorry.”


              I turn away for a bit, and start pacing around the room. Looking towards the window where I know Lotus is watching, I sigh. Then I nod, and turn towards Alad V. “Alad. You turn over a new leaf now. Why? Why not sooner?”


              “Because, Tenno. I am already aware of what will happen, should the Tenno lose to the Harpy.”


              He hands me the Zanuka control disk before I go. The Zanuka instantly changes itself, transforming into my color scheme. Like it or not, it’s under my care now. I’m gonna have to learn how to use this thing, and how to describe why I have it. No one’s gonna believe me. Leaving, I turn towards the Lotus, who looks at Zanuka and shivers. I send it to my Liset, and it stays next to it.


              “Kino, follow me please.” We begin walking towards the Arsenal, where I see two Tenno standing there in Warframes and weaponry. The first one I notice is a white and gold Excalibur. The second one I notice is a gray and red Ash, standing and looking towards me like he’s ready for action already. I nod, knowing that they are my soon-to-be protégés. We walk past them, and enter the Arsenal. I see plenty of Warframes, weapons, and modifications hung on walls, set on shelves, and sorted into which one optimizes which. At least Lotus can defend herself… We continue walking to a compartment which is closed, but I feel the familiar, welcoming cold of a Frost.


              “Kino, you have done well thus far. This is a relic from the Old War, a Warframe that you know well. It has been adjusted to you already, as I have forged it myself. You will not find a single flaw, and its powers are yours,” Lotus says as the compartment hisses and revolves, revealing my new warframe. It looks and feels like Frost, but with the ornament on its helmet, I revel in the glory of my new Frost Prime.


              I look to the Lotus, and smile. “Lotus, I cannot thank you enough.”


              “Kino, you will need all the power you can get in the fight ahead. For now, re-master your element. Your ice powers are magnificent, but you can do so much more with this Prime variant.”


              Slipping into the Frost Prime suit, it changes into my color scheme of black, teal, and white. With the HUD activating, I feel a shock, followed by energy flowing throughout me. When the Lotus said it was adjusted to me perfectly, I can see how it was. Not a bit of pain, nor the regular feeling of putting on my Frost. The Frost Prime was perfectly set to me. I feel a sudden urge to attempt to use my powers, and, seeing as how it’s ice, I wanted to try what I had been practicing for 4 years now. I hold out my arm, close my eyes, and imagine my Galatine. Long, heavy, and capable of cleaving through so many enemies at once, I imagine making it out of ice. I feel a sudden weight tug at my arm, and when I open my eyes, the Galatine is there, made of pure ice, sustained by Frost Prime. I flick my wrist, shutting off the energy, and the blade shatters, scattering the shards all over the room. Lotus avoids every shard, laughing a bit while she does so. I step back in shock. I’ve never heard her laugh. She nods


              “You’re ready.”


              “Of course I am. Now, let’s get to work.”

  5. Kino and Surprise


              “You can’t be serious.”


              “I am.”


              “But… Sylvia wouldn’t do that, would she?”


              “She is no longer Sylvia. She’s just the Harpy now.”


              Boy, the conversations you overhear as you walk down the clan halls. Didn’t take too long for my new family to start having problems. Trouble seemed to follow me wherever I go. We got the notice about her betrayal not 30 minutes ago, and I’m already nervous. Sylvia, now the Harpy? I didn’t think she was that broken.


              “…Sylvia.” A heartbroken name now, uttered by her former lover, Karn. I feel bad of course, but eventually they’re going to have to face each other if her first actions were any kind of a sign. I make my way to my barracks, my room, and begin to meditate. I might be a psycho myself, but I need to focus to get these voices under control. The Arbiters must know something about this. I get the feeling that if I go to see them, I won’t be coming back a while. I must learn what I can do though. I must discover the truth.




              Karn’s voice startles me out of my meditation. “Thought I locked that…” I mumble under my breath. Turning towards Karn, I tilt my head. “What brings you here?”


    “It’s Sylvia, she’s…”


    “I heard. I’m sorry.” Awkwardly, I turn towards my gear. He doesn’t leave, so maybe he’s looking for comfort? “Karn, listen to me.”


    He looks up, very solemn. Oh, this is not going to be easy to tell him.


    “Karn, listen. I’m leaving.”




    “I think I know who I can contact to help us with Syl… I mean the Harpy. You can’t let anyone know though. I’m leaving tonight, while everyone is resting.”


    Karn looks at me in disbelief. “You’re kidding me right? We need everyone we can get to help us! She’s too strong! She’s too-“


    “Yes, thank you for noticing. Which is why I’m going to see what I can do if I get to the root of the problem. I’m paying some people a visit. Don’t count on seeing me again for a very long time.”


    Karn shakes his head. “I knew you had problems with your sanity, but even this makes you look crazy!”


    “Just wait. I’m going to turn this on its head when you least expect it.”




              I wake up in the middle of the night. My communicator is blinking a lot. An alarm I set to make sure I wake up. My Frost warframe already on to avoid the screaming pain of putting the thing on, plus its fan makes it comfortable to sleep in. Taking note to grab my gear, I hesitate. This seems like a bad idea, but it’s the only hope I’ve got. Taking one last look around the barracks, I take off my Clan Emblem and leave it on the desk, leaving with it my precious Glaxion. Where I’m going, it’s not going to be seeing much use. Maybe someone at the Dojo can use it.


              Arriving at the Lisets, Ordis opens up the hatch and allows me on. “Operator, are you sure that this is the correct path to take? Sticking with the other Tenno would seem to be more effective in fighting the Harpy.”


              “I’m sure Ordis. Where I’m headed after our first stop, they would never forgive me.”


              “I take it we’re off to Larunda first?”


              “Yes. I need to speak with the Arbiters. A Maxim ranked operative like me, they should be able to give me what I need.”


              “Very well Operator.”


    Location: Larunda Relay

    Faction: Tenno




              All five of the Arbiters before me turn and look. Recognizing me, they nod and motion me forward. My Truth Sigil on my chest, I am acknowledged as one of the highest ranking Arbiters in the Origin system. “What can we do to help your journey, Arbiter Kino?”


              “I need a weapon. The Telos Akbolto. I’m sure I’ve earned enough of your respect to wield such a device. I need it to aide in my-“


              “Fight against the Harpy. We know.”


              Of course you do.


              Shush now, we haven’t gotten the weapon yet.


              You do realize they can hear you two right?


              You think we would know this by now…        


              “It’s quite alright Kino. In fact, we’ve reached out to the other Syndicates as well. We have a gift for you. From each of the Syndicates.”


              “I’m sorry, come again? From each? Including the Red Veil?”


              “Indeed. Kino, for your upcoming fights, we present you with each of the Syndicate’s weapons. The Ratka Ballistica from the Red Veil, the Sancti Castanas from New Loka, the Secura Dual Cestra from the Perrin Sequence, the Vaykor Marelok from the Steel Meridian, the Synoid Gammacore from Cephalon Suda, and finally the Telos Akbolto from the Arbiters of Hexis. May these help you on your journey, and guide you with your path. Take our Syandana, to remember the Truth of all things. We are with you Tenno.”


              Bowing, I take the weapons graciously. “Thank you Arbiters. Pass along my thanks to the other Syndicates, as I cannot waste any more time. I must arrive at my next destination.”


              “Good luck, Kino.”


              Back on my Liset, I smile. All six Syndicate weapons are mine, and I’ve got so much more firepower that I hardly know what to do with them.


              “Operator? Ordis has the next location ready. Are you sure this is a good idea? This particular Corpus member…”


              “Ordis, I’ve gotten the Lotus’ permission. He’s aware of what’s going on, and how he’s caused it. He sent me a personal message earlier, saying that he’s truly sorry, and has something that can help in our fight against the Harpy. This might be our only option. Alad V is the only one who can truly help us."

  6. Kino and Vengeance


    “Enya, where the heck are we going?”


              It’d been some time since we’d left the relay. I’d assumed we were headed towards our favorite spot to slaughter the Grineer, but we’d past Mercury a long time ago. Her flight pattern, though aided by Ordis, was still shaky, as if her nerves had been wrecked by my Arbiters sigil.


              “Operator, do you know where Enya is taking you? You are aware that you’re being led to a syndicate mission, right?”


              “Oh, now you decide to mention it?”


              This isn’t like her…We’ve known her for so long. Did she say what syndicate she was a part of?


              Even the maniacal side of me was in complete silence, actually making me nervous. I’d read my syndicate’s information just before leaving the Relay and meeting up with Enya, but I didn’t notice any sigil on her, unless…


              “Operator, we have arrived at Cyath, Eris. Good luck retrieving the Red Veil’s necessary information.”




    Mission: Spy/Syndicate


    Location: Cyath, Eris


    Faction: Infested



              The Infested have really done a number on the Corpus that used to call this planet area home. All the Corpus ships around us are wrecked with living tissue, and hives and tumors strewn about. As we turn the corner, I can see maybe fifteen crawlers, and hear around a hundred more. The Infested has always been a faction I’ve been more than happy to leave alone, and these Nano-viruses in all the ships are bringing me a serious sense of danger and death


              “Kino, stick close to me. The Infested around here are stronger than what you’re used to.”


              I put on my bravest pose, but with my knees weak, I wouldn’t be surprised if I looked like a nervous wreck instead. “I should be fine. I’ve got the Galatine, remember?”


              Enya looks at me and sighs. I lower my head, realizing I’ve become much more reliant on my heavy claymore than I should be, but with a weapon this powerful with this much range, it’s hard not to lean on such a tool.


              “…sorry, Kino”


              Her words shock me back into reality, as I look down the pointy end of her Heat Dagger. I leap back in shock, but she’s on me in a flash, not letting me back up too far, not that there’s much room to begin with. I glance down the dagger and notice that she’s not wearing her Hikou anymore, instead replacing it with a red-tinted Ballistica. Trying to get a better look at the weapon, I use Ice Wave to throw her off balance. She falls hard to the floor, Heat Dagger across the room. I’m on her in seconds, Galatine to her neck.


              “What’d you do that for?”


              “The Red Veil tasked me with ‘testing’ new Arbiters. If only I’d knew where you’d gone off to, I would’ve left you at the Relay.”


              “But why?” my voice shaky at this point. Enya was the one person I trusted the most, the one thing my sanity held on to for dear life against the person inside of me that wanted nothing more than to kill the Grineer and anyone that sided with them. Sanity was losing hold of itself, becoming less and less the voice of reason now, and more of the voice of vengeance. “Why are you sided with the Red Veil? Why didn’t you tell me?! I trusted you!”


              “Because to me, the Red Veil is the only thing I have left! While the Lotus recruited us to save you, Aquilo died! In his stead, the Lotus left me you and his armor, and you’ve been nothing but trouble with your damaged head!” Saying this, she gets enough energy back to push me off her with her feet. Rolling towards her dagger, she runs for extraction. I get up and take off after her, but I’m too slow. Her Liset arrives at extraction, taking off almost immediately, leaving me to die in this ship.


              “Enya, if I ever find you again, I’m going to destroy you and the Red Veil!” my voice trails off however, as I hear more infested screams behind me. Probably shouldn’t have yelled or fought back that loudly. Oops.


              “Ordis! How far away are you?!”


              “Too far, Operator. I did not expect Enya to take off so quickly.”


              “Fine! Get to my extraction point, and hurry!”


              “No Tenno.” Lotus’ voice rings in my communications. “The extraction point that you are on now is too dangerous for Ordis to extract you safely. Make your way to the other part of the ship I’ve marked, Ordis can pick you up there.”


              “Oh you have got to be kidding me.”


              Running past all the Infested that are swarming me, I make a mad rush for my new extraction point. The doors open, and I can see the extraction pad on my Liset. Then I meet an Ancient. He grabs me and slams me down with his stretching arm, making me drop an Arbiter orb and my precious Galatine in the process.


              “No!” I shout, but I’m shoved and beaten again. The Infested is catching up to me, howling and screeching getting louder and louder.


              Getting up slowly, I see my Galatine just behind the Ancient, in between me and my Liset. Behind me, a swarm of Infested is bearing down on me. I’ve got no choice.      


              Well, at least we’re gonna have a blood bath.


              Too bad we can’t make statues.


              Ice doesn’t work well against the Infested.




              I begin to move forward, then stop. There is a corrupted Lancer just behind the Ancient, aiming straight my direction.


              Oh come on! Really?


              It fires. The Ancient drops dead.










              It then begins firing at the infested coming through the door, killing many in the process. I pick up my Galatine and start swinging, eventually becoming a living lawnmower with my unique stance.


              The last of the Infested dead, I turn and look at my curious savior. I can see it nod, before eventually dying to the toxic damage the infested gave out. Running for the safety of my Liset, I sigh. So many things happened. What do I do now? What can I do?


              “Tenno, I am sorry about what happened with Enya. That is the risk when it comes to Syndicates.”




              “In the meantime, there is a group of two Tenno on Apollodorus, already running the mission. A rare Valkyrie and a Rhino. They are beginning to struggle on their own. Care to assist them?”


              “Do I get to kill Grineer and make statues?”




              “Ordis! Set me a path for Apollodorus!”


              “Yes Operator.”


    Mission: Survival


    Location: Apollodorus, Mercury


    Faction: Grineer


              I hop down into the ship, and feel the effects of the life support taking hold. The Grineer are swarming around this one area, and the two Tenno are fighting bravely. Then the Rhino takes a hard hit from the Grineer.


              “Sylvia! I’m down!”


              “I’m coming!”


              I watch the other Warframe leap into action, right into a Hek.


              Well that was fast.


              Now can we kill them?


              Statues or blood?






              Ok then.


              I swing in and fell the entire platoon of Grineer soldiers in one swipe, throwing up my Snow Globe in the process. Taking care to revive on priority, they stand up and thank me.


              “Who are you?” The Rhino asks.


              I begin to answer, then notice the Grineer reinforcements entering my Snow Globe. “One moment please.”


              I turn. “If a single one of you shoot at me, WHILE I’m talking, I WILL SEND YOUR HEADS TO EARTH AND BACK!”


              Stupidly, they ignore my warning.


              5 seconds of melee and gore later, and we get the chance to talk again. They seem startled, then again, why shouldn’t they be? I just lost my mind, and at this point, I’m never going to get it back. The Arbiters can help me as much as they can, but these voices will stay. I’m going to be putting them to good use.


              “As I was saying, name’s Kino. Yours?”


              “My name is Karn, this is Sylvia. Pleased to meet you, and thanks for the help.”


    “No problem." They have clan emblems… and I do need a new set of people I can trust. I just saved their lives, they wouldn’t betray me, would they? “So, you two are in a clan?”


    Sylvia nods. “Yea, we got room, if you want to join.”


    “Great! Would love to, sounds fun.”


    Enya, I know you are out there. If I ever see you again, pray I am in a good mood.

  7. Mission: Spy



    Mission Location: Unda, Venus



    Faction: Corpus



    “Why is it always so cold here?” Enya grumbles. I have to admit, for a planet so close to the sun, it should not have such a constant winter. The black and teal Frost that I use helps with the cold, but that doesn’t mean that her Ember can continue to provide the heat she needs.



    “You know, we’re almost done with the mission. We’ve got two data vaults, and just have the third one left to go. Navigation says it’s right up ahead too.”



    “Good. Then we can leave this place.”



    She’s not doing so well. She’s shivering.



    Cut open a vein. The blood will warm her up.



    No! We need all the blood we can have! We need to be in top form for this!



    Did I say her vein?







    Ok then.



    We’re not gonna cut our own vein either!






    “Over there!” Enya exclaims. I turn towards the door. Sure enough, a MOA is patrolling the area. Its sensors calibrated to pick up traces of warframes and Tenno alike. Cameras and sensors that activate traps everywhere, the Corpus really know how to secure their information. What that information is, we haven’t seen yet.



    “I’ve got this,” I say as I run towards the MOA. It sees me, but reacts too late to alert anyone nearby. My Galatine sweeps through it like butter, and it clashes to the ground, out of commission.



    “Nice work, but you know that there’s probably more guarding the vault than this, right?”



    “Yeah, I know. Don’t ruin my feelings just yet.”



    We sneak past the cameras and lasers and secure the data. I’m getting better at this, sneaking around without killing things, but it makes me tense. Rather, it makes the bloodthirsty side of me tense, but that’s to be expected. On our way out, a crewman sees us, but makes no effort to stop us. I give him a long look, and he shrugs and walks away. I’m surprised.



    Then again, who would want to mess with someone with a big cut-you-and-all-of-your-closest-friends-in-half-in-one-swipe sword?


    Anyone who wants to die! He wants to die! Kill him!


    He’s left us alone already, so leave him be.









    “Stop it!” I hiss, only to realize that, once again, I’ve spoken aloud. Enya looks at me, silently studying me. Whenever she does this, it gives me the chills. For a fire user, she’s got one icy glare.



    “Kino, is there something you’re not telling me?”



    “Yes there is, I’m a lunatic with voices in my head. Oh wait, I’ve told you that before.”









    “Be serious.”



    “I am.”



    She shakes her head. “Kino, we’ve got to head to Larunda. I’ve got some people I want to speak with.”



    “Ok, I’ll find someone to talk too while you’re busy.”



    She nods. “Yes you will.”



    Location: Larunda Relay, Mercury



    Faction: Tenno



                Looking around, I see so many different warframes, some adorned with golden armor that makes me wonder what they are. I’ve only been at this for about 2 weeks now, but I’ve grown by leaps and bounds since then. My experience has only improved, and I’m starting to learn what I’m good at and what I am needed to learn.



                As I pass through the main hall, I see Tenno without their warframes on, instead clad in very odd-looking clothing. I begin to follow one wearing dark cloth, with a helmet on, the sensors divided into 3 different lines running across the head. The weapons carried look similar to the Akbolto, but yet different, colored in blue, gray, and silver. As he walked through the door, the song that was playing the calming music heard in the tower gradually disappeared, replaced by the drums and low hymns of the Tenno around me, and dressed in the same manner as the first. All around the hall, it was gray, with sand and rocks around the edges of the walkway. On the roof were crimson flags with a strange emblem on the ends. That same emblem was on the end of the walkway in the circular platform. As I walked, I noticed 5 specially clad Tenno meditating on pillars, with the one that was clearly the leader on the biggest. All 5 had their eyes on me, and I could feel them looking at who I was.



                “Tenno,” the leader said. “Welcome. We are the Arbiters of Hexis.”




                “The Arbiters? Who are they?”



                “The Arbiters of Hexis seek truth through trial and discipline. We will help you surpass your former masters.”



                “Wait… so you…”




                “We are here to help all the Tenno become more like what they are; gods among men. To be recognized for the glory that they truly deserve, and not just be a lowly warrior myth. We have watched you, Kino.”




                They know who I am!?



                Duh. They just said they’ve been watching you, idiot.



                Hey, aren’t you a part of my mind? You just called yourself an idiot.







                “First time I’ve ever silenced him,” I grumble.



                “You have voices in your head, Kino? We have heard of this. Do not reject, nor fight them. They will help you on your journey. We can help you to focus them, and let them help you in the field, should you become one of the Arbiters.”




                “…where do I sign up?”



                “Here. You honor us, Tenno. Allow us to bestow upon you our sigil. Welcome to the Arbiters of Hexis.”



                Afterwards, I walked back to my Liset, where Enya was waiting. She turned to say hi to me, the stopped abruptly, almost stepped back. Confused, I stopped.



                “Kino… Where did you get that?” She points at my chest, where the Arbiters sigil is.




                “The Arbiters gave it to me. Isn’t it awesome? They said they could help me with the voices if I joined up, so I went for it right away!”



                Enya is silent for a moment. That moment seems like it lasts for an eternity. Finally she nods.




                “Kino, follow me in your Liset. There’s something I want to show you. Something that may help you on your journey now.”

  8. This is my discussion for the Fanfic that i am working on. It will eventually tie into the universe set by CrazyNinjaDude12's fanfic, "Broken Valkyrie"


    Link to that fanfic here



    Link to Kino's Journey



    Link to Age of the Harpy (the Sequal to Broken Valkyrie)


  9. Huh, I like it. I think it would be pretty interesting having a Warframe with a broken mind. Are you going to write more?

    Yeah. I do want to write more. This was just me dipping my feet into the pool, so to speak ^_^

  10. This is the link to the Discussion for the Fanfic



    It all started the day I was recovered from Earth. The cryopods that they held us in were built for sustainability, not protection. Good Tenno give their lives to protect the next in line, and in some cases, they pay the price. In my case, I paid half the price before I even got out of the cryogenic sleep. Go figure. I could hear the communications going on between the Tenno, and the Grineer. A Frost Warframe continued to lay down his Snow Globe whenever possible. With Nova using her Molecular Prime and Ember using her World on Fire for deadly combinations, whenever they had the energy to spare. Unfortunately on Earth, energy is a... difficult resource to come by, and that leads to limitations and circumstances that we can't control. The Grineer assault was relentless, coming in waves at a time, and the Frost was at his limit. Then another complication, as Ember went down. The Frost ran over to help her, but left me, in my defenseless cryopod, alone. The Snow Globe collapsed, and the Grineer attacked my pod without mercy. The Tenno fought bravely, and gave their all, in the end saving me. But Frost had been taken down, and the Ember and Nova could do nothing to help him. They buried him, taking his armor, and my pod with them into the Lisets, neglecting to check and make sure all the wires were connected. One had dislodged. That was my mind's wire.






    I shake the memories out of my head to turn and look at the Ember. Her name is Enya, and needless to say she was a sweetheart. Her armor was leaning towards the unknown side of fire, with her blue, purple, and white scheme. Her Heat Dagger by her side, she wore her Ignis on her back and her Hikou against her thigh. She looked tense, as if she were waiting for something, but then again, we were headed towards my second mission. A Spy mission on Venus.



    "Sorry, just anxious," I say.



    "Ah, well you shouldn't worry that much. This is Venus. The Corpus here aren't that aware."



    "Yeah, but shouldn't they notice our Frost Warframe?"



    Yeah, that's a good point



    If they do, who cares? Just kill them all and we will be good!



    But we want to make sure we leave no traces.



    So we leave some evidence behind, who cares?! We will kill anyone who follows us anyways!



    “But we don’t want anyone to follow us to begin with, am I right?”






    I start, forgetting that I spoke aloud. The wire that had disconnected during the Defense was the wire that connected to my mind, and as a result, caused these… voices to appear. They were harmless enough, but they constantly argued. It seemed like my sanity was arguing with my bloodlust and I was just there to make sure they had a platform to stand on.






    “Are you sure you’re up for this?”



    “Of course. I’ve got my Galatine, my Glaxion, and my Akstilletto, and my Warframe of choice is a Frost, what could possibly go wrong?”


    She sighs, my non-logic becoming a thing she has to tolerate on a daily basis. She might be fire, and I might be ice, but so far we’ve made a great team. Well, she does most of the reconnaissance, I do most of the killing. It keeps my bloodlust side in check.



    I might have to give you two names if you’re stuck in my head for much longer



    Yeah, I’d like that. It’d be more that I expected.



    I expect killing! Nothing else!



    Shush you.



    “Operator. We’ve arrived at Venus. Mission location: Unda. Are you and Operator: Enya ready to depart?”



    I nod. I’m ready to go. 

  11. OK TENNO

    Here's how it's gonna go down.



    Deadline 11:59 PM PST April 30th


    ENTRIES SUBMITTED AT BrokenValkyrie@yahoo.com and we accept PNG/JPEG. You know, the basic files XD


    WINNER Weapon of their choice supplied by yours truly. Weapon must be from the store and you must be appropriate rank to recieve said weapon


    Depending on the amout of entries we might supply a consolation prize to who we think deserves second place.



  12. nolosing.gif



    JK, I ain't entering.

    I'll easily lose XD

    Don't be afraid to join in. We're giving everyone a fair shot ^_^

    Also, about the weapon. You must be the appropriate rank for the weapon you would like to have for the winning prize ^_^

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