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Posts posted by Acanthaceae

  1. 12 hours ago, (PS4)DidacoJack said:

    Oberon is a part of my soul.

    He's the frame I take when I don't want to think about what layout I should pick.

    I generally go for a Renewal Build with umbral mods, always a good choice for everything except maybe Spy and Excavation missions.

    He's good at everything and I love his fashion (I turned mine to look like a capra demon, so he's edgy AF).

    I have a really hard time playing anything BUT Oberon (Prime) at this point.  I even made my Operator male (I'm female), and my headcanon is that his name is Oberon.

    I've built him for unending energy, because I really do like all of his skills and I'd rather use them than the weapons.  For weapons:  ranged, I'm partial to bows, so I put Cernos Prime on him for multishot as he's closing on targets.  Mostly I melee with him with Orthos Prime.

    Now I just really need to learn how to play Titania, his queen.  (And keep waiting for Titania Prime.)

  2. I tried it with Nyx, my favorite frame and pretty much the only one I play nowadays.


    Got slaughtered in less than a minute.


    I really don't want to have to play a different frame just because DE can't figure out how to put the armor on the archwing itself instead of just relying on the frame's armor.  


    I love DE but that's dumb.  Just dumb.

  3. They all showed up in my mission rewards window the first time I did the excavation quest, but apparently I didn't get them.  Now my quest simply says to build the Odonata at the forge.  I've done the mission 4 more times but none of the parts showed up in the window at all.


    Is this normal?  Should I just continue to run the mission?


    EDIT:  Never mind, I didn't realize that I had to craft each piece before crafting the whole.  :p

  4. Bright colors and explosions, bring 'em on, I love 'em!  Having trouble with parkour or smelling the roses along the way?  I have no problem with that, either.  


    Rushing ahead of everyone else, well, it's annoying, but hey, if you want to rush through a game and miss all the fun of working with a team, that's your problem, not mine.


    But if you're AFK or rude, I will ditch you in a heartbeat.

  5. I'm finding that my Huras will not attack when in stealth, but once I attack something, she will, and keep on attacking until there are either no more targets or she activates stealth again.


    My Shade, however, does break stealth to attack targets.  I thought that the way around this was to equip the Revenge mod in the last slot, but it still happens.


    Is there a way to get Shade to act like a Huras kubrow?

  6. I play support so I always give people the benefit of the doubt, after all, when I was first starting out (only about a month ago), I did some really stupid things too because I didn't know better.  I still do stupid things because I'm new to these types of games and I'm not a twitch-gamer.  (Sad fact, I can't WASD and have my forward movement set to right mouse button.)


    Anyway, I have no problem saving the day.  What I do have a problem with is rudeness.  If someone is rude in chat I will immediately leave the mission and promptly put them on ignore.

  7. Stay invisible as much as possible. (Thanks to my Huras or Shade since I really don't like Loki.)  Ninja ressing FTW!


    Stay at the back and snipe with a bow (and try not to blow myself or anybody else up since I love Thunderbolt).


    Use CC when things get hot.  Use ultimate when things get really hot.


    Nyx is my girl, though I like Banshee as well.


    And when I feel like melee I put on Oberon or Mag with Orthos Prime and crash through infested.

  8. Pro tip: Huras kubrow isn't quite as good as old-school Shade, but he's way ahead of the empty shell that Shade has become currently.


    I've found the opposite to be true.  But my dog likes to play in acid puddles, so she was definitely not going on this trip.

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