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Posts posted by Obsidiangoat

  1. Just now, Ham_Grenabe said:

    I'm a primarily gun-focused player, and I'm really torn. I enjoy the very quick gun-to-melee-and-back thing, but that's really just quick melee, which we already had. 

    And the longer I use it, the more problems crop up: the goal of a seamless flow sounds good, but it makes so many things inconvienient or outright nonfunctional that the juice isn't worth the squeeze. 

    I agree wholeheartedly. I love warframe and well I play it to feel like a ninja. Being able to focus on a specific resource gave me that feeling, be it full melee or guns ablazing, I picked one of the two and it was fine, now everything is thrown together. It's not confusing, it's frustrating.

  2. I could be alone in this but I used fire weapons only when I really needed to, melee was my go to 90% of the time. The new toggle channel is awful, I used to just strike twice with it and I was done, now it's a whole ordeal to do that. I dislike the autoblock immensely, I can't block in the air now and my main weapons have enhanced zoom due to riven mods, making it much harder to access the situation.


    I just wanted to say I'm not really happy with it. Sure it isn't bad, allot of people like it! I'd honestly prefer a toggle mode because I hate constantly switching to firearms when I just want to block in a certain direction rather than aiming with massive zoom.

    • Like 1
  3. I think the whole new look thing has been done, what I hope this becomes is basically a new angle on the same warframe, so different abilities but themed the same, I'd love this to be true for all future of this collection. I'll also add I don't want to see Umbra every warframe like prime, I hope each warframe has their counterpart like Wrath Valkyr, Kaminari Volt, Gravity Mag, that sort of thing.


    Just what I want, that's it, what do you expect with the whole thing?

  4. Just now, Hidaru. said:

    I'd say toggle off the prime details.  Love it either way though.  take my +1! 

    I tried without the prime parts, it looked good but honestly, I feel it looks better like this, kind of adds the orange the Mecha has that I couldnt put on the skin


    thank you!

  5. Arcane is a discontinued variant that increases Power Strength at the expense of lowering the duration of his Aim Glide and Wall Latch.

    Power Strength +10%

    Duration of Aim Glide and Wall Latch -5%



    Post prices, by the end of the day today or tomorrow I'll most likely accept the best offer.


    No lowballs please.


  6. 19 hours ago, Kyryo said:

    Don't worry, not 100% of eximuses will have the weakpoins. At level 50, only a 30% of them will have that feature.

    And we do not know if AOE dmg (off all sorts) can pop all those weakpoints in a single hit yet.


    But yes, they will definitely be a pain.

    Yes but they also said that at higher levels, which is what I like to play, chance can go up to 50%

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

    Funny thing, if everyone of these threads are saying the same thing, shouldn't you maybe start to listen?

    And now he is saying it, too!


    He is much more accurate than I am.

  8. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

    Watch, your going to get a bunch of angry people yelling at you for making another thread with this same topic.

    Not me, but wait and see.

    I'm pretty sure of that too.

  9. There are numerous things that can go wrong, honestly, here's a few observations;


    Rebecca struggled allot when the weakpoint spawned on the Eximus' back, so unless you're carrying a warframe with hard CC you're done for, especially if that eximus drains your energy.


    Eximus strongholds will be absolute hell, at higher levels half of them will have weakpoints, RIP if you're carrying a precision weapon.


    Doing missions alone (Like I enjoy for example) will again force me to choose from a very narrow group of warframes that can fight these monsters without having to get carpal tunnel, especially if they keep facing you with weakspots appearing in the back.

    Players want less bullet sponges, but better AI possibly.


    Why not (instead of weakpoints) make more Buff enemies? They attempt to hide behind large numbers of enemies and avoid you in general, much like the infested Healer, it forces people to strategize and prioritize, without compromising their warframe choice and build.


    This is just my two cents, I'm sure allot of you are going to blindly defend DE but accept that like every other game, they make mistakes too, and I honestly feel like this is one of them.


    Much like their attempt to cut down on high level grinding, making it harder instead.


  10. 14 minutes ago, JamesMcJam said:

    I second this, elements really should inflict more interesting effects. At the moment I just pick elements for how much damage they'll deal on average (so pretty much just corrosive all the time), but I'd probably experiment more if each element had a more unique identity.

    Electricity could still stun but lightning could ragdoll the enemies with shocks, toxin would still do tick damage but acid would actually corrode their armor (as corrosive does) Ice slows glacial freezes, fire could burn and panic as it does, scorch could blind the target when it's not panicked.


    Literally just spitting random ideas, I hardly know how effective this would be, it's an incredibly complex element of warframe.

  11. What if there were upgrades to every element, like fire-scorch, toxin-acid, cold-glacial, electricity-lightning.



    I didn't have any planned direction for this thread, I know damage 3.0 is something the DE is currently struggling with.


    I did wish that magnetic damage instead of reducing shields magnetized the enemies/ammunition to make it easier to hit the target, not that I struggle with hitting the target, but I think it'd be funny if I had magnetic damage on my shurikens and (insert status chance here)% of them would follow the target if they were close enough.

  12. Just now, -Platinum- said:

    Sry, shuold of posted the links to the tweets, rather then the link itself


    but point is, we're getting changes in 2017

    I know we are, that's not the point, the point is why push something if it's not ready, they do this everytime, wait for the game to start stagnating, people stop playing and then push tons of content, even if at half effort.

  13. 43 minutes ago, rytisrytis said:

    i dont get you ppl, whats wrong with using infested to fight infested. I think its stupid to pass such oppurtunity.

    Did you actually read the thread? I'm complaining about the lack of effort put into it. It's a scaled down version of an existing enemy, you literally have consumables that already do that.

  14. I get it, you were exhausted at the point of it's creation but come on now, seriously? It's not an infested pet, it's an infested grineer twisted up to look like a dog, exactly like the enemy we fight, there was zero effort put into it, it's like adding a small corpus soldier and naming it "Armored monkey shooter".


    I'm quite frankly disappointed that what comes from a 7 day cyst is a backwards soldier who's been in the game since the early days.


    I love this game, I've spent more money on it than I should (cosmetics) and quite frankly I see why some people are leaving, content is being spat out rather than laid down. The second dream quest made my jaw literally drop, so much new information, incredible cinematics, amazing questline. But the war within was meh, at best. Cinematics were rather lacking, it had it's high points I have to admit but not often, the boss fight was ridiculously easy and underwealming, like we were fighting a boss in an anime "NOOOOO, NO ONE HAS EVER DEFEATED ME BEFORE" Was the feeling I got. 


    I love the choice system implemented into the game, that was very nice. I am disappointed at Nidus too, however, his quest never mentioned him once before the very end, an infested warframe is a big @(*()$ deal and deserves a real quest, like Chroma, he had an ominous  quest that made us question if warframes needed operators.


    Now you just throw an infested frame at us like it's no big deal, when warframes were made to fight the infestation in the first place. Titania's quest was more satisfying to me lorewise than anything else we've got recently.

  15. The title might sound a bit confusing but let me explain:


    You have (As you know) 3 possible color schemes you can have, after that you have to replace one of the existing ones.


    I think that instead of this ABC you should be able to save your pallets, name them and put a few of them in a quick bar, such as (A,B,C) but with their names instead like for example: Corpus, Grineer, Assassin, etc.

    EDIT: Fav panel saves colors, not entire schemes.

    EDIT-2: I don't just have 15 colors I use, I have allot of variety and the fav panel just saves some colors, I can't favorite them all, it makes no sense.

    I have pallets that I really love, but at the same time I want to make new ones and I might risk forgetting a certain color.


    Also add an option to randomize color pallets instead of using just one.


    EDIT: Randomize but with a selected number of pallets, or all of them

  16. I'm the owner of a clan and I'd like to relay information to my fellow clanmates without using the MOTD. I love the dojo how it is already, the building mode is easy, very comfortable to work with and whatnot (despite the prerequisite rooms I had to clutter in a bottom floor) I'd love to add a Panel on the wall that gave out info, much like the tiny thing we have on our ship


    "New Parkour room on the upper floor!"

    "Volt Now available!"


    "Don't forget to [insert clan business]"


    I'd love to see that. I'd also love to see clan based missions, I know that was already a plan but, it would be really cool if we the clan Leaders could give out missions in exchange for rewards.


    "Hunt Corrupted Moa's to make the paint available, clan member with the most Paint gathered wins [Prize]"



  17. If mobs can rob us of our energy while we're using it, then we should also gain it while channeling, such as energy restores and even passively. It's not fair we only get the negative side of the coin, Infested have mobs that steal energy with melee attacks, mobs that passively rob it from us, warframes that channeled used to be their counter.


    There's a difference between challenging and frustrating. I love doing missions solo, especially sorties, but vs Eximus strongholds of Infested suddenly became impossible, because I have to depend on my weapons alone, nothing I build on my warframe will be remotely useful once they sucked all my energy.

  18. 1 minute ago, (XB1)Deflinek said:

    You actually need it very much as it's both efficiency AND duration that affects energy drain on channeled abilities. Take a look at the chart on the right of Power Efficiency page on wiki. It will give you overview how much duration you need to maintain the lowest cost.

    I've been reading it and comments as well, I feel like it's an awful decision, why not take the duration of said ticks entirely? Making it unalterable? Quite frankly it just makes you clutter your build with unwanted mods. I basically have a little bit of duration, lil bit of power, max efficiency to make it not consume my energy pool in a planck instant.

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