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Posts posted by (PSN)Wakko03

  1. The Stalker is a prototype, created/stolen when, after the tenno went nuts at the terminus arena, slaughtering the orokin emperor.  So according to the codex, the stalker is probably a prime suited orokin being (possibly).


    If you think people thousands of years in the future will remember 1 guy named tenno I got to question that.






    (not 100% in love with these particular words, but it fits until I find something better)


    The Lotus is the AI designed to be our Warden in our cryo-pods; matrix style, after thousands of years the system needs a reboot (if you think that we are named after some guy from another game, then I can believe that lotus was made on a windows vista pc) and is the reason why she is so frequently wrong and hard to use for what I want to do.

  2. I bought Banshee for plat about 8 months ago, back before it was in the dojo...... since then I have gotten the banshee bp as a login reward about 65 times before I stopped caring to count anymore.... my "best" streak was 9 days in a row getting the same bp; waited 2 days and got the same banshee bp 3 more times in a row.


    Whoever told them RNG was fun or a good idea should be drug out into the street during rush hour and let nature have them.  I especially like how they refuse to adjust the numbers associated with RNG, but maybe they think that a 1.5% chance of me dropping more money into this game is a good investment, but hey they got the x-box people to fleece for a while still.  

  3. Okay.


    How is this game breaking, let's see.  The dozen or more times I have tried to get up higher - under these new unlimited wall climbing up is fixed days - by using a corner or a close by wall has resulted in me going thru the wall and off the map to my death, when I have not just slid down the object or been unable to do more than just kick at the wall I am attempting to climb up.  When I am able to back flip because I have press and hold X to wall run, I am not able to press and hold X again in order to continue upwards....my "guy" just kicks at the walls.


    So again my primary statement holds true, why did they make it an arbitrary height I can climb to that is not effected by my characters stamina.  Not to mention that those barriers that pop out of the ground can be run up and launched off of to incredible heights, like it is silly while this old style of wall running up like it is 60's style batman tv show is out of fashion now.


    Two locations I can think of off the top of my head are located in the void areas, the one room with the 2 golden orbs hanging from the ceiling with 6 containers in them, had a mod not fall out, unless the forums and DE are next going to say the carrier's vacuum is also going to no longer be able to suck those mods out of the walls and areas close by.  Then you have the power room that has the 3 jumbo glass filled tubes on one side and an elevator, it has near the top some grates, one is open (this is the same room where you can fall down the elevator shaft to the get behind the elevator and find some containers and lockers).  The derelicts have a few locations to that required some wall running up, but I have been staying out of those trying to get one of the hunter characters to attack me still, be it the wuss that is the stalker, g3 or harvester...which I have to assume are too scared to face me.


    This is my feedback, which unless the world changed the definition for it, while I wasn't looking, criticism and complaints are feedback.

  4. Leading up to U14, I was on the fence about dropping more than the $50 I had already put into this game, I stopped playing in march and just came back in the beginning of july.  I have a $20 psn card sitting on top of the ps4..... thankfully I didn't put any more money into this game.


    To clarify, I do realize that the developers put a lot of effort into this recent patch, however I question what they were thinking and why they choose to go the route they did, a la - I'd like to know who they have been listening to in order to come to the conclusion that these were all good ideas.


    I don't care if it is a beta, they got my real money, and BETA's don't have trophies on the PS4. (just putting this out there because I won't respond to this beta defense angle)


    To start with, the topic title.

    -- I understand that you wanted to fix an outstanding glitch from the past (say) 9 months that allowed players to climb upward by tapping the L1 button while running straight up a wall.  However I am finding it almost impossible to do the treasure rooms (parkour) or get to some areas high up.  Instead of using my stamina instead you decided that a warframe should only be able to climb X high before reaching out and grabbing the wall.  No big deal I thought as most places have walls next to pillars, I should just have to back flip and whirl around and continue up, except I can not do that as I can no longer even wall climb up (i use hold x to wallrun controller option since december 2013); as soon as I whirl around and try to continue up all I do is slide down.  So that means that the carrier is now the only sentinel I bring into the void or derelicts, it also means that my suit is limited to NOVA or Valkyr, maybe zepher if I decide to actually get up to spots you left in to almost taunt us.  Unless you are putting in more of the barriers that pop out of the ground, running up those is fun when it launches you like bullet straight up almost 20 meters.... think excalibur super jump.


    Then this is really annoying. (like when the tree was missing from room in the derelict, so you were stuck in there)

    -- The Helios Sentinel really needs to scan the plants of earth that are already maxed scans in the codex.  Can anything be done about this almost line of sight requirement half the time?  If I can with the cursor on something, use the personal scanner on the up button hot key and scan the target - not getting two scans for 1 as only 1 scan is deducted from the total scanners and 1 entry is added to the codex; the speed may need to be increased.


    --Speaking of Scanning.  I was wondering why can't the codex mods section display the enemy the missing red card drops from, if the scans have been completed for that enemy or a logo that says transmute or trade.  So I can spend my time just looking for the enemy and not looking for a answer in the wiki.  In the enemies section of the codex why not tell me how many of each of that enemy I have killed, I used to use scans on the bosses to keep track of them, but that is not possible anymore.


    Then we have this nonsense about wasted time.

    -- Did I read the wiki correctly as there is no information about this in game as far as I can tell yet, it takes 3 hours to get a kubrow out of stasis.  It is seeming to me to be nothing more that some over-glorified tomigochi pet (thankfully i just made fun of those things and never had to deal with one).  I have enough real pets to deal with so to deal with a temper-mental digital one that I was only attempting to use because it was new, was quickly forgotten.... sorry but as much as I liked making my gold chocobo in FFVII, some 14 years later I don't have the patience for this type of nonsense.


    -- I don't have time to waste in regards to the chickens you call the call the stalker, g3 or harvestor.  Either they are hunting me or they are not, but don't give me a 1.5% random chance of having them show up, I play 85% solo; so this is just ridiculous that these oh so dangerous enemies are nothing more than chickens (to put it politely).  Do you want me to play the game and spend money, then let me experience it at my own speed.  My friends have a short time to play with me, kids and what not, so to just talk about fighting these enemies with them and not being able to fight them is truly disheartening.  We have done the majority of everything else (solar map has been done for a long time, I mean earth was just reskinned appollodorus back then), we just want to have a chance to fight them and going to these lengths is just silly for something that is supposed to be pleasurable.


    - 3 times since july 1 2014, have I gotten to fight the g3, only happened solo (0 times have they appeared when I grouped up with randoms from recruiting [& we did 5-10 grineer invasion mission to make sure everyone was marked]), and that was doing almost nothing but grineer invasion missions some 50 to 60 times, and then a lot of other grineer missions (from mercury to neptune).  For some reason my helios didn't want to scan them so I got swarmed by mobs trying to scan them manually and then got slaughtered 2 times when trying to wrap up the codex scans.  

    - The stalker, funny story, about a week ago I was doing a T1 defense with a guy I convinced to give warframe another try, and 2 others who just started (prior to U14).  When not hunting the G3, I did the around the universe solo several times, all the bosses up to vay hek (didn't have enough beacons most of the time to make the keys), so I was marked with about 13 threats from the stalker in my inbox.  The stalker choose my buddy who gave it another try, who had not killed a boss since back in january; then in the next match an ODE vault run, the stalker choose the random decaying key guy we picked up.  The stalker did eventually come for me during a grineer invasion mission, 36th-ish Jupiter run Aug 19th 2014.

    - The harvestor twice solo, usually I would go for the mark for this enemy, when after days the g3 didn't appear and try to fight us, the no-shows frustrated my buddy back into other games.


    I'll hang in there, but probably not for long, maybe I'll come back.  All I know is this is about to look like my region channel, a barren wasteland of nonsense saying I'm crazy for posting something this long.  I got time before anything happens in game.

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