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Posts posted by -SkoomaPrince-

  1. Honestly - after reading through the thread, I agree with the sentiment that the game is too easy. 

    I find my self not really doing anything anymore in game. I returned to play about two months ago and I've thoroughly enjoyed myself, I was finally able to bring a lot of my planned builds into full completion. I was so satisfied and then I realised that there was no challenge at all. No rewards... nothing I wanted or wanted to do anymore. 
    I had no reason to engineer new builds for new purposes or content that made me go back to the drawing board to come up with a way to play. 

    But there can be no power fantasy if we have a Dark-souls style of gameplay. But there can be difficulty. 

    Honestly - a simply yet effective change for me would be radically increasing the enemy spawns. I want to feel overwhelmed and then triumphant when I succeed versus a practical army of opponents. I feel like the spawn rate of enemies is a bit janky, particularly in Onslaught. 

    Another aspect of power-fantasy games that allow you to see past the lower difficulty is 'dramatic effect'. In games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta there are epic and crazy finishers that are fun to watch and pleasing to execute. I know adding such a thing to a game like warframe is a very difficult task - I am just considering the nature of power-fantasy games as a whole. 

    Regardless I'm no game developer I'm just a player who really likes this game, I just struggle to play more and more as I find the game becomes easier and easier. I don't think players should be expected to play survival for 40-60 minutes just to have an enjoyable game. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Krenlik said:

    Well, don't use talons as a melee weapon.  Garuda doesn't have to be a "boring tank."   I play her with 2 health, but use a critical based fortuna Pistol (gaze) to rip things apart (easy to get headshots with this one.)  If you get something REALLY tough, or that you need to slow down, hit 4, then start stacking the slashes  If you're getting targeted from too many directions, invest in a Dread Mirror to block a good portion of the shots.  If you need more energy, 2 then 3 a couple of times, jump out, and keep going.     

    She's damned competent.  Hard to kill as long as there is cannon fodder around.  Using talons though... not a good idea.  Personally, I use a Zaw with Exodia Brave on it for energy return, so I don't even need to slow down on the 2/3 combo very often.   I feel like the biggest problem is trying to utilize all of her abilities to the detriment of common Warframe tactics.  Pick and choose the ones that are appropriate for your playstyle or situation.  While the 1/4 combo is awesome, it takes long enough to build up to decent levels I generally don't even bother.  🙂

    The Dread Mirror pounce worked great on the sentients in this last event though.


    If you read above, you'll see that I actually didn't realise that other weapons could benefit from her passive. 
    Apologies for the confusion. 

    Basically it was my own lack of knowledge regarding her kit. Having since used a few different weapons with her she's very competent indeed. 

    Thanks for the comment though. 


    8 minutes ago, GPrime96 said:

    Even though her Passive is 100% Damage after Mods, it works better when using a Weapon that hits hard since weaker Weapons don't get that much of a Boost (unless you're blowing up Crewship's Reactor. Although she can make Explosives destroy it in one shot with her Damage Buff except for the Kuva Bramma) and her Talons are at the middle line of not that strong, but not that Weak, atleast after Status Rework made her Talons proc 3 Statuses in one Swipe with Weeping Wounds. But i still don't use it over normal Melees, especially when doing 2+ Hour runs at Mot Solo. 

    I literally just tested that out and you're right it affects other melees!!. 

    Time to create some NEW GARUDA builds! Haha! 😆😁


  4. Not particularly in Endurance, no - I do believe Warframes should be balanced around 3-5 rounds of Arbitration though. 
    So around Lv.110-120 enemies should be where all frames begin to struggle. Obviously that's not currently the case as there are some frames/weapons that totally monster this content. 

    Garuda on the other hand seems to struggle before this point. Perhaps my perspective is simply skewed from using ultra-powerful frames. 
    I know that Valkyr's claws put Garuda to absolute shame when it comes to damage though. On one hand I understand why - as Valkyr consumes power to do this, but I think Garuda still puts demand on the player/build similarly to Valkyr's claws. Perhaps my own builds are in question but I think I'm building her Talon's to the highest point available. 

    Sorry GPrime but could you confirm that I am understanding you correctly - Garuda's passive applies to other weapons than her Talons? I thought it was explicitly for her Exalted Talons only? Or am I misunderstanding you?

  5. Garuda - The Crimson Maiden or 'The not-so-good killer' 

    First of all let me remark on how well designed Garuda is from a gameplay standpoint - she's a few inches from greatness, which is actually a common theme in WF I find. (Looking at you Harrow) She doesn't even need a rework she literally just needs a few QoL tweaks.

    But her talons are a massive flaw in Garuda's kit. Her passive, on the surface sounds SO exciting! FINALLY a character I can play ON THE EDGE. Except, no matter how you build her talons, her damage is absolutely awful. It's honestly dreadful and you can't properly build Garuda to lean towards melee without actually sacrificing the use of her iconic talons. Her kit 'almost' syngergises with her melee but it just misses the mark completely.

    So her only real viable build is basically a boring tank or some sort of bizarre blood-mage build that never gets the kills in before anyone else because bleeds and 'long cast-spells' are pretty pointless when someone blazes by turning the room into a meat blender. 

    I feel like Garuda's selling point is high-risk/high-reward gameplay that makes people get a rush from seeing her commit bloody slaughter, always on the edge of death. But instead there's absolutely zero reward in playing Garuda this way, having her constantly low on health doesn't even remotely make the talons worth using. The passive would - at minimum need to provide up to 200% critical chance before it would start to become viable. 

    I'm not a game developer, but it would be nice if we could see some buffs to her passive. I think Garuda's passive should perhaps provide 200% Damage  / 200% Critical chance the closer she is to death - perhaps this is too much but I don't really think it is, not after testing her. 

    Anyone else have any suggestions? 

    • Like 1
  6. Well perhaps it was a mistake. Perhaps they had intended for the damage to scale beyond his normal range, but an error on their part meant they simply stretched his normal damage scaling over 300 stacks rather than 100+200 bonus stacks. 

    We'll wait and see I suppose. 


    At first I thought this was a super interesting buff but after testing it this is a harsh blow for Nidus. 

    He was already way too specific in being used almost exclusively for survival/endurance runs. He needed a mod to enable him to function in other game modes, not one to make that worse. 


    discussion wolf GIF


    • Like 3
  8. I can confirm this is a bug that is occurring. 

    I discovered it was happening with my Harrow - it renders polearms totally unusable with a high enough attack speed. Needs an urgent fix because wisps can render the Lesion useless and presumably other polearms if they stack enough attack speed. 

    • Like 2
  9. From what I've read, it wont be here until 8pm GMT + 0  (this is based off Mesa prime's release time)

    Makes it technically the 3rd for you lol. 
    it'd be nice if we could buy the access pack now for the plat and have the frame later or something. 

  10. Hey I'm a noob that played years ago and never really got into the game. 
    Fastforward to now and I'm completely and utterly addicted. 

    I was hoping some of you long time pro's and vets can suggest a cool frame to me


    [What am I looking for?]

    Well I absolutely adore lethal mobility type attacks in games, anything where I can whizz around and blast things apart, like the vanguard in Mass Effect, who's teleport ability actually deals damage as you go through enemies.
    I play Limbo too (I always play with friends and they love the utility I bring as Limbo, so no troll hatred here haha) and I have Ash, but his teleporty style attacks feel... slow and less effective when you're surrounded by party members whizzing through and cutting the bad guys up as you're stuck on your 4th stealth attack animation haha. (though his ultimate is amazing, if not also a little slow to execute) 
    So I'll list off some of my wants I guess

    -High Mobility
    -Lots of room to use abilities / Not reliant on using solely guns or melee
    -Utility like survival or party assistance (Ala Limbo)
    -Melee preference
    -If ranged, I use dual pistols
    -Can scale into high level content if appropriately built (yet to reach)

    Revenant sounds amazing to me, if his dash ability can be used to lethal effect, but he gets a lot of 'mediocre' comments and that he doesn't scale well. I do like the idea of dashing around and then promptly spinning around in a laser light show of death. 
    Zephyr sounds kind of cool but when I tried out his dash, it was really hard to control to not just blast off the edge of the map or get stuck on an obstacle (feel free to offer advice here) 
    Ash : see above

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