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Posts posted by topshrek

  1. On 5/12/2017 at 7:56 PM, Soribada said:

    Why do most of comment I see saying "3 runs for orokin catalyst, I'm not doing this event no more"

    There are puncture mods and gorgon wraith parts you know.

    so basically nothing of value

  2. I literally came here just to make this thread. Logged into the game just to do sortie and play survival or something to kill some time, not even expecting Razorback to be up. Saw message and immediately exited the game. 

  3. On 4/9/2017 at 4:43 AM, EmptyDevil said:

    I agree with this suggestion. Players need to respect the fact that others may need/want to leave to keep something they've been after for a long time, have other engagements to tend to, and all manners of things that can pull them from the mission/game.

    Perhaps DE could add a Context Action at extraction to allow players to board their ship and leave with the stuff they need. We already have this in the Solar Rail Junctions.

    I like this idea and it is much better than the idea I had in my head (just copy defense extract).

  4. 9 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

    Operators are physically adolescent, but they've seen C-Beams glittering off the whatever whatever - as Tenno (i.e. thinking they were warframes), they've seen and done S#&$.   There should at least be some more mentally and morally "mature" options.


    Aren't they also like really really old because the pods kept them from aging in the Void or the Void itself prevents aging or something like that? Besides age shouldn't have much to do with it seeing as Grineer only live for a few years. 

  5. Believes Grineer are genetically predisposed to violence and hatred despite Steel Meridian existing. Talks crap about Corpus using robots and never fighting for themselves yet the Operator can pretty much never die in combat. Also what is the difference between Corpus using robots and Tenno using Specters? Also talks crap about Corpus greed but yet Tenno are greedy enough to loot dead bodies.




  6. 3 minutes ago, Ryme said:

    I'm fine with it, since the OP's complaint isn't really correct. He seems to be under incorrect assumption that it cancels out his shots, when it merely delays them. The bullets don't disappear; they are just slowed along with the enemy, and will kill them once the stasis effect wears off.

    Alright my bad, didn't think it worked with hit-scan weapons. It is still really annoying because you have no way of telling what is dead and what isn't and just waste a ton of ammo.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    That title's a mouthful.


    But seriously, rolling out of the Rift exists, and if Limbo wants to dunk every enemy in there and Stasis them, focus on a different group while he's preoccupied.


    4 minutes ago, (PS4)vamp6x6x6x said:

    I disagree. Nidus and Nyx can be way more annoying...from what I have seen and/or experienced...

    It was just an off the top of my head thing because I just played with a Limbo, should have thought about it a little and made the thread about negative synergy in general because this isn't the only example of negative synergy in the game. There shouldn't even be negative synergy considering that 99 percent of the matches are with randoms and you have no idea which frames they will have before hand. another example of negative synergy off the top of my head is how World on Fire Ember just burns all enemies leaving Nekros with 2 abilities basically.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Achaix said:

    They'd be normal human beings. Curing Grineer doesn't make them stronger, it just makes them not rot and suffer from hundreds of diseases and disorders. The Tenno are taking out Tyl's labs because that way they're leaving the Grineer incapable of reverting their condition.

    Diseases, disorders, and rotting would make you extremely weak comparatively. If a normal person 1v1'd a cripple the normal guy would probably win. Grineer being physically stronger than Corpus is a huge feat considering they are basically walking birth defects. Also I don't think Grineer and Corpus/Orokin are the same subspecies despite diverging from humans, like how there is Homo Sapien and Neanderthals.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Brachion said:

    If you hate the Queens, then congratulations, the writers did their job.

    not "hate" as in someone you love to hate like Handsome Jack, "Hate" as in I don't like that they are boring and uninteresting.

  10. I thought maybe they would have some like-able traits and do the things they do for some sort of "ends justify the means" greater good kind of thing but it turns out they are just pieces of crap. Kinda want Vor to be emperor of the Grineer since he actually wants the Grineer to progress and knows about the Void and Orokin technology. Worm is lame.

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