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Posts posted by Cygnus101

  1. 2 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    Hostile OP is hostile...

    Yes, I can see your point. "Have a nice day." is so hostile. 


    2 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    I wonder what I am to DE...

    Me too.

  2. Well, you are allowed to have DE's opinions if you want because that is obviously who is paying you. Noone else would spend as much time in the forums as you have if not. I'm done for now though. I'll spend the rest of my free time playing. You should try it. Farewell i won't be replying to anymore of your inane points. Have a nice day.

  3. And btw i don't disaggree with you on not being overpowered. I like almost all of the warframes and wouldn't change them. But making an ability useless was ridiculous. And any argument against that is pretty lame.

  4. Well. Limbo doesn't need energy to make himself 100% resistant. And Gara needs energy as well to use her abilities and the bigger the wall the more energy needed. 

    The reasoning on your second point leaves me speachless. Is Gara's wall now efficient for any job at all?

  5. You have been so far off topic with every reply except this one. Thanks for finally getting to the point. Like i said a nerf would have been ok. But making the ability completely useless? Limbo can LITERALLY isolate an entire area even better than Gara could. And he can make himself and others 100% damage resistant. I just simply see no reason to hate a frame for being so obviously overpowered that almost everyone uses it since it is the best choice. There are many frames that are so overpowered in certain situations. None of them have had an ability nerfed so much that it became useless. 

  6. Great.... argument. Why post at all with reasoning like that? Are you a DE employee? Don't get me wrong I love this game. Have for a long time but lets call a pile of crap for what it is. 

  7. I have no illusion that DE gives a RIP about what I think but maybe they will listen to the sound of no money dropping. I have no problem with Gara's wall being nerfed a bit. But to the point of uselessness? Mobs are now capable of shooting through her wall and also walk right through it. Not to mention the fact that it is completely useless at higher ranks. Now, I payed real cash for Gara because I wanted to support DE for making a great frame. Feels like a bait and switch to me. DE I won't be spending another dime in support of a company that uses such tactics.  

  8. I rushed the building of the personal quarters and added a fish tank. Later i come back and another player tells mer there should be an interactable in the room to start another quest. This did not appear for me and i have no Apostasy Prologue quest in my codex.

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