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Posts posted by bozz5674

  1. Man, if any game don't work right when you first install it

    ........unistall and reinstall



    That said...Hardcore Dave, I will bet the honor of every one of my past 21 posts....all great posts.......if you are just starting warframe then you need......not need, but would be greatly improved with....




    OK here it goes....


    Recruiting Ninjas! Sign up, suit up and help me take back the solar system in Warframe! Click this link to sign up for this awesome Free-to-Play game and we’ll both receive cool rewards!

  2. Have you seen a married game before?


    The closest.....NO THE ONLY.....


    thing before is War Thunder.    Read up on the game play




    War thunder was more popular on ps4 then when it combined with PC.


    After compining, PS4 players DIED, and never returned.



    OP, there is an old lesson to be learned here.  It isn't what computer your using,,, its what your input is.


    Learning from war thunder, its more profitable to keep the game controllers and the mouse and keyboards seperate

  3. OP, I think it could be a great thing if the guys at DE hire a story teller, maybe someone who takes hints from Asante or Grimm, and make some multi mission arc events that have a story aspect.


    But imagine how hard it would be.  I know if you are an experienced player that you have played through a tile, to then go through the very same next tile. If everyone of these matches are custom made, then as soon as the first one is done the cat is out of the bag.  You have to make it a challenge for thousandth player as best as you can.........or maybe I'm thinking on this too hard.


    I fun twist, is to add in a Y N decision, with a 3 second wait with it based on story, for the person who activates it..  If the guy doesn't care about story, then the mission has a chance of being a minimal success.


    It'll make peoplpe angry but they willl get that particular part of the story right eventually.  Add the Y N question every five waves, but given a different kind of mission............Well, BAM THERE YOU GO! Change the mission based on the decision, and you got yourself a storyline that will want players to kill other players that drop out early or make wrong decisions!




  4. I like how it is hard to run out of ammo with it.  As for colors, give a suggestion to what kind of color you would like?  All gold or all chrome is easy, right?  There is a weapon skin contest going on, so give it a shot, or give a suggestion for someone else to give a shot that you would be like Yeah!

  5. I mentioned this on another thread.  As a rank 3, with a conclave rating of 300-400 I was only playing on Eath.  The first time I tried to play on Europa I received an error and assumed it was because I hadn't got to that planet yet.   I didn't realize it was unlocked when you had gotten a score of 1000.  Angius is right.  I could only get 1248 on Earth, but then I grouped up with some guys going to Europa and got 3000 on my first try.


    Earth is impossible for me to get 3000.  I've accepted that.


    First run through, I just hung around the scanner, wondering why it wouldn't take any more power.

  6. I've read it is worth 60 to 100 plats, depending on whether it is ranked.  It works great with my cronus, as the polarity fits.  But I've found trying wade through enemies mobs with it on the event mission cryotic front on earth only works so far, and then I start to die really fast.


    I have iron phoenix as an alternative.


    I guess my question is, would it be better to sell it, or keep it?

  7. With a conclave rating of 300-400 I gave up on getting 3000 on the earth mission.  Even when running it with 3 other peope with 1100-1200 rating, my best score was 1248.


    I found a group looking to try Europa, and got 3000-3100 on the first try.  Had to revive twice, but now I have a Latron Wraith to replace my Mk1- Braton.  YEA!!!

  8. Hi everyone.


    Now that I started a PC account, I'm willing to drop all that I accomplished on PS4 to play on PC. It is a rough feeling, but I am convinced with the smoother gameplay, and being able to use the mouse instead.


    Due to my situation as a new player, I've spent most of my time so far playing on mercury's defense(Wave 15 is my limit) and survival missions(30 min is my limit).  These missions are always populated, it seems.


    I would like to know some people to run through the early missions with me, because I found that interception missions are REALLY hard for me to solo, and not many people are on them at times.  I wait, and wait, and it takes a long time to find a group randomly for those early missions.  I have to solo most of them.  I got past mercury, but I really want to get to the boss on venus to farm for Rhino parts as soon as possible.


    I've got a bit of tier 1 void keys, so if you are interested in playing with me, message me and bring two friends :)


    My Level 30 build so far is an Excalibur, with either a MK1 Braton or MK1 Paris for primary, and Cronus for melee.  My secondary isn't much use.


    I also have an extra Crimson Dervish I found.  Someone told me that I could sell it for 80 plats. If anyone wants to trade with me for potatoes, that would be really nice.  I spent my first 40 plats on warframe slots so, I'd like to trade for some potatoes to put in my future gear.


    See all of you later on the inner planets.

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