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  1. I bought it just to try it out long time ago and well, yes it just makes your MOA useless which is sad when kubrow barks, kavat hisses and stuff, yet MOAs are just quiet which is fine but I don't mind the few plats for more personality of my MOA but the execution didn't go well, the beeps of all modules are cute, cool and unique but the emotes drag it down big time. Some random beeps and sounds during combat like corpus MOAs do would make it good.
  2. So for the starters, I love MOA companions I made all 4 heads to have all the precepts and take them to every mission, I didn't grow fond of to any other companion more than I did to them so I do really care. Now the thing that could be easily fixed, and would be great if it would happen. Do you remember the emotion modules? How they made our murder microwaves a sitting ducks and just got them killed? If you don't it is cause they emote in every opportunity and then they just die, so my idea which got to many players, most likely by now, is to simply stop them from emoting, dont make them emote just simply make them produce the sounds and beeps like corpus MOAs do during combat, we could finally have a beeping robots not just silent dull companions, if this actually somehow gets to DE which I sorta doubt it would make alot of us happy if you could implement that change, make the emotion modules great, as they should have been
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