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Posts posted by Mr._Clean

  1. I've been saying this for years, I (and it unfortunately seems I'm in the minority) have absolutely no problems if the Founds stuff is made available to the public. Make me sign a document, put it on a video, whatever if you want proof. I don't care, let people have their stuff. Permanent exclusives shouldn't exist.

    Even if it's just up to Masters tier (so I don't look like I'm groveling for Lato Prime), I'm still okay with that.

    I didn't buy Founders to get exclusive access to gear, I bought it to support a game I thought at the time was going to be good (and for the platinum discount :P). I really dislike exclusives, you either get people complaining because they can't have it (especially in the case where the exclusives are better than most or some weapons), or you have people acting like elitists because they have it and swearing on their life they'll sue the company or something else if anyone but them gets access to it.

  2. 23 hours ago, Zandermanith222 said:

    We also need a Zani, a Rogga, a Jagara, a Gremlin, a Toxocyst and a Somati!

    Akimbo guns that also have single variants seem to be something DE doesn't really do anymore. Which is strange, because making a single variant of a weapon, then costing two of those to make an Akimbo variant, seems like a perfectly quick way to produce some grind.

    That was the old DE. New DE would want you to complete bounties on Plains to get a chance at getting the blueprint to build the relics.

    Then in the same drop table (to make sure you can't have multiple paths to progress) would also be special resources to craft that relic. Then the relic would also require rare fix, have a 72hr build time and have the part only in the rare category.

    And it would be like that for every single part for the weapon which would also require 50 Flawless Eidolon Cores and 90 Wisps to craft instead of OCells.


  3. Agreed. Rewards vs time investment are insulting. I don't touch PoE already anymore because it's not worth my time, most of my friends think the same. Clearly so do others as the number of instances for Cetus has already dropped by half since the release.


    I don't care how many credits they reward. Ostrons don't accept them as currency in their own town why would they even have them in the first place to give us in any amount? Get rid of the credits all together. Go do a sortie or an alert if you want a good credit reward, you get better general rewards too.

  4. Shred. Shred, Shred, Shred. Punchthrough is absolutely wonderful and I fit it in anywhere I can. Makes taking down groups quicker and saves ammo economy. If you have room for Vile Acceleration or Shred I'd definitely go with Shred. Though Soma fires pretty fast already so I'm surprised you'd want fire-rate over an Element-combo or more damage mods.


    Personally I hate having to expend ammo-drops all the time so I swapped out my Shred (as much as I like the punch through) for a mutation mod. Anything to get rid of consumables, and while fire rate will kill things quicker, it also makes you spend ammo faster.

    Fire more bullets that deal less damage, and have to reload more often and grab more pickups (or use a consumable), or deal more damage per bullet. I prefer to maximize bullet effectiveness over DPS any day even if it makes the numbers not look so nice on paper.


    5 minutes ago, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

    Well that begs another question. Why a 60-60 as opposed to a 90? Soma isn't exactly a status weapon.

    True but between multishot and a few of the 60-60s it can get up there in terms of number of procs due to the fire rate. Stripping armor or bleed procs is more useful in the long term as it lets you maintain effectiveness instead of just delaying the drop-off range by adding more damage.

  5. 36 minutes ago, ssj782 said:

    So what everyone is saying is that there's no possible way for a single person to cap themselves if they're a higher mastery? That you are now forced to get together into a full group just to do what should just be 1-3 hours worth of grind at worst?

    Well then that goes with my post. Forcing that is ridiculous, when no other faction rep ever has. They need to fix it.

    I'd like them fix some of the issues with the Eidolon fight first. The requirement of a Trinity babysitting the lures is -I hope unintended- as neither the Trinity nor the party enjoy having to have someone dedicated to healing poor-pathfinding, slow drones that almost get one-shot by the Teralyst attacks.

    Then maybe they can add in some form of passive once the fight isn't so annoying on the lure side. It's hard to balance much at the moment beyond what they've done already when everything else is so broken with the update as no one can get a true and consistent experience. Except for bounty rewards. Those can go rot with Lephantis.

  6. Just now, Cynthia- said:

    I wouldn't call that terrible spawn rate then. Seemed just as rare as Murkray which honestly isn't so bad. I have more trouble getting Tralok and Sharrac to spawn.

    I have even more of a problem with the lobsters than the sharks.

  7. If it's causing them to quit then that's perfect. Only lower player numbers and profits will make DE realize all the mistakes and bad decisions they've made with this game (not just limited to PoE).

    They rarely listen to the forums unless the majority of the posts in the topic are sugar-coated with praise, they can't be bothered to test network functionality outside of their intranet (only excuse as to why PoE has such horrible connectivity issues) and they seem content to keep adding layer upon layer of RNG and timewalls.

    I hope it all finally catches up with them and this game tanks temporarily to snap them out whatever has grabbed hold of them for the last ~3 years.

  8. Since the Prisms are the only ones worth MR from my understanding those should remain unchanged. Everything else should get normalized similar to the Zaws, agreed.

  9. Record so far is 7 a night (would have gotten 8 but we had DC, thanks bugframe!). If you ask me they should find a way to make the fight last longer without adding more time-gates or health. Not sure how they'd do that though but it's really boring when you're waiting longer for it to come out of invuln periods than actually shooting it.

    MR 24 and it's very easy to max my daily standing if I actually go at it. Otherwise yeah, I don't hit it. But since there's no way to earn it passively *nudge nudge* then it's either all or nothing.

  10. 2 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Why don't they just add infinite slots? There's the existing number of slots for a reason.

    Then let me ask you this: Why did they add an Exilus slot? Why did they add an Aura slot? You used to just select your aura and it had no place in the mod system.

    Developers don't have to have a reason for anything. They're developers so they can do it "just 'cause" if they really want to.


    And at the end of the day everything is still limited by mod points which caps out at 74 (for a frame or melee) no matter what you do.

  11. 11 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    I think it is more reasonable for us to expect tweaking of the skin.

    Fair enough. I understand they put a lot of work into these, and a lot of them are the work of one person with a passion for the frame. I just... this one doesn't look so great. Not really one thing I like about it.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Mk_1 said:

    I just wish these set mods had a separate slot, or at least could be used in the Exilus slot.

    They really should add an Augment slot before they do Set slots, but I'm all down for both.

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