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Posts posted by timnz41

  1. Constructive criticism, how about next time make the event along the lines of how many kills can you get in one hour. You choose your start time so all of us can do it when we want over the weekend. Then it is skill, not grind and fair. Not that I think life or games need to be fair. I really a wanted a statue and spent too long as always playing warframe but that is life. If you sink 30 hours into a weekend gaming do it for the gaming, not the reward at the end.

    Enjoy the journey as much if not more than the destination. Oh, and kill every SOB along the way.

  2. If drones come back can they be a bit more offensive, or stealth grineer or dampen Tenno abilities or create a vortex that sucks bullets away so we have to use Meele... Just spitballing here.

  3. I would like a score leader board in the dojo showing resources contributed, kill, resources gathered, heals, powers used etc. a hall of fame with the stats scrolling perhaps.

    In the rifle range or somewhere else have some target dummies or mannequins so we can test dps on different weapons with different modes.

    Have an alert screen in the dojo showing current alerts and maybe past alerts with those clan members who had the most kills on them or fastest time or the like.

  4. I hope DE is making lots of money as they are giving their fan base a lot of new toys often. Thanks. Time to dust off my old Rhino and Mag for a play. I finished building the volt a few days ago. Nice.

  5. What's happening as far as endgame? I have almost all the items in the game and I don't really have a lot to do anymore.

    The alert system is one of the most disliked features of the game from what I gather, is anything being done to reform it?

    I like the alert system. Gets me playing more, texting clan mates and when I am not playing I can still check the app to see what I am missing. Or makes me get my but home so I can log on for that sweet forma.

  6. Could the one who cannot be named vary his attacks each update so we didn't know whether we were going to get slash dashed or sonic boomed. Or vary his attack depending on the level he/she/it was targeting? Our clan leader got stalkered 3 times in five missions yesterday, only survived two of the attacks.

  7. 5 of us in our clan, we all log on and play every day. So far we have had 15 forma since it began. Slow but not game killing. Makes it special when we get it. Only had it from void rewards and logins.

  8. I would like to see:

    Flying infested

    Wall/cieling running MOA's, imagine hearing them coming and forgetting to look up?

    Some truly alien creature, as in something with other than 2 arms and legs and a head? Make something mindbendingly wierd, we look at it and have to think, what the hell am I looking at?

    Invisible enemies that use the Loki ability

    Teleporting enemy that do short jumps in and out to Meele attack

    Anyone one else got ideas? I did search the forums for other similar topics so if they are out there sorry for repeating things.

    Thanks DE for a cool game that sucks hours of my life away on a daily basis.


  9. Just in case the level designers are taking questions.

    In the random level generation is there a limit to maximum and minimum size of a level?

    Could we have rooms that change the direction of gravity, so walls become floors? This would make it a little like zero g without the animator a having to make new moves for everything. And could have some cool new tactics and some challenges for mapping for you eleven making guys.

    Timnz41 (Tim en zed 41)

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