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Posts posted by Br34kf4s7

  1. Am I the only one who really hates the Typhus concept?


    I want to see that four-armed philosopher king guy. Typhus is just 3edgy5me "hurr durr I shoot bone spikes everywhere" generic crowd-control press 4 to win frame.


    Also, if I remember correctly, some guy had a pretty sick idea for a dancer frame, but we just got a female so the next one will be a male. Maybe Zen monkframe will be a thing? I hope so.

  2. I remember when I was new, and I got totally floored when I saw some dude with Loki Prime. Immediately, Loki Prime was my new goal. I achieved it at rank 6 :D best farm ever!


    But yeah, call me biased, but Loki Prime is the most badass looking frame IMO, followed by Nekros and Excal even though his immortal skin looks like a redneck flames jacket. Saryn is also pretty cool if you use her immortal skin and give her the right colors.

  3. TBH when Archwing first came out, I thought it was going to be a mid-mission type thing, like where the ship blows up and we have to evac, fly around a bit, kill some enemies, and jump back into another ship. That would've been 100x cooler.

  4. Banshee feels so outdated, that even her textures need fixing. Seriously, when coloring her, you can see white pixels practically on every line on her body, unlike Loki prime, which is actually nicely textured.


    This. This is the problem I have with Banshee. She looks so weird and out of place next to all the other frames.

  5. I love the Dakka Prime as much as the next guy (with Iron Phoenix of course, I'm always OK with sacrificing damage for mobility). Speaking of which, Reaper Prime is also one of those weapons that most people ditch after they build it because they use the default stance that goes with the polarity. Stalking Fan makes it the most fun crowd-control melee ever. There's nothing more satisfying than doing a flying whirlwind through the air into a group of Grineer and having my computer lag from all the gore.

  6. Oh man, my brother is getting off Neverwinter at 9, I'd love to share the new color scheme I've made. I used to go with purple+black+white, but now I started using colors from the Storm palette and my frames have a sort of battle-hardened, gunmetal bronze look to them. I'll upload my pics after he gets off the computer, it's the first color scheme I've made that I'm really happy with.

  7.    Lastly, Tenno need a crew. Ordis can't handle all this by himself! I was thinking having other Tenno operators walking around, standing around, and maybe giving a little small talk when you walk by each other? This would eliminate that 'alone' feeling in your ship. I mean.. It's a huge ship, surely it gets lonely in there! As much as it is to do all these extra characters, and voices, it's still a cool idea, I thought. 


    I really like this idea. I want to be a Liset captain :D

  8. ITT: Rhino/Valkyr players who are upset that their favorite tankframes are now at the same level as everyone else in Archwing gameplay.


    May I remind you that Ash and Zephyr are at the moment the only valid PvP frames? Do you really want that to happen with Archwing?

  9. Ok, I get it, having a real punishment for falling would be a real pain for players. But right now, we have nothing but this really lame "fade to darkness" thing.


    Instead, could the Tenno teleport back to where the jump (attempt) began, and have a cool, portal-esque animation to accompany the relocation?

  10. The art and the community. The art direction is beautiful, and most people who play Warframe are relatively nice to each other from my experience. Also the devs. They keep up with their game (seeing how Planetside 2 turned out, I'm very thankful for this). New content every few days? Count me in!

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