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Posts posted by (PSN)GriM-728

  1. US only please after 9pm EST. I've only been back at this game for under 2 weeks. But I'm losing my mind playing with randoms. I don't mind rushing through a mission to pick up blueprints at the end but rushing just to be done no thanks. Myself and my friend farm and enjoy looting a lot. Both he an I will be restarting with new tennos. He will be Valkyr and I will be Frost. Just looking for a few to join us in our missions and looting/farming.

    Please add LK-GriM if you're interested.

  2. Last of Our Kind is a new clan to Warframe. We've previously been in other games: BFBC, BF2, BF2:MC, BFBC2, BF3, BF4 etc...we are looking to build a team here on Warframe. Currently we are only 2 members myself and my best friend. We are looking for newer players that want to farm, loot and work through every planet/moon individually.

    Generally we get on after 9pm EST and play until 12am+ EST.

    If interested add LK-GriM. We really don't have any requirements other than try and be active and have a mic. Thanks :)

  3. Could someone help me aka beat Lieutenant Lech Kril 3 times for me so I can build Frost? I'm not too far off, one planet/moon behind. I get this is a sucky post but I've got the credits to build Frost and have been dying to get rid of Volt. If anyone could help me I'm a US player EST time zone and I'll be on about 9pm. Don't add GriM-728, please add LK-GriM if you can help. Thank you

    *I'm trying to make this quick tonight just wanna be in and out 3x so you can go back to your life and I can build up Frost. Thank you

  4. beware the the comments about addiction to Iron Skin are not offhand, but rather serious. While Rhino is a great frame to speed run planetary missions, and strong all-around at lower levels, his IS ability protomtes bad habits. You get out of practice dodging/countering knockdowns, and you forget that you need to actually keep moving to avoid damage. When you swap to another frame, you're going to die a lot before you get back into it >.>


    New Oberon is good but not as amazing as portrayed. He has a lot of issues with modding optimally. In addition, the blind is very short and not relevant to enemies actually hit by the lift-slam, and Rage doesn't function when Renewal is up so health tanking is harder than it needs to be. However if you have all his parts it's not a bad idea to craft him now, and claim after 14.5 for PS4.


    Nekros is more effective as a gravedigger than as a Necromancer, so a lot of his 'theme' gets diluted. Hes just a loot generator. He really requires Fleeting Expertise, range mods, and Natural Talent, so be sure to have those. He's also a lot harder to get - in fact, Rhino is one of the best frames to fight that boss with.


    So go Rhino for now, but I would actually recommend NOT spamming IS whenever you can. That might be more effective, but its not... fun. IMO just play without IS, and only use it when you start taking health damage as an emergency ability, rather than relying on it all the time.

    Great info. Gotta say this community and forum has been a lot better than many others. To be honest I forget I have my abilities most the time unless I'm being hit by a mob or when a friend is down with a mob present. That's the only time I remember my powers with Volt. Thanks
  5. Well to stay in topic i think you should definitely take Rhino (or rhino prime if you don't mind farming void a bit).


    Rhino is one of the best frames for beginners in this game. He has an amazingly balanced kit with the perfect amount of CC Tankines and damage. You can experience all of the game's content safely with him, so if you're looking for a starter/go to frame for all situations you should definitely pick him up.


    Nekros on the other hand is not a frame you should pick up if you're still new, or even if you don't specifically need him. Nekros is mainly used for his Desecrate ability which makes farming easier. So if you're not getting him just to farm you should probably stay away from him for now.


    But seriously rhino is so good/Noob friendly that he should be one of the starter frames ><

    I mainly want Nekro due to his portrayal. I have this weird thing about death, don't need to get into it but its where I got my nickname Grim. I like what I've seen about him by from what everyone has said Rhino will be the better choice for now.
  6. His ulti(4th) has now guaranteed radiation that will make enemies attack everyone else, a blind to get out of the kill circle you just created and melee damage bonus for them being blind, and a stagger+damage to enemies with health orbs. 3rd can heal you coupled with higher armor and the health orbs form his 4th(max out steel fiber) makes him even more survivable. 2nd keeps energy leechers from messing with you. 1st smite guarantees a radiation proc with a max of 5 seeking missles that guarantee a puncture proc. Absolute against grineer and infested so you tell me.


    Of course he will eventually get the buff on the ps4. In the meantime lvl him to 30 so you can mod him when the buff comes.

    Geeze...sounds like a monster if you ask me. The idea of chaos sounds enticing too.
  7. Oberon has the immortality factor Nekros has and survivability of rhino now. Nekros is good at beginning of game for hardcore farming and to make rhino shine you need maxed vitality, steel fiber, and Redirection if you want to live in late game. Rhinos 3rd is great for a damage buff aside from that ability wise he falls off and as Jeloxale said, you will become far too reliant on Iron skin that you will die continuously later in game when its close to useless.

    Is Oberon any good? I've got parts of his build already.

  8. Been putting my work in in volt, love the tenno but thinking about building a new one. Torn between Nekros and Rhino. I love the ideas and designs behind Nekros also fits with my nickname, Grim, but being a tank is also very appealing. How hard are both to build and what are the pros/cons of each to those have experience? Thank you very much.

  9. Not sure if this is an issue or I'm doing something wrong or what but I'm having an issue with the game. Back when Loki was one of the available starters I picked him. I took a long break and just came back to the game yesterday. I saw that I "could" start with a new warframe so I did. I picked Volt beat the beginning got into my ship and there's Loki...not Volt. Why don't I have Volt? I was under the assumption I was restarting the game with Volt. I tried getting some help in the chat box but everyone is so freaking immature on there its a waste. Can someone provide some assistance? Thank you

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