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Posts posted by ReapeaterX23

  1. I am disappointed by 2 things.

    1) we didn't get corpus/Solaris themed saw parts. 

    So much untapped potential there.

    And second the lack of kitgun chambers and grips. The fast firerate grips are uglier than Vay Hek with the rambler being half decent compared to the gibber, the only thing its missing is a monitor because it reminds me of a mining tool with its interface ripped off. The gibber is just ugly.

  2. A noble warframe from the dark age the Gargoyle Knight Hadron was lost to a black hole and sent to a galaxy of pure darkness. In this cold and harsh environment he was corrupted and lost all memories while the whispers of zealots tainted his mind. Be know possesss the power of ice so cold it burns it enemies and  the whisper to summon hellish beasts and corrode his enemies. He dawns as the reborn Demon knight Hades. 

    Passive enemies killed create shadow zones that restore shields for allies or burn away at enemies(heat damage with chance to proc cold)

    [1] Cocytus - shoots black flames that can proc cold debuted, when cold proc hits they heal Hades for 2/3/5/8% 

    [2] Cerberus summons 3 hounds of he'll that can be toggled as either one large beast(DMG and Draw enemy fire) or 3 small pack hounds (CC)

    [3]Kairon's crows/Kairon's Cross

    Tap to spawn a crow with a random elemental damage and cannot enemies.

    Hold to drain health and deal increasing amounts of Damage in an AOE area around Hades. Can Proc cold, viral or Corrosive effects. 

    [4]Babyl's Reach summon the Dark wing and take flight.

    Equipping 2 flamethrowers and claw and foot weapons. Holding melee causes him to throw a spear that explodes after a set time.

    Enemies killed in this mode spawn crows.

    Mission can be found on mars where keys to a hellgate open a doorway into the cold black of The Styx System where a boss battle against Hades will determine whether or not he joins you in battle as your new favorite frame.

  3. A noble warframe from the dark age the Gargoyle Knight Hadron was lost to a black hole and sent to a galaxy of pure darkness. In this cold and harsh environment he was corrupted and lost all memories while the whispers of zealots tainted his mind. Be know possesss the power of ice so cold it burns it enemies and  the whisper to summon hellish beasts and corrode his enemies. He dawns as the reborn Demon knight Hades. 

    Passive enemies killed create shadow zones that restore shields for allies or burn away at enemies(heat damage with chance to proc cold)

    [1] Cocytus - shoots black flames that can proc cold debuted, when cold proc hits they heal Hades for 2/3/5/8% 

    [2] Cerberus summons 3 hounds of he'll that can be toggled as either one large beast(DMG and Draw enemy fire) or 3 small pack hounds (CC)

    [3]Kairon's crows/Kairon's Cross

    Tap to spawn a crow with a random elemental damage and cannot enemies.

    Hold to drain health and deal increasing amounts of Damage in an AOE area around Hades. Can Proc cold, viral or Corrosive effects. 

    [4]Babyl's Reach summon the Dark wing and take flight.

    Equipping 2 flamethrowers and claw and foot weapons.

    Enemies killed in this mode spawn crows.

    Mission can be found on mars where keys to a hellgate open a doorway into the cold black of The Styx System where a boss battle against Hades will determine whether or not he joins you in battle as your new favorite frame.

  4. 4 hours ago, Archeyef said:

    Not really. No more than saying it's good spits in the face of people who don't like it. People are allowed to voice their opinions. I don't begrudge anyone who likes it saying they like it, even if I disagree. I don't, by the way, I think it looks awesome. I just don't think it's suited to Nidus, that's all.

    Correct. Still gonna state my opinion.

    "Too" implies I have for this one. I can only speak for myself, of course, but I haven't [redacted] on it.


    Yup. Though I think it might be more accurate to say he expresses more of the warframes' infested nature. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

    Oh, we don't need a poll for that. People love this skin, and I understand why. It looks awesome. And I hope all of you who don't have my opinion on it not fitting Nidus rock it. Go for it, my dude.

    You can poison a well with negativity but you can't poison one with positivity. People liking it doesn't spit on the the face of those that don't because those that don't are inherently trying to ruin something great, not the other way around. If this did somehow become a new frame and we got a different Nidus Deluxe skin then it might be a win-win cause we all ultimately get the skin, it just won't be Nidus'

  5. All I have to say is complaining about this skin spits in the face of those who like it. While it may not fit your perception of an infestation theme. It doesnt have to. It is a departure from basic infestation. A fancier infestation if you will.

    I bet you guys will S#&$ on the Primed version too whenever that comes out. Mind you more nidus skins will be in the works just not a deluxe commisioned skin which this is. All frames have multiple official and tennogen skins. These deluxe skins are hybrid of tennogen and official in that they are made by an outsider but sold for plat(like regular skins instead of for cash like tennogens)

    Nidus is a warfame not an infested. He is a warframe made inspired by the idea of the infested. To make your nidus more infested looking give him atlas agile animation and the embolist growths +apoxys syandana, or do the work yourself by making a skin and submiting it to tennogen, or ask a tennogen artist to work on one more to your taste. I really do believe a poll would show this skin is more liked than disliked.

  6. the deluxe skin has infested parts, those complaining are not looking hard enough.

    1. Exposed Brain(Zombie status, enough said)

    2. Visible Teeth(not many frames have visible teeth)

    3. Boils and Eyes(Boils on armor, Eyes on Shoulder)

    4. Stomach and Legs look like they have exposed organs.

    5. Beige bits resemble Bone

    6. the "metalics" look insect-like

    and Finally this is only a preview they may make the "Metalics" more or less organic based on feedback(like how the Inaros deluxe skin got a quick fix because of poor colorablity)

    to get rid of the "ghostly arms" change the color to something more natural or don't use the skin otherwise leave it be for those that like it.


    Most of the deluxe skins arguably make the characters more anime..so its like Prototype(the Game) infested armor but in an anime style.

  7. To those complaining at the skin not being "infested enough" haven't looked closely at the details. There are suggestions of infestation.


    1 his exposed brain(blue)

    2 the skeletal teeth(not many frames have visible teeth)

    3 parts of the armor have boils(post stack)

    4 the pre stack armor has parts that look like bone

    5  the stomach area looks like there are exposed organs

    6 pre-stack the legs are grotesque

    7 his shoulders have eyes(deep sea fish/bug like eyes)

    and finally

    the image is only a preview the final product may look more organic than the image can possibly portray.


    P.S. we also won't be getting a Nidus Prime for quite some time and in all likelyhood this will still be cooler than what Nidus Prime ends up being. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

    I've bought about eight full-price AAA games worth of platinum in this game since I started playing about 10 months ago (please don't tell my wife!), last time as recently as a couple of weeks ago (right now I have a 50% active discount and I'm resisting the temptation). I just can't see myself buying any of the prime access packs, accessory packs or prime vault packs at those prices, because I can get better entertainment value somewhere else. No matter what's included, $140 is a ludicrous amount of money to drop on Prime Access when you can buy plat at up to 75% discount (you get to choose how much plat you want to buy) and grind/buy the prime parts. Even the $50 pack of a couple of cosmetics and boosters is not worth the price to me, because I'm not interested in purchasing the bundled extras. Give me the main "meat and potatoes" without the fillers and I'll buy, otherwise, I'll just pass every time...

    Exactly this. You're paying $50 for accessories and $140 for a single "character" plus accessories with a bunch of extra $hit. A single "character" in a free to play game. I say character instead of warframe because imagine paying the same price in any other game is rediculous. If DE continues to get away with this Companies like EA Ubi etc will see the $$ and lock all their playable characters behind paywalls.

  9. 4 hours ago, rune_me said:

    You seem to think everyone makes the same amount of money.

    See, what really matters is, how much value do you get, compared to time spend working for it. Because your time is what is actually valuable. Making a 1000 dollars is nice, but not if it took you ten years to do it. Then you only made a 100 bucks a year. 

    How long does it take you to make enough plat, in game, to buy 90 days worth of boosters (both affinity and credit)? I bet you there are many people playing this game, who could make 50 dollars much faster than that. So for them, it would be much cheaper (time and effort wise) to just buy the prime access pack. Of course there are many other people who couldn't make 50 dollars that quick, and for them, prime access is not worth it.

    But to assume that it is always cheaper to make your plat trading in game, is only true if you consider your time to have no value. 

    You're the one assuming I assume thus making an a$$ of yourself in the process I also said if you're the kind of person that thinks 50$ is disposable you don't value money you value things in which case psychologically everything you buy is valuable as long as it makes you feel good. 

  10. If money is disposable to you then everything you buy is worth it because all you care about is the adrenaline rush of getting what you want whenever you want it. Being privileged does feel good doesn't it but then you don't appreciate the value of money you appreciate the value of things. If thats you then fine but its not a healthy mindset even if you are absolutely sure in your job security.  It doesn't matter what you do but the pricing is predatory and its based on the anchor price-estimated price principle. Which is a way of calculating the sale price and the individual item price and showing you both to think you are getting a deal when in fact the company is still getting more than they should from you. Warframe's success where most companies fail could entirely shift if the prices were different we don't know but it won't ever change because so many people cave in to the current structure. 

  11. Canada...yeah no just no. Just because you decide to arbitrarily calculate the cost of digital goods doesn't make you intelligent. You deciding to defend it makes you an idiot. So no you didn't school me on anything you just made youself sound pretentious. You could get that 200 plat free and subsequently 600 plat. GG 


    I support DE for many reasons but that doesn't mean I agree with thier pricing. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Aleksi134 said:

    You can buy 90 day boosters now? Oh cool. You might aswell be my mom, since you tell me how to spend my money. Neither did you make any argument against me other than "its not worth it, imo". You literally have no point here, do you think i care about your opinion as to what i should spend my money on? You just spend whatever you spend money on and i will spend on what i spend on. Simple as that no need to get triggered.

    Idiots like you are the reason that companies can get away with this BS

  13. 4 hours ago, Aleksi134 said:

    I sell plenty of things for plat. But most stuff isnt worth much plat. Neither am i dependent on it. You actually dont know anything about me. So are you deluded?


    You think 50 dollars is worth the boosters when you could easily buy them and you argue i'm deluded lmao. Doesn't matter whether I know you. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Aleksi134 said:

    If the cosmetics themselfs alone cost 50 dollars they wouldnt be worth it. But again as said this pack comes with 90 day boosters for credit+affinity which to me personally are still useful.

    You are deluded though, they have made you dependent on that part of it. You could easily get affinity boosters for free by selling stuff for platinum.

  15. I can't believe people are still shilling for this argument that anything cosmetic in a game is worth 50$ (plus all the bundled other stuff)

    The game tricks you into thinking its valuable by also mentioning the price you could be paying if you bought every thing seperate. Its a marketing trick. Key word being trick. Oh its ONLY 149 or 179 idr but has a 260$ VALUE, get it now for a limited time. Its a marketing Trick used #*!%ing everywhere. Using fibonaci inspired price structure with products makes people by the least(most often) or middle ground price


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