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Posts posted by (PSN)heavensdistroyer

  1. I'm just asking instead of releasing them m, m ,f, f  it could go m+f and get prime warframes released faster it would be fun and it would streamline the priming of frames to a point to where the umbras can start coming out and here is a question to the devs why not make prime access a subscription where we get plat every week or so it doesn't even have to be that much like 300p per week and it would give the subscriber access to all the primes that have been released including founders items that as they have the name prime in them they deserve to be placed back into circulation just so some people can replace there standard Excalibur and have a full prime set even if you wait to re-release him as the last pack and maybe even release him at the same time as the umbra Excalibur gets its release 

    oh and i would make the subscription price like 10 to 15 usd which would give you 120 to 180 usd in your pocket per subscription for maintaining the servers at the end of every year and trust me people would do it hell i would sub in a heartbeat if prime access was done this way and to help you devs out even more i would do it on all three systems pc xbox and ps4 cause i play warframe on all three systems 

  2. ok well DE could send you a code if you were to get the in game login reward for a platinum discout that you cuold give to psn for your said discount. like say you get the 50% discount jsut take the code they would send you in game to psn and put it in to get your discount for your platinum. Next perposal if they dont want to do that they need to give PSN members the abillity to trade credits for platinum after all its not fare to have the platinum = credits option but no credits = platinum option. like say i trade 100k credits and i get 100 platnium

  3. Hi those who will join my clan. I built this clan in hopes of helping others who might be interested in being in a small clan. I dont plan on going to far above ghost clan status do to increase in research cost. I have all research labs built and currently am in the process of completing all research items im just missing afew key resources. My clan will be a mature rated clan so if you want to use what some consider bad language be my guest but i do not tollorate being mean or herrassing others. This clan will a be clan to help others who might be in need of assistance such as farming for resources or mods as well as helping unlock planets and nodes for others. We will also help find and gather all bp in the void. those new to Warframe are welcome as well as old. Almost all of the research is done just need to start on obstacle course room and duel room. If anyone has any questions please pm me in game or post somthing here and i will do my best to answer

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