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Posts posted by HtcnHBoys3043

  1. On 3/2/2024 at 6:45 PM, Hikuro-93 said:

    I assume you have cross save enabled, hence why the account you are posting from belongs to PC.

    That said, if you change your PSN username it will also reflect on your Warframe PSN account, when you are logged in on that platform. However, should you login on PC it will retain the current username and not the new PSN one.

    Same thing if you log in from other platforms, since they all retain their respective usernames.

    One thing to consider, should it matter. If your usernames aren't the same across platforms players won't be able to dm you by using a different username than the one you are currently logged on. This can matter, for example , to remain reachable while selling things on Warframe Market.

    Anyhow, best luck!


    Thanks for the help and advice greatly appreciated

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