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Posts posted by Tmg.scareface

  1. Bait no mate im real been playing for 220 hours. And ik it be outrageous to change it now but in future updates they very well could add decreased timers in the daily's and or specialized days 

    thank you guy for talking with me


  2. 12 hours ago, Pakaku said:

    Go to any relay and practice until you can nail it

    I did practice. but it's like once he finds the buddy you can't kill em  for a total of ten secs. I didn't figure that out till my third time practicing 

  3. 24 Hours just to retest for Mr ? Tsh  be real after failing you have to wait a whole  day just to come back and fail again, this is a hour trap I'd  rather invest my time in something else. I get that it's  supposed to make you want to pass the test. But maybe the count down time on mastery rank could be an hour or less. I get that it might speed up everyone to max but isn't that what you want? For a player to fully enjoy your creation. For me, I can honestly say that timer ruins it simply because I might take the test. Then after let's say I fail, instead of me going to do missions in game I might hop off don't even get on for a week, for a lot of stuff the time you have to wait is an L on the game but foundry timer is cool to an extent but 3 days? its a game what in your right mind would make you think that I found something so appealing that its worth coming back . Don't get me wrong I love warframe yet it's obviously too time consuming. And so, I offer a suggestion; Why not have days where the wait for everything in game is juristically decreased. If you do this DE I feel as if your players would spike because who would want to dedicate a day specifically to take a test on a game. Thank you for reading!

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