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Posts posted by (PSN)imstevil

  1. 10 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    a quick look at the wiki gives you your answer https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mining#Cutters

    only the high end Cetus and entry level fortuna cutter have minimap radars in them (the fortuna one is the best one because it can get extra upgrades later on)
    just hop on fortuna buy that cutter It's like 2500 standing and you'll be golden.

    Awesome, thanks for that! Watched videos everywhere an it wasn't mentioned. Searching the forums and Google just gave me the maps people run for farming. 

    Tomorrow I'll run over and grab the one at Fortuna and give it a go! 

  2. 10 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Could you link one as an example?

    Are you talking about the icons you get when you pull out your Sunpoint Drill [that is what you're using, right?] and are close enough to a vein?

    Else if you mean, markers showing all over on the full map view, then that's likely someone having placed a bunch of these:



    If you look here at the 3 minute mark, can see all over the map the icons of where he can mine.

    By what you have said though, the issue might be my mining tool. I'm using the nosam cutter, does this one not have these markers? 

  3. Been watching some videos on YouTube to help with mining. On all the videos they have the mining spots marked in their mini map. When I open my mini map I can't see any thing of the sorts. I've gone through an the settings I can think of an can't see anything you enable this. Is anyone able to help me with how to enable this?

    As a note, I checked the mask when standing next to one and it wasn't marked. So it's not that I'm just not standing near any. 

    Thanks in advance!

  4. 4 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    one round is defending both crystals once each. gotta defend both crystals 4 times or a total of 8 back and forths. Each time you finish defending the blue crystal a new round will start and you'll get the continue or leave screen  after 3 times of that you can leave once the 4th shows up

    Thanks for the helpful information!

    Just wanted to confirm one thing I didn't really understand though. You said

    "after 3 times of that you can leave once the 4th shows up"

    Does that mean I do a full 3 rounds ( 3 reward screens popping up ) or 4 rounds? Just want to make sure I'm not doing too many rounds wasting time, going to take me 12+ hours to get it at the rate I'm currently going 😮‍💨

  5. This is probably a silly question, but I'm having trouble finding the information because I'm not sure exactly what to search for...

    I've decided to try and farm citrine, I've watched did videos on it and people say the blue prints are in the C rotation when doing the mirror defence mission. I then seen that is an AABC rotation. So am I correct in thinking that I just need to do 4 rounds (so leaving one round) and then quitting? So first round still give me something from rotation a, second the same, 3rd from b and then 4th is where I have the chance for blueprints

    I've ran this 8 or 9 times like this so far and not received a single blue print. I know it's a matter of luck, but I wanted to make sure I have the right idea before wasting to much of my time. I'm way to slow at collecting crystals so really hoping I can Jag 1 or 2 of the blue prints to make it easier for me.

    any information or advice would be greatly appreciated!


  6. I'm very new to this, how do you check your progress and if you received it or not? I linked my twitch account to my warframe account and watched from the very start for over 2 hours. Not sure how to check my progress or see if it worked. Thanks in advance for any info! 


    Edit: Never mind, figured it out. It's under alerts on twitch itself. Myself and my wife both got the drop.

  7. Thanks everyone for the help, loving how helpful this community is! 

    We sat down and played as a group for the first time last night and she hasn't needed to use immolation at all yet as her FPS and crowd control means she barely takes a hit anyways. So hopefully as the difficulty slowly increases she'll get eased into it and make it easier to get used to the over heat mechanics. I get the feeling the further you get into building her up the easier it is as you gain more energy and efficiency  so dropping fire blast more often won't be as much of an issue. It consumed about half her energy to start with, but already some basic mods maxed out and it's much more cost effective to do it. 

    Again, I want to thank people for their helpful comments. I have new goals to aim for and things to look up, had no idea subsume even existed (looks to be much further in the game, but good to plan ahead) and plenty of mods to look up how to obtain when we eventually get to that point. 



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  8. Hi everyone,

    Me an a group of friends that have been playing division 2 have just moved over to give Warframe a try and all very new to the game. I do much of the build design for our small group as the rest just like to shoot an enjoy the game.

    The first build I'm working on is actually for my wife who played a pyro build in division.  So I spent the money to buy her ember so she can play with fire still.

    I've looked up a few guides and information but it can get overwhelming as she seems to have had a few work arounds / changes and hard to know what is current, throw in the fact we are new and this type of thing can be overwhelming without the added confusion.

    My thoughts at the moment are focusing on heat, so any heat mods I can throw on I will, I figure that's a given. But, I'd like to get to a point where immolation has little to no drain making it easier for her to tank. I'm not sure how viable this is though. I've seen efficiency can get it down to 25% the drain, but also found that duration slows the drain as well. Will these stack together to get her even less, or is it capped at 25%?

    I guess the next thing would be is there ways to generate the energy to offset the drain a bit easier?

    As we are new I figure being able to tank will make it easier to learn the game, and if immolation is maxed out I'd imagine ember is a decent tank. I'm sure this probably isn't the best thing for experienced players who can manage the over heating easily. But I'm looking for ease of playability for now and move onto better builds once we have a better understanding of the game.

    Any advice or help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Hoping once I have my head around one build it'll make it easier to understand for the next few! 

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